7 номер журнала

About information in the world of digital data Interview with Anatoliy Semyonovich Ovchinskiy, Ph.D. in technical sciences, professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Batalov A. A.
Problems of responsibility in international air law in the context of regional cooperation
Smirnykh S. E.
International legal status of children and youth deprived of liberty

Lopatukhin K. D.
Legal regulation and practical application of the principle of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration
Lopatukhin K. D.
Third parties in international commercial arbitration

Apolsky E. A., Buryanova E. I.
The category of “legal consciousness” in modern theoretical and legal discourse: epistemological dimension 
Kitaeva A. V.
The concept and features of the right of common ownership
Mikhaylik A. A.
On the issue of new types of legal liability .
Mokhorov D. A., Mokhorova A. Y., Demidov V. P., Dolzhenkova E.
Corruption and lobbying as attributes of political processes 
Pavlisova T. E., Shapovalov A. V.
Evolution of the institution of bankruptcy under the legislation of Russia and foreign countries 
Khut D. Sh.
Сlarification of law 
Mohorov D. A., Minkina M. V.
Lobbyism as a legal phenomenon of anti-corruption 

Bukanova R. G., Baynazarov I. N.
Siberia in the epoch of Peter I
Galiev R. M., Bainazarov I. N.
Historical traditions of the Southern Urals as a basis for forming youth culture 
Danilov V. L.
Religious protection: between freedom of expression and restrictions
Egorov I. A.
The fight against illegal armed groups in the North-West of the RSFSR in the 1920s
Kuznetsova E. V.
Social movements in the USSR in the 90s .
Nedzeluk T. G.
Problems of reception of Roman law by Russian legal science: methodological aspects of teaching the discipline
Dorozhko S. V.
Reflection of the peculiarities of the Japanese mentality in the constitution of Japan of 1889 and 1947 
Kharitonova A. N., Korchagina I. V.
Tax authorities of the Astrakhan province during the NEP period: legal regulators of activity, guarantees of fiscal security

Abdurakhmanova E. Kh., Sarkarova D. S.
Problems of protecting the right of citizens to privacy and personal data in Russia in the context of digitalization 
Alieva Kh. T., Dibirov M. T.
Political pluralism on the example of the formation of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the period from 1993 to 2021
Barasheva E. V.
Civil society in Russia as a product of the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms
Belyakova A. M.
The new ideology of modern Russia.
Ivanova L. A., Ektova V. A.
The definition of “constitutionalization” in the context of the legal category of the right to work 
Magomedova Z. R., Ramazanova E. T.
Representative democracy at the local level as a form of Democracy in the Russian Federation
Gabieva S. M.
Problems of implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation after the adoption of amendments 2020
Yarikov M. M., Radzhabova E. Sh.
The institution of electoral disputes as a means of implementing constitutional guarantees of citizens’ rights to participate in the management of State affairs 

Grunin A. G.
The ratio of administrative and criminal penalties in the system of state enforcement measures 
Pestov R. A., Savochkina D. O., Gabdullin T. R.
Prevention of domestic violence: an interdisciplinary aspect
Petrovskaya M. I.
Basic approaches to administrative and legal regulation of public administration in the field of forced migration in Russia 
Semenov A. V.
The process of proving when bringing to administrative responsibility in the field of traffic
Chelpanova M. M., Ponezhina L. Yu.
The internal affairs bodies as a subject of administrative and legal counteraction to violations that infringe on public order and public safety during public events 
Khalilev R. A.
Administrative and legal framework for combating corruption in education

Popova Yu. A., Peredriy T. E.
Term for applying to the court as a procedural instrument for protecting the rights of taxpayers in modern Russian administrative legal proceedings

Ivenskaya A. A.
Implementation of the principle of transparency of the arbitration process in the modern world

Gadisov D. R., Nimatulaeva R. A.
Participation of public authorities in the resolution of conflicts and disputes of local self-government
Pivovarova I. V.
Audit of the company’s social policy

Altynbaeva L. M.
Execution of court decisions by bailiffs: problems and possible solutions 
Ananjeva E. O., Ivliev P. V.
Actual problems of legal regulation of the insurance market in modern Russia
Antonov A. G.
Problems of challenging judicial acts in the arbitration process
Bashilov B. I., Oleynik A. D.
Standards of proof when considering applications for interim measures in bankruptcy cases 
Boyarskaya Yu. N.
Problems of legal regulation of air transportation in the context of digital transformation of transport
Butsan E. Yu.
Genesis of the concept of abuse of rights: property law perspective (on the basis of radical legal traditions)
Gayday M. K., Gerasimova Yu. R.
Mediative competence as a condition of a conflict-free educational environment 
Ermakova E. P., Protopopova O. V.
Digital rights and digital relations
Kornakova S. V., Chigrina E. V.
Russian legislative initiatives as a response to modern challenges and threats: problematic aspects 
Mironov D. V.
The legal nature of databases used in the field of public and municipal administration
Pronina Yu. O., Petrov N. V., Pavlov D. I.
De facto marital relations in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus: perspectives of legal regulation
Smirnov I. A.
Personal characteristics of positively characterized persons sentenced to imprisonment
Sudakova O. V.
Conflicts and gaps in Russian transport legislation as a basis for its codification
Tarasova I. A.
Features of marriage in foreign countries 
Kupchina E. V.
NFT in copyright: a new tool of protection or a subject of dispute?
Yastremskiy I. A.
The procedure for recognizing as unacceptable the terms of the contract for the provision of medical services in the field of plastic surgery .
Rusakova E. P., Khuzziatov A. A.
Artificial intelligence as a mechanism for implementing the open terms of the contract 
Aliev G. A.
Legal regime of premises as an object of civil rights 
Ananjev O. G., Ivliev P. V.
On the issue of modernization of the domestic insurance system as a way to develop the Russian economy 
Ananjeva E. O., Kachmazova A. Yu.
Bankruptcy of electric grid companies and reduction of the risk of state-owned companies in the organization of new grid companies and guaranteeing suppliers
Ivenskaya A. A.
Guarantees of the independence of advocacy
Kudinova A. V.
Surrogacy as a legal institution
Paraskevidi M. A.
Performing remote notarial actions: possible ways of development in Russia
Sidorov S. S.
The role of the digital ruble in the modernizationof the national financial system of Russia 
Shakhnazarov U. M.
Homeowners’ association as a form of management of common property in an apartment building

Paraskevidi M. A.
The essence of cassation proceedings in the arbitration process and the development of the norms of domestic procedural legislation on the grounds for the cancellation of a court decision in cassation proceedings
Popova Yu. A., Korosteleva Yu. A.
On the issue of online dispute resolution with the participation of consumers
Rusakova E. P., Sergeev K. B.
International experience in the application of digital technology in civil litigation
Ryazantsev M. Yu.
Comparative analysis of approaches of the ICC, LCIA and HKIAC Arbitration Rules to consideration of cases with multiple parties 

Denisova Yu. V.
The history of mediation development from the XIX century to the present
Pivchenko S. V.
Charity and social protection of orphans in the perspective of the humanist philosophical and legal paradigm of human values 

Gazizova L. M., Shagimuratova Z. A.
The origins of the creation and the foundations of the formation of the Social Fund of Russia 
Khasanov A. O.
Legal regulation of interaction between employers and trade union bodies in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

Alieva E. B., Omarova S. S.
Problems of conducting tax audits (on the example of RD) 
Konokin D. V.
Regulation of BNP fintech services in the Russian Federation and abroad 
Alieva E. B., Mezhidov O. J.
Problems of legal regulation of banking activities of the Russian Federation 

Fedorov E. P.
The principle of payment for goods upon sale as an economically driven business practice and a contradiction to the law 

Bazhanov S. A.
Obtaining a microloan from a microfinance organization as a way to avoid forced deportation from the Russian Federation 
Bichenova A. R., Deriglazova O. A.
Causes and conditions of crimes committed by minors related to terrorist activities 
Volosyuk P. V., Urusov M. M.
Characteristics of the objective side of the corpus delicti provided for in article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 
Zakaznova A. N., Morgulenko E. A.
Features of determination of violent crimes against military service in combat conditions
Zorina N. S.
Causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of illegal acts by minors and ways to solve them
Isakhov J. I.
Victimological measures to prevent suicide by self-immolation: state and prospects
Kerefova B. R., Chernozyomova Ya. V., Hayrapetyan R. G.
Actual questions of combating corruption in tax authorities (on the example of St. Petersburg)
Knyazeva O. V.
Programs and activities for social support and rehabilitation of families with criminogenic dysfunctions to prevent juvenile delinquency 
Kulakov N. A., Likhovenkov S. I.
Fairness and effectiveness of criminal punishment for terrorist crimes 
Novik N. M.
Specifics of qualifying a knowingly false report of an act of terrorism committed with hooligan motives 
Ozerskiy S. V.
Investigation of the phenomenon of crime growth among the elderly in 2012-2022
Sevostyanova А. G., Chekmareva K. S.
Classification of criminal penalties by severity according to the legislation of foreign countries
Suverov S. E.
Determining the stage of the commission of a crime in the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues 
Stupina S. A.
The content of the threat of blackmail as a method of committing a crime 
Tailova A. G., Gairbegov S. A., Abakarova B. G.
Crime in the field of professional sports 
Shaganova O. М.
Features of the qualification of illegal distribution and public display of pornographic materials or materials with pornographic images of minors, committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet 
Anderia D. G. K.
Historical aspects of the development of criminal responsibility for actions performed with the use of artificial intelligence systems 
Vodneva K. V.
Legal regulation of relations in process of preventing crimes in the field of high technology
Vtorushina V. V.
Armed attacks on educational institutions in Russia: trends and current issues of schoolshooting
Kerefova B. R., Mikhaylova E. N., Chernozemova Ya. V., Melnikov S. V.
Features of the application of judicial practice in criminal cases on crimes of extremism and terrorism
Kulik T. D.
Release from criminal responsibility 
Uzhakhov M. K.
Features of Russia’s international cooperation in the fight against the legalization of criminal income and the financing of terrorism

Abdrazyapov R. R.
On certain aspects of the organization of the storage of seized timber in criminal cases
Grishin D. A., Antipov A. Yu.
Foreign experience of digitalization of the criminal process
Isanbaev I. S.
About some issues that arise when receiving information about connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices
during the investigation of a criminal case
Lantukh E. V., Lantukh N. V., Chasovnikova O. G.
Problems of realization of the right to release minors from criminal liability with the use of coercive measures of educational influence 
Legostaev S. V.
Procedural status of a correctional facility operative
Malkova L. L.
State-public (public-state) associations in the penitentiary sphere
Serkerov S. E., Marianov A. A., Yagadinov Ya. Ya.
Some problems of the Russian court with the participation of jurors
Tarichko I.Yu.
State ideology as the basis for the formation of the criminal procedure policy of Russia
Isanbaev I. S.
The right of the lawyer to be present during the search in the premises of the organization or the will of the investigator
Kuznetsov A. A.
The rights of the defender of the accused and their guarantees
Kurlyshev A. O.
About some problems of participation in the criminal process of a lawyer by appointment
Lantukh N. V., Lantukh E. V., Chasovnikova O. G.
Pedagogue and psychologist in criminal proceedings involving minors 
Novikova L. V., Suleymanov T. A.
Legal assessment of the institute of rehabilitation in the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation
Serkerov S. E., Marianov A. A., Yagadinov Ya. Ya.
A minor as a subject of criminal proceedings in modern Russia.

Minsafina S. N.
Some problematic issues of the implementation of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers, correctional institutions and correctional centers 

Abaev N. B.
Actual problems of forensic research of digital information 
Galyautdinov R. R.
On countering the disclosure and investigation of official violent crimes and criminalistic methods of its neutralization
Danilyan E. S.
Consultant for the investigation of non-obvious crimes 
Domovets S. S., Sycheva A. V.
About some features of committing theft in the field of delivery of goods and cargo
Imaeva Yu. B., Ermolaeva L. N.
Features related to the forensic study of computer information for the purpose of disclosure and investigation of crimes
Kostyuchenko O. G.
Features of the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle and a thermal imaging device when examining the scene of an accident
Ovsyannikova E. I.
Using logistic regression and a synthetic approach based on the minority resampling method to detect credit card fraud 
Pechnikova R. B.
Aspects of using the information from digital messages in the interrogation of the suspect 
Sysenko A. R.
Preparation of electronic media for the appointment of forensic examinations in criminal cases
Kharitonov S. A.
Criminalistics characteristics and models of mechanisms for investigating crimes in «hot pursuit» 
Zadorozhniy A. A.
Features of conducting crime scene investigation in the disclosure of crimes of terrorist nature committed using remote-controlled explosive devices
Dzyuba A. O.
Features of inspection of the scene of the accident, search and seizure in the investigation of fraud in the field of lending
Karpinskiy D. A.
Preliminary investigation and initial stage of investigation of frauds related to paranormal and occult services
Krasnikov V. N.
On the interaction of the search units of the Internal Affairs Directorate with public formations in the implementation
of the search for missing persons
Kharitonov S. A.
The use of innovative technologies in the investigation of crimes on “hot trails”

Ardashev R. G.
Belief in the supernatural as an enduring factor of mysticism and fraud 
Velikanova L. P., Podosinnikova E. A., Podosinnikov S. A., Taysaeva S. B.
Cognitive mechanisms of construction of a victimic society
Boloban M. L., Ulanov N. D., Petrova E. S., Amirova D. K.
Victims of IT crimes: psychological and criminological characteristics 
Zakaznova A. N.
Criminal characteristic and the personality`s typology of criminal who have committed violent crimes against military service 
Nazarov A. A.
On methodological approaches and results of the study of crimes related to fraudulent actions committed by military personnel when receiving payments 
Ryasov A. V.
On measures to counteract crimes committed in organized forms
Strizhenov A. V., Gushchin D. N., Mansurova Z. R., Valieva A. R.
Criminological characteristics of juvenile delinquency 
Stupina S. A.
Group crime in modern conditions
Tailova A. G., Gasanov M. M., Abakarova B. G.
Features of the manifestation of state-corporate crime in the United States
Tarasova L. Ya.
Causes of neonaticide and issues of prevention as a criminological problem
Sherstyanykh A. S.
Cybercrime: current state and directions of counteraction 
Vodneva K. V.
Crime prevention in the field of information technology as modern criminological knowledge about crime prevention and prevention 

Izuymov I. V.
Legal regulation of anti-corruption prosecutor’s offices 

Ivanchenko E. S., Boyko A. D., Menshchikov M. P.
Some problems of professional and applied physical training of employees of criminal investigation units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and ways of their solutions 
Rodionova O. R.
Improving legal relations in the field of application of forms and methods of public administration of the activities of internal affairs bodies and their officials
Fedina L. M.
Stages of development of information infrastructure in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the impact
of this process on the effectiveness of the fight against crime
Filimonov R. N., Kanzafarov M. A., Zaviryukha A. M.
Sports leisure for students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as a means of independent physical training: current problems and ways to solve them
Urusov Z. Kh.
About ways of implementation of control and supervisory functions by the bodies of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Samiulina Ya. V.
On the definition of the concept of prosecutorial supervision of the administrative activity of the internal affairs bodies
Kholopova T. V.
Prevention of offenses by the internal affairs bodies
Shtarev D. O., Khaertdinov V. F., Ovchinnikov E. A.
Special crime prevention as part of the operational investigative activities of the internal affairs bodies 

Tarchokov B. A.
The spread of extremism and terrorism in the global information space
Mamontov D. Yu., Gorbatenko S. A.
Actual problems of counteraction by operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to modern terrorist and extremist threats 
Sukhorukov V. A., Loginov S. N.
Deviant behavior among young people in an urban environment and legal consequences
Tarchokov B. A.
Development of extremist and terrorist crimes committed using digital technologies 
Shogenov T. M., Fedorenko S. P., Buraeva L. A.
Topical issues of countering the activities of extremist organizations on the internet in conditions of foreign policy instability

Bogatyryova Yu.O., Malikov T.I.,
The role of a foreign language in the formation of tolerance
Gabdrashitova K. I., Yakushev E. V., Ivashchenko N. Yu.
Bases of teaching physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 
Zinchenko N. V., Vodolatskiy K. V., Kuznetsov A. V.
Basic rules of conduct when captured as a hostage or being in the zone of a terrorist act
Kashintseva I. L., Ananjev O. G.
Practical training in getting higher education ..
Nosov I. A., Zhabkin A. S., Khamitov A. R., Khatuaev M. O.
Development of professional readiness of police officers to perform official tasks in special conditions
Nosova D. Kh., Valieva A. R., Zhabkin A. S., Khatuaev M. O.
Development of communication skills of future police officers 

Kovalev T. V., Burdinskiy I. A., Mansurova Z. R., Tukumnetov R. A.
On the role of moral and psychological training in the activities of police officers

Bredikhin A. V.
The Islamic vector of Chine’s domestic policy. Part 2. The Pakistan factor 
Rakhmatullina Z. B., Kovrov V. F.
Problems of integration and adaptation of children with disabilities in society

Ilikbaeva E. S., Grigorus L. N.
Market mechanism on the territory of the Russian Federation
Kalimullina A. R., Kantor O. G.
Approaches to innovative development of procurement activities of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation 
Musina D.R., Musina A.E.
Public-private partnership in the development of industry digital platforms
Radchenko E. P., Vdovina A. N.
Public-private partnership in the penitentiary system and employment of convicts in foreign countries 
Skvortsova V. A.
Customs control after the release of goods: current state and directions of development
Shalaginova N. A., Ryaboshapka A. I., Palamarchuk S. A.
Concepts of the construction of tax legislation in various states
Shildt L. A., Bikeeva N. G., Bayduganova K. V.
The use of digitalization, artificial intelligence and their Russian realities 
Gretskiy G. V.
BRICS and emerging economies. Comparative prospects: features of the formation of a new regional economic system
Shiryaev R. S.
Study of the main types of quasi-corporate organizational-legal associations of capital and their application in the modern economy 
Wu Mingxuan
The role of finance in the modern economy 
Sun Jingyi
Comparison of Chinese and Russian experience in building a digital legal space 
Zhu Yichen
Directions of development of the digital economy and digital technologies in Russia 

Abdeev A. A.
Sufism in the understanding of Shigabutdin Marjani (based on the book «Mukadima wafiyyat al-aslyaf») 
Abrarova Z. F., Mayatskaya O. B.
Socio-philosophical analysis of communication technologies in the optimization of the organization’s activities 
Konopleva A. A., Krivoruchko A. A.
Cultural code of patriotism 
Semkina E. N., Bogatyreva O. V., Zaytsev N. N., Kononova S. V.
Features of patriotism in modern Russia: essence, comparative analysis, state and problems of formation
Sudakova N. E., Plintsovskiy A. S.
Sociocultural inclusive practices in modern Russia as a subject of philosophical analysis 
Stepanenko A. S.
Neural network and artificial intelligence as a category of dualism in the philosophy of consciousness 
Ulanov A. A., Sharipova V. V.
The role of communication space in society
Farkhitdinova O. M.
Philosophical grounds for determining new types of problems during religious studies expertise
Butenko A. K.
Problematic issues of the study of historical consciousness 
Zandelov V. V.
The essence of law equity in works by I. A. Ilyin 
Konstantinov A.Yu.
The phenomenon of Yoga in modern world – the evolution of Yoga as discursive practice under the neoliberal`s etos influence
Stepanenko A. S.
Knowledge and information of Artificial Intelligence as new categories of Philosophy of Law

About information in the world of digital data
Interview with Anatoly Semenovich Ovchinsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

BATALOV Alexander Alexandrovich
Ph.D. in Law, LL.M. in International Air and Space Law (Leiden University), Alternate Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
This article examines problems of responsibility of States and regional international organizations in view of regional cooperation in various fields governed by international air law, especially in such fields as air traffic services and aviation safety surveillance. It is concluded that the expansion of contractual and institutional forms of regional cooperation in international air law leads to the development of special rules of responsibility of States and regional international organizations in different regions and even self-contained regimes. The development of such special rules and self-contained regimes poses the risk of diverse and controversial interpretation and application of primary rules of international air law and, eventually, the risk of its fragmentation. Moreover, the problem of application of rules on international responsibility with respect to third States, not parties to the regional agreements and not members of regional international organizations arises in the context of the regional cooperation mentioned above. In particular, in case of transfer of air traffic services or safety oversight functions by one State of the region to another State or regional international organization, a third State might face the impossibility of holding any of these States or regional international organization responsible, for example , in view of aviation accident resulting from improper fulfillment of the transferred functions. In the long-term perspective, this problem might be resolved by the adoption of the relevant amendments to the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944.
Keywords: international responsibility, air traffic services, flight safety, regional international organization, fragmentation of international air law.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Batalov A. A. Supporting processes of formation of norms of international air law: current issues of theory and practice // Moscow Journal of International Law. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 64-80.
2. Dementiev A. A. Institute of responsibility in international air law: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Moscow. – 2016. – 27 p.
3. Ispolinov A. S. The principle of autonomy of European Union law, its external dimension and role in the process of constitutionalization of the EU // Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. – 2022. – No. 5. – P. 251-277.
4. Kadysheva O. V. Comparative legal characteristics of the rules on liability and compensation for harm in the WTO, the EU and the EAEU // Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 48-58.
5. Abeyratne R. Rulemaking in Air Transport. A Deconstructive Analysis. – Сham, Switzerland: Springer. – 2016. – 251 p.
6. Abeyratne R. Strategic Issues in Air Transport. Legal, Economic and Technical Aspects. – Сham, Switzerland: Springer. – 2012. – 424 p.
7. Andika Immanuel Simatupang State responsibility over safety and security on air navigation of civil aviation in international law // Indonesian Journal of International Law. – 2016. – No. 2. – Pp. 275-295.
8. Van Antwerpen N. Cross-Border Provision of Air Navigation Services with Specific Reference to Europe: Safeguarding Transparent Lines of Responsibility and Liability. – The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. – 2008. – 276 p.
9. Fink M. The Action for Damages as a Fundamental Rights Remedy: Holding Frontex Liable // German Law Journal. – 2020. – No. 3. – Pp. 532-548.
10. Havel B.F. and Mulligan J.Q. The Triumph of Politics: Reflections on the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union Validating the Inclusion of Non-EU Airlines in the Emissions Trading Scheme // Air & Space Law. – 2012. – No. 1. – Pp. 3-33.
11. Huang J. Aviation Safety through the Rule of Law. ICAO’s Mechanisms and Practices. – The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. – 2009. – 256 p.
12. Jasiuk E., Konert A., Detyniecka A., Targonska E. The responsibility of a State in the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2019. – No. 43. – Pp. 113-118.
13. Luigi Lonardo and Elisabet Ruiz Cairo. The European Court of Justice Allows Third Countries to Challenge EU Restrictive Measures, Case C-872/19 P, Venezuela v Council // European Constitutional Law Review. – 2022. – No. 1. – Pp. 114-131.
14. Manzini P. and Masutti A. The Application of the EU ETS System to the Aviation Sector: From Legal Disputes to International Retaliations? // Air & Space Law. – 2012. – No. 4-5. – Pp. 307-324.
15. Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention: The Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty / Edited by Mendes de Leon P. and Buissing N. – The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. – 2019. – p. 446.
16. Nedeski N. Shared Obligations and the Responsibility of an International Organization and Its Member States (The Case of EU Mixed Agreements) // International Organizations Law Review. – 2021. – Vol. 18. – Issue 2. – Pp. 139-178.
17. Quenivet N. Binding the United Nations to Human Rights Norms by Way of the Laws of Treaties // George Washington International Law Review. – 2010. – Vol. 42. – Pp. 587-621.
18. Ryngaert C., Buchanan H. Member State responsibility for the acts of international organizations // Utrecht Law Review. – 2011. – Vol. 7. – Issue 1. – Pp. 131-146.
19. Schubert F. The liability of air navigation services in the Single European Sky // Annals of Air and Space Law. – 2003. – Vol. XXVIII. – Pp. 57-94.
20. Sehnalek D. The Responsibility of the European Union under International Law // Czech Yearbook of International Law. – 2018. – Vol. IX. – Pp. 289-312.
21. Simma B, Pulkowski D. Of Planets and the Universe: Self-contained Regimes in International Law // European Journal of International Law. – 2006. – Vol. 17. – No. 3. – Pp. 483-529.

SMIRNYKH Sergey Evgenyevich
Ph.D. in Law, General Secretary of the Russian Association of International Law
The article deals with the international legal status of children and youth deprived of liberty. It is noted that children and youth deprived of liberty are among the most vulnerable groups. Children and youth deprived of liberty are placed in detention centers, prisons or other institutions from which they cannot leave at will. Children and young people may be deprived of their liberty only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest periods of time. This basic provision of international human rights law also provides that if it is nevertheless necessary to deprive a child of his or her fundamental right to liberty, he or she should be treated humanely and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.
Keywords: international legal status, children and youth, deprivation of liberty, most vulnerable groups, international human rights law.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Shamrin M. Yu. Institute of Children’s Ombudsman in Russia, Scotland and Jamaica: comparative legal analysis: monograph / Ed. D.K. Nechevina. – Moscow: Prospekt, 2020. – 480 pp.
2. Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
3. Greeting from the Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation T. Ya. Khabrieva // Russian Yearbook of International Law. 2022. CONTRAST LLC. – St. Petersburg, 2023. – pp. 13-14.
4. The concept of foreign policy of the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on March 31, 2023). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
5. Children affected by armed conflict and violence DELIVERED BY Assistant Secretary-General Ilze Brands Kehris AT High-level Conference on The Global State of Human Rights 15 July 2022. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
6. Mazurana D. Child marriage in armed conflict // International Review of the Red Cross. 2019. P. 101 (911). 575-601.
7. Pilar Trinidad Núñez. Que es un nino? Una vision desde el derecho internacional publico // Revista Española de Educación Comparada. 2003. No. 9.
8. Sharapov R.D. Violence in criminal law: Concept, qualification, improvement of the mechanism of criminal legal prevention: dis. … doc. legal Sciences / Lv. state legal acad. – Ekaterinburg, 2006. – 418 p.
9. Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC-21/14 of August 19, 2014.
10. Kolosov Yu.M. What “perestroika” gave to the children of Russia // Moscow Journal of International Law. Special issue. 1998. December. pp. 83-88.
11. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam 1990 [Electronnal resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/08/2023).
12. Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. Children and armed conflicts. Human Rights Council February 27 – March 31, 2023 A/HRC/52/60 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed September 8, 2023).
13. Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 1 (part I) art. 19.
14. Federal Law “On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care” dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1996. No. 52. Article 5880.
15. Follow-up of The Belgian EU Presidency-Youth Note of 2010. The European and International Policy Agendas on Children, Youth and Children’s Rights. State of the Art – Update 2016.
16. United Nations World Program of Action for Youth 2010 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
17. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth Peace and Security 2015 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
18. United Nations Human Settlements Program 2018 // Youth and human rights. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights // UN Document A/HRC/39/33.
19. African Youth Charter 2006 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/08/2023).
20. Federal Law of December 30, 2020 No. 489-FZ “On youth policy in the Russian Federation” // Russian newspaper. 2021. 11 Jan.
21. Zamakhina T. The age of youth was raised to 35 years inclusive // Russian newspaper. 2020. No. 291.
22. Liefaard T. Access to Justice for Children Deprived of Their Liberty. In Protecting Children Against Torture in Detention: Global Solutions for a Global Problem. Washington D.C.: American University. Washington College of Law. 2017.
23. Global Study on the Situation of Children Deprived of Liberty 2019 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/30/2023).
24. Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 // Gazette of the Congress of the People’s Republic of the USSR and the USSR Supreme Court. 1990. No. 45. Art. 955.
25. Children behind bars: lost childhood and future. New UN study 2019 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/30/2023).
26. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/30/2023).
27. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (Beijing Rules) 1985 // International Human Rights Acts, Collection of documents. M.: Publishing house. group “NORMA-INFRA-M”, 1998.
28. IACtHR, Bulacio v. Argentina, Judgment, 18 September 2003; NGO Advisory Council for Follow-up to the UN Study on Violence against Children, Five Years On: A global update on violence against children, October 2011.
29. Francisco Legaz Cervantes, Juan José, Periago Morant & Amparo Pozo Martinez, ‘Model of Psychosocial Intervention for Children Deprived of Liberty in a Juvenile Justice Framework: Efficiency Through International Standards’, Protecting Children against Torture in Detention: Global Solutions for a Global Problem. 2017. pp. 217-231.
30. Clare-Ann Fortune. The Good Lives Model: A strength-based approach for youth offenders // Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2018. Vol. 38.
31. Mezyaev A.B. The death penalty and modern international law // Russian Yearbook of International Law. 1998-1999. Social and commercial company “Russia-Neva”. St. Petersburg, 1999. pp. 231-243.
32. 2012 decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the case of Miller v. Alabama // (accessed March 24, 2023).< br /> 33. Juveniles and the Death Penalty. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 01/25/2023).

LOPATUKHIN Klim Dmitrievich
master of law of theprogram “Private International Law” of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
This article examines the most important principle and distinctive feature of international commercial arbitration – namely, the principle of confidentiality. The author considers the main approaches to ensuring confidentiality in international commercial arbitration, adopted both in regulatory legal acts and applied based on established practice. The analysis of subjects, as well as materials that are affected by the requirements of confidentiality and privacy, is carried out. The main problems in the practical implementation of this institute are highlighted.
Keywords: international commercial arbitration, transparency, confidentiality, disclosure of information, privacy, institutional arbitration.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Greshnikov I.P. Special opinion of the arbitrator. In the book. International commercial arbitration: Textbook; issue 9; 2nd ed., revised. and additional; resp. ed. T. A. Lunaeva; scientific ed. O. Yu. Skvortsov, M. Yu. Savransky, G. V. Sevastyanov. – M.: Statute, 2018.
2. Erofeeva N. M. Privacy and confidentiality in international commercial arbitration // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. – 2015. – No. 10. – P. 186-187.
3. Kuznetsov V. A. Trends in the development of international commercial arbitration. In the book. International commercial arbitration: Textbook; issue 9; 2nd ed., revised. and additional; resp. ed. T. A. Lunaeva; scientific ed. O. Yu. Skvortsov, M. Yu. Savransky, G. V. Sevastyanov. – M.: Statute, 2018.
4. Lashkov N. S. Confidentiality of arbitration proceedings. Concept and limits // Law. – 2015. – No. 10. – P. 48-58 @@ Erofeeva N. M. Privacy and confidentiality in international commercial arbitration // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. – 2015. – No. 10. – P. 186-187.
5. Alexis C. Brown, Presumption Meets Reality: An Exploration of the Confidentiality Obligation in International Commercial Arbitration. 16 AM. U. INT’L L. (2001).
6. Gu Weixia, Confidentiality Revisited: Blessing or Curse in International Commercial Arbitration? 15 AM. REV. INT’L ARB.
7. Pieter Sanders, Book Review: Quo Vadis Arbitration? Sixty Years of Arbitration Practice, 95 AM. J. INT’L L. (2001).
8. Smeureanu I. M. Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration // Kluwer Law International. – 2011. – P. 21.

LOPATUKHIN Klim Dmitrievich
master of law of the program “Private International Law” of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
In this article, a study of the extension of the arbitration agreement to third parties is carried out. The main requirements that apply to the involvement of an additional party in the proceedings within the framework of international commercial arbitration are studied. Despite the fact that the parties are autonomous in matters of including an arbitration agreement, the national legislation of various states is based on the possibility of extending the arbitration agreement to third parties.
Keywords: international commercial arbitration, third parties, arbitration, arbitration clause, arbitration agreement.
Item-by-item bibliography
1. Batyrshina K. Theoretical aspects of “lifting the corporate veil”: knowledge of the legal nature of this phenomenon // Lawyer. – 2016. – No. 4. // SPS Consultant Plus.
2. Karabelnikov B. Third parties and the arbitration court: Russian problems // Arbitration Association (RAA). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration 10 / Y. Derains, E.A. Schwartz. – 2005.
4. When are non-signatories bound by the arbitration agreement in international commercial arbitration? / University of Chile and University of Heidelberg, Master in International Law (LL.M.) // Investment, Trade and Arbitration. – 2012, March.

APOLSKY Evgeniy Alexandrovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the Rostov Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), associate professor of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the branch of the S. Yu. Witte Moscow University, in Rostov-on-Don
BURYANOVA Evgenia Ivanovna
Ph.D. in Law, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economics, Management and Law
Of all the significant categories of theoretical jurisprudence, legal consciousness is particularly relevant, influencing both the process of perception of legal reality of almost all individuals without exception, and the spheres of practical jurisprudence (lawmaking, law enforcement). The increased interest in legal consciousness today is due to the ongoing search for the original foundations of domestic law, politics and related phenomena, and a turn towards our own paradigm of political, legal and mental and theoretical development. The authors of the article, using general scientific and special methods of cognition, explore the epistemological dimension of legal consciousness in domestic discourse and analyze approaches to understanding its essence and structure. The conclusion is formulated that legal consciousness, as a key category of legal science, is in the process of its development. The presence of competing approaches to understanding the essence and set of key elements of the structure of the legal phenomenon under study, noted in the article, should be recognized as a positive aspect that opens up heuristic prospects in the process of understanding the patterns of genesis and evolution of legal consciousness in Russian society.
Keywords: legal consciousness, legal psychology, legal ideology, legal knowledge, legal values, legal culture.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gusarova M. A. The problem of legal consciousness as a sociocultural phenomenon // Manuscript. – 2017. – No. 9 (83). – pp. 73-75.
2. Vlasova G. B., Drozdova A. M., Kovalev V. V., Melnikova O. V., Ryasnyanskaya N. A. Study of current problems of the level and formation of legal consciousness and legal culture of modern student youth: monograph. Volume 2 / Under general. ed. Doctor of Law sciences, prof. A. M. Drozdova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2022. – 260 p.
3. Kazachanskaya E. A., Ovchinnikov A. I., Oganesyan A. K. Religious legal consciousness in the digital world and European conservatism // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. – 2022. – No. 476. – P. 95-104.
4. Lyubashits V. Ya., Mordovtsev A. Yu., Mamychev A. Yu. Theory of state and law: textbook. – Ed. 2nd, add. and processed – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010. – 700 p.
5. Ovchinnikov A.I., Konopy A.S. Legal awareness, social control and legal responsibility in the digital era: modern risks and challenges // Legal Orbit. – 2022. – No. 2. – P. 64-68.
6. Oganesyan A.K. Theocratic ideas in state-legal concepts of domestic jurists of the late XIX – first half of the XX centuries: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Rostov n/d, 2023. – 33 p.
7. Legal theology in interdisciplinary discourse / Rep. ed. A. I. Ovchinnikov. – M.: RG-Press, 2023. – 544 p.
8. Volkov A. A., Drozdova A. M., Kovalev V. V., Ryasnyanskaya N. A., Chursina P. V. Russian legal consciousness of students in the context of the introduction of infocommunication technologies. Volume 1 / Under general. ed. A. M. Drozdova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2021. – 211 p.
9. Rybakov V. A. Legal consciousness: on the issue of the concept // Bulletin of Omsk State University. Series. Right. – 2015. – No. 3 (44). – pp. 23-28.
10. Syrykh V. M. Theory of state and law: textbook. – 3rd edition, revised. and additional – M., 2004. – 703 p.

KITAEVA Alina Vladimirovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Professional disciplines sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
This article discusses the issues of the concept and features of the right of common ownership. Various points of view regarding the definition of the right of common ownership are indicated, the features of this civil law institution are disclosed.
Keyword: the right of common ownership, shared ownership, joint ownership, co-owners, disposal of common property.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Braginsky M.I., Vitryansky V.V. Contract law. General provisions. – M.: Statute, 2014. – 345-p.
2. Zinchenko S. A., Galov V. V. Property and derivative rights (doctrine, legislation, law enforcement). 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Rostov n/d: Profpress., 2022. – 236 p.
3. Kamyshansky V. P. Property rights: limits and restrictions. 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Law and Law, 2019. – 308 p.
4. Sklovsky K.I. Property in civil law. 7th ed., revised. – M.: Statute, 2016. – 193 p.
5. Slepko G. E., Strazhevich Yu. N., Tkachev A. I. Grounds for the emergence of common property and the use of the presumption of community of propertyin relation to spouses, one of whom is a military personnel // ENI “Military Law”. – 2022. – No. 2. – P. 12-27.

MIKHAYLIK Anna Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University
This article provides a legal analysis of legal liability and its new types. The institution of legal responsibility is an important mechanism for regulating public relations. With the development of social relations, new types of legal liability are identified. This situation creates the basis for discussions on this issue. Some significant opinions on this issue are given in scientific work. Within the framework of this article, “financial”, “budgetary”, “tax” and other types of legal liability are separately considered.
Keywords: legal liability, types of legal liability, tax liability, financial liability, budgetary liability.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. – M.: INFRA-M, 2011.
2. Kozlov V. A. Theory of state and law. – L., 1987. – P. 517.
3. Polyakov A.V. General theory of law. – St. Petersburg, 2006.
4. Zrazhevskaya T. D. Responsibility under Soviet state law // Jurisprudence. – 1975. – No. 1. – P. 81.
5. Epaneshnikov V.S. Legal responsibility of persons serving a sentence of imprisonment: Author’s abstract. dis. … doc. legal Sci. – M., 2000. – P. 10.
6. Veremeenko I. I. Administrative and legal sanctions. – M.: Legal literature, 1975. – P. 11.
7. Malko A.V. Theory of State and Law. – M., 2000. – P. 196.
8. Shargorodsky M.D., Ioffe O.S. On the system of Soviet law // Soviet state and law. – 1957. – No. 6. – P. 106-109.
9. Alekseev S.S. General theoretical problems of the system of Soviet law. – M.: Legal. lit., 1961. – P. 25.
10. Boykov O. Part one of the Tax Code: new for arbitration courts // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. – 1998. – No. 11. – P. 23.
11. Chernikov V. S., Chernikova E. V. Responsibility of credit institutions for violation of banking legislation // Modern law. – 2001. – No. 4. – P. 56.
12. Shevchenko E. V. Responsibility for violation of budget legislation // Taxes and financial law. – 2009. – No. 3. – P. 18.
13. Turusova O. S. Family legal responsibility in the Russian Federation and foreign countries: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – M., 2011. – pp. 9-10.
14. Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2022) “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2002. – No. 18. – Art. 1720.
15. Decision of the Primorsky OFAS Russia dated 05/02/2023 No. 025/10/18.1-520/2023. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/11/2023).
16. Gogin A. A. Tax liability in the system of legal liability // Vestnik VUiT Ser. “Jurisprudence”. Vol. 15. Tolyatti. – 2001. – P. 67.
17. Bogolyubov S. A. Features of legal responsibility in the system of environmental legal relations // Journal of Russian Law. – 2019. – No. 4. – P. 105-119.

MOKHOROV Dmitry Anatolievich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the Higher School of Jurisprudence and Forensic Technical Expertise of Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
MOKHOROVA Anna Yurievna
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of the Higher School of International Relations of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DEMIDOV Vladimir Pavlovich
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Modern political processes are characterized by attribution, in which the characteristic features of the phenomena of corruption and lobbying are manifested. The purpose of this study is to compare the legal features of corruption and lobbying in their relationship and difference, as well as the need to develop an objectively balanced state policy that positively affects the rule of law within the framework of social relations inherent in Russian statehood at the present time. For this, a complex of various scientific methods is used, including: comparative-legal, constructive-analytical, formal-legal and synergistic, which creates conditions for a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in the Russian Federation in matters of combating corruption, as well as the formation of an effective model for the use of lobbying activity in the context of solving problems and tasks inherent in the values and priorities of various social formations.
Keywords: legal features of corruption, lobbying, public policy.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Harutyunyan A. S. Modern lobbying: forms, methods, manifestations // Sociological studies. – 2014. – No. 6 (362). – P. 60-68.
2. Zakhartsev S. I., Salnikov V. P. Legal progress and improvement of legal regulation and law-making in Russia in the 21st century // Law-making in the 21st century: the evolution of doctrine and practice (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pigolkin ). Collection of scientific articles / Ed. V. V. Lazareva. – M.: Norma, 2022. – P. 63-72.
3. Salnikov V.P., Zechrist R.I., Campbell Ian. The problem of the genesis of corruption as a socio-historical phenomenon: social and ethical-legal aspects // Legal science: history and modernity. – 2021. – No. 10. – P. 189-197.
4. Feldman P. Ya. Is there a need for a law on lobbying in Russia? // Power. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 119-122.
5. Vyrva P. A. On the issue of the main methods of regulating lobbying as a security measure against corruption lobbying // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. – 2021. – No. 473. – P. 211-217. – DOI 10.17223/15617793/473/26.
6. Khasanov Sh. K. Classifications of corruption and models of combating corruption // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Socio-Economic and Social Sciences Series. – 2020. – No. 3. – P. 202-207.
7. Zakhartsev S.I., Maslennikov D.V., Salnikov V.P., Seliverstov I.N. Sovereignty, state and organized crime: an axiological aspect // Monitoring of law enforcement. – 2021. – No. 2 (39). – P. 13-20. EDN: KLSGBO.

PAVLISOVA Tatyana Evgenievna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University
SHAPOVALOV Anatoly Vyacheslavovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal regulation of bankruptcy (insolvency) in Russian and foreign law. The institution of bankruptcy is the most important element of modern civil law. For its more successful application in domestic practice, it seems advisable to turn to the experience of other countries. Comparative legal analysis shows that the legal regulation of public relations related to bankruptcy in different countries has its own characteristics, positive aspects and disadvantages, but there are general provisions in the legislation of almost all countries.
Keywords: bankruptcy, insolvency, insolvency, bankruptcy law, debtor, creditor.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Pokrovsky I. A. History of Roman law. – M.: Directmedia Publishing, 2008. – P. 162-163.
2. Large legal dictionary. – M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukhareva. 2003.
3. Romashova T. V. Periodization and development trends of the institution of insolvency (bankruptcy). — Text: immediate // Young scientist. – 2015. – No. 4 (84). – pp. 473-478.
4. Shershenevich G. F. Course of trade law in 4 volumes. Volume 4. Trade process. Competitive process. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. – 453 p.
5. Grishaev S.P., Ovchinnikova A.V. Evolution of legal regulation of the institution of bankruptcy [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed September 19, 2023).

KHUT Diana Shamsudinovna
postgraduate student of Theory of state and law sub-faculty of the Saratov State Academy of Law
In the article the author defines the category of “clarification of law”, according to which clarification of law is not just a mental activity of subjects of law, but an intellectual-volitional activity aimed at knowledge by the subject of law of the content of the rules of law that reflect the systemic properties of law as a whole and the balance of individual, group and universal interests, for later usein practice. The primary focus in this study is placed on the idea that the object clarification of law is not only the rules of law, but also the essence of law as a whole, represented by a balance of personal, group and universal interests. The article explores the object, characteristics, properties and meaning of clarification of law. It examines clarification of law from the viewpoint of objective and subjective law.
Keywords: clarification of law, balance of interests.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Current problems of law: a textbook for undergraduates / Ed. V. L. Kulapova. – Saratov, 2021. – P. 13.
2. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I. T. Frolova. – M., 2001. – P. 212.
3. Soloviev V. S. Justification of good. – M., 2012. – P. 532.
4. Shugurov M.V. Balance and imbalance as categories of legal reality: a systemic-synergistic approach // Russian Journal of Legal Research. – 2016. – No. 1 (6). – pp. 88-89.
5. Iering R. Fight for the right. – M., 1874. – P. 12.
6. Lazareva O. V. Concept and structure of will: legal aspect // Bulletin of the Saratov State Law Academy. – 2019. – No. 4 (129). – P. 46.
7. Syrykh V. M. Theory of state and law: a textbook for universities. – M., 2012. – P. 278.

MOHOROV Dmitry Anatolievich
Ph.D. in Law, director of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of the Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
MINKINA Margarita Valerjevna
lecturer of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, colonel of justice of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
The article reveals the main doctrinal approaches to the legal regulation of lobbying in modern Russia, provides a number of examples of the implementation of such legal regulation. The authors conclude that lobbyism, being a political and legal phenomenon, in its essence largely expresses the degree of economic interests inherent in certain social strata, classes, and population groups. According to the authors, the development of forms and methods of civilized lobbying, which ensure legitimate interaction between the structures of civil society and the state, can largely neutralize the social preconditions for corruption.
Keywords: law, legal regulation, problems, lobbying, modernity, Russia.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 2020. – No. 144 (8198).
2. Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Public Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation” dated December 21, 2021 No. 414-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2021. – No. 7. – Art. 2876.
3. Salnikov V. Institutionalization of corruption interactions – a threat to national security // Protection and security. – 2006. – No. 1. – P. 6.
4. Byatets M.V. Lobbying in law-making activities // Jurisprudence. – 2022. – No. 1. – P. 47–55.
5. Salnikov V. Institutionalization of corruption relations // Protection and security. – 2013. – No. 1 (64). – pp. 13-15.
6. Salnikov V.P. Corruption relations: the process of institutionalization // Legal means of combating corruption in the Russian Federation: Mater. All-Russian scientific-practical Internet conf. Moscow, November 27 – December 15, 2013 – M.: REU im. G. V. Plekhanova, 2014. – P. 113-120.
7. Salnikov V.P., Zechrist R.I., Campbell Ian. The problem of the genesis of corruption as a socio-historical phenomenon: social and ethical-legal aspects // Legal science: history and modernity. – 2021. – No. 10. – P. 189-197.
8. Mokhorov D. A. Lobbying as a social and legal phenomenon of modern society // Legal science: history and modernity. – 2023. – No. 5. – P. 189-195.
9. Murzabekov R. A. Basic models of legal regulation of lobbying and lobbying practice in different countries // Current research. – 2023. – No. 3 (133). – Part I. – pp. 89-93 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08.29.2023).

BUKANOVA Roza Gafarovna
Ph.D. in historical sciences, professor, professor of History and theory of state and law sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
BAYNAZAROV Irandyk Nailovich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of Physical education sub-faculty DeputyDean of the Nautical Faculty of the Kamchatka State Technical University
In this article the authors consider the history of administrative transformations in Siberia in the era of Peter I. It is noted that the attempt to establish an orderly system of management of Siberia was aimed at optimizing taxation, the inclusion of the vast areas of Siberia in the all-Russian economic circulation. The urban system and reliance on bureaucracy, which formed the basis of the provincial reform of Peter I, both in Siberia and in the rest of Russia, have survived to this day. This, according to the authors, is the relevance of the topic. It is noted that despite Peter’s desire to establish total control over the newly formed provinces, Siberia has long remained a self-governing territory, administrative reforms of the first quarter of the XVIII century were incomplete there.
Keywords: Siberia, reforms, administrative, territorial, domestic, population, regions.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Lyubavsky M.K. Historical geography of Russia in connection with colonization. – St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2000. – 304 p.
2. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. First meeting. 1649-1825 / Ed. M. M. Speransky. – St. Petersburg: Type. II Dept. Own EIV Chancery, 1830. – T. IV. – No. 2218.
3. Bukanova R. G., Baranova E. S. The phenomenon of persistence in carrying out the provincial reform of Peter I in the Ural-Siberian region // Agrarian and Land Law. – 2022. – No. 10 (214). – P. 4-6.
4. Redin D. A. Public administration in the Urals in the era of Peter’s reforms (western districts of the Siberian province in 1711–1727): abstract. dis. … doc. ist. Sciences: 07.00.01. – Ekaterinburg, 2007. – 51 p.
5. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. First meeting. 1649-1825 / Ed. M. M. Speransky. – St. Petersburg: Type. II Dept. Own EIV Chancery, 1830. – T. V. – No. 3380.
6. Administrative-territorial division of the Tyumen region (XVII-XX centuries) / Ed. V. P. Petrova. – Tyumen: TyumenNIIGiprogaz LLC, FGU IPP Tyumen, 2003. – 304 p.

GALIEV Radik Minigaraevich
student of the 1st course of the Nautical Faculty of the Kamchatka State Technical University
BAINAZAROV Irandyk Nailovich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of Physical education sub-faculty Deputy Dean of the Nautical Faculty of the Kamchatka State Technical University
In the traditions of the indigenous people of the Southern Urals – the Bashkirs, all the foundations and value principles necessary for the education of young people have been laid down.over a long historical period.In the traditional Bashkir culture, there are well-established traditions that can and should be involved today in the process of forming a modern youth culture. One of them is the traditional belt wrestling – koresh, koresh – is a popular type of competition today not only among the Bashkirs and Tatars, but also among many Turkic peoples.
Keywords: historical traditions, Bashkirs, youth culture, belt wrestling, Koresh.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bainazarov I.N., Suleymanova M.N., Igdavletov I.S., Feshkin V.N. General and special legal aspects of the entry into the Russian state of Bashkortostan and Western Kazakhstan // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 141-143.
2. Baynazarov I. N., Gazizov R. R., Suleymanova M. N., Feshkin V. N. Formation of the ethno-confessional composition of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan (some aspects of the problem) // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2019. – No. 3. – P. 342-344.

DANILOV Vyacheslav Leonidovich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of Theology, philosophy and cultural studies sub-faculty of the Faculty of History, Theology and International Relations of the F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
This scientific article analyzes the judicial practice of recent years on the protection of religious rights and freedom of speech in Russia. The article highlights the problems associated with the restriction of freedom of speech of believers and the conflict between Art. 29 “Guarantee of freedom of thought and speech” and Art. 28 “Guarantee of freedom of conscience and religion” of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze the historical development of legislation since the Soviet era and give examples of judicial precedents that have had an impact on changing legislation in relation to the protection of religious rights and freedom of religion. Particular attention is paid to changes in the criminal and administrative codes, which increased the responsibility for insulting religious feelings and practicing religion. This article critically assesses recent changes in legislation and points out discrepancies with constitutional provisions and international obligations adopted by the Russian Federation. The conclusion of the article defines the concept of “religious feelings” and their meaning in the context of religious freedom.
Keywords: religious rights, freedom of speech, restriction of rights, freedom of religion, judicial practice, legislation, religious feelings, insult to religious feelings, criminal code, administrative code, constitution.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/21/2023).
2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” dated 06/13/1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on 08/04/2023). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/21. 2023).
3. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences” dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (as amended on August 4, 2023) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on August 15, 2023). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/21/2023).
4. Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of September 23, 1994 in the “Jersild v. Denmark” case (complaint No. 15890/89). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/22/2023).
5. Gurevich P. S. Philosophy: a textbook for universities / 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. – 462 p.
6. Emelyanov N. E., Khailova O. I. Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church (1917 – 1950s) // Russia and the modern world. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 111-128.
7. Isaeva A. A. Prohibition of insulting the religious feelings of believers and the implementation of human rights: comparative legal analysis // Constitutional and municipal law. – 2013. – No. 4. – P. 37-42.
8. Klishas A. A. Freedom of speech and protection of the feelings of believers: in search of balance [Electronic resource]. 2018. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/22/2023).
9. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. − 4th ed., add. − Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2000. – 940 p.
10. Ponkin I.V. Human dignity of believers. Issues of legal protection // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. – 2013. – No. 9. – P. 39-45.
11. Ustyuzhaninova E. A., Pibaev M. A. Development of legislation on the protection of religious feelings of citizens in the light of the constitutional principle of secularism of the state and the right to freedom of religion in Russia and Italy // Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 201-208.
12. Shilin D.V. Criminal and administrative liability for violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion: problems of differentiation // Journal of Russian Law. – 2016. – No. 5. – 81-90.

EGOROV Igor Andreevich
junior researcher of the research laboratory “Center for Comprehensive Study of Regional Security Problems” of the Pskov State University
The article considers the peculiarities of the border situation that developed on the Pskov section of the state border and in the areas adjacent to it after the end of the open phase of the civil war in Russia, analyzes the causes, ways and methods of its stabilization in the 1920s. Separately, analyzes the actions of illegal armed groups operating in the North-West of the RSFSR from the Baltic territory.
Keywords: security, state border, civil war, banditry, armed formations, rebellion, sabotage, stabilization.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Golinkov D. L. The collapse of the anti-Soviet underground in the USSR. Book 2. – M.: Politizdat, 1986. – 400 p.
2. Dullen S. Sealing of borders: To the origins of Soviet politics. 1920-1940s / Transl. from French E. Kustovoy. – M.: New Literary Review, 2019. – 416 p.
3. Egorov A. Mutiny // Motherland. – 2006. – No. 1. – P. 83-86.
4. Egorov A. On the near border // Rodina. – 2008. – No. 7. – P. 93-96.
5. Egorov A. M. The fight of the Soviet police against hooliganism in the Pskov region in the 1920s // State and law: evolution, current state, development prospects (to 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR): materials of the XIX international scientific and theoretical conference: at 2 o’clock, St. Petersburg, April 28-29, 2022. Volume Part 1. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2022. – P. 874-883.
6. Egorov A. M. Irregular formations in the history of law enforcement // Law enforcement agencies of Russia: problems of formation and interaction: Materials of a scientific and practical conference with international participation, Pskov, November 11-12, 2021. – Pskov: Pskov branch of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2022. – P. 84-88.
7. Egorov A. M. Smuggling and the fight against it in the North-West of Russia as attributes of social reality of the 20s of the XX century // Society. Wednesday. Development. – 2008. – No. 3 (8). – pp. 67-73.
8. Egorov A. M. Mass smuggling among the population of the North-West of the RSFSR in the conditions of the civil war, foreign intervention and post-war devastation of the early 1920s. // Extreme in the everyday life of the population of Russia: regional aspect (to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917): collection of materials of the international scientific conference, St. Petersburg, March 16-18, 2017. – St. Petersburg: Cultural and Educational Partnership, 2017. – P. 56-62.
9. Egorov A. M., Nikitina N. P. Undeclared border war on the territory of the Pskov province in the early 1920s. // The dichotomy of war and peace: border regions in critical historical eras: Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical online conference, Pskov, December 03-04, 2020. – Pskov: Pskov State University; PolyArt Studio LLC, 2020. – pp. 178-182.
10. Egorov A. M., Egorov I. A. Features of interaction between domestic intelligence services in the north-west of the Russian Empire in the conditions of the First World War // Metamorphoses of History. – 2023. – No. 28. – DOI 10.37490/S230861810025513-4.
11. Egorov A. M., Skovoroda E. V. Features of the organization and activities of military commissariats during the period of establishment of Soviet power: based on materials from the northwestern border region of Russia (1918-1924) // Historical Bulletin. – 2021. – T. 4. No. 1. – P. 146-151.
12. Egorov A. M., Egorov I. A. Legal culture of the border region on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union: based on materials from the work of judicial institutions of the Pskov region (historical and legal aspect) // Sociocultural environment: systemic organization, anthropological dimension, border specifics: Materials international correspondence scientific and practical conference, Vitebsk, November 16, 2018 / Vitebsk State University named after. P. M. Masherova. – Vitebsk: Vitebsk State University named after. P. M. Masherova, 2018. – P. 112-115.
13. Egorov A. M. Pskov border areas in the 1920-1930s. (Historical development lessons): specialty 07.00.02 “Domestic History”: dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. – St. Petersburg, 1998. – 218 p.
14. Egorov I. A. Organization of counteraction to espionage on the territory of the Pskov province during the First World War // XVI Masherov readings: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. In 2 volumes, Vitebsk, October 21, 2022 / Editorial Board: E. Ya. Arshansky (chief editor) [and others]. Volume 2. – Vitebsk: Vitebsk State University. P. M. Masherova, 2022. – P. 74-76.
15. Egorov A. M., Egorov I. A. The problem of preserving historical memory in the context of modernity // Metamorphoses of history. – 2022. – No. 25. – DOI 10.37490/S230861810023274-1.
16. Pocs K. Ya. “Cordon sanitaire”: the Baltic region and Poland in the anti-Soviet plans of English and French imperialism (1921 – 1929). – Riga, 1985. – 192 p.

KUZNETSOVA Elena Vyacheslavovna
Ph.D. in historical sciences, lecturer of legal studies sub-faculty of the Astrakhan State Technical University
The article considers the processes of development of the social movement of the USSR, the expansion of geography, the factors that contributed to the formation of an amateur informal movement and the allocation of the main structural divisions: 1. popular fronts, interfronts, the united front of workers; 2. civil initiative associations and public political clubs; 3. amateur political associations and parties; 4. ecological and national-cultural movement. How an increasing number of citizens, who were called “new politicians”, were involved in the political life of the country. They were people of different professions and age groups, youth, pensioners, believers. These, as a rule, were people who took an active life position and were able to find a “common language” with various strata of society.
Keywords: popular fronts, interfront, united front of labor collectives, political platform, program settings, democratic platform, national interests, party, multi-party system, multi-structural economy, “new politicians”, political groups.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Abramov Yu. K., Golovina T. Yu. Political parties and movements of Russia. – M., 1996.
2. Modern Russia. Information and analytical portal. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 07/11/2023)
3. Irkhin Yu. V., Zotov V. D., Zotova L. V. Political Science. Textbook. – M.: Yurist, 2002. – 511 p.

NEDZELYUK Tatyana Gennadjevna
Ph.D. in historical sciences, leading researcher of Regional studies of Russia, national and state-confessional relations sub-faculty of the Altai State University, professor of National and universal history sub-faculty of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
The topic of the reception of Roman law in the Russian legal system has been controversial for many years. The question of the degree of influence of Roman law on Russian legislation is updated from time to time and invariably becomes the subject of discussion. The classics of Russian civil law formulated the main directions in the discussion on the expediency / permissibility / inadmissibility of borrowing legal constructions of Roman legal science by domestic legislators. In this article, the current trends of the modern scientific discourse are analyzed, including publications in scientific journals and manuscripts of recently defended dissertations on legal sciences, as well as methodological aspects of teaching are disclosed.
Keywords: Roman law, reception of Roman law, ambiguity of the term “reception”, academic discourse, methodological aspects of teaching the discipline “Roman law”.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bortnev A.I., Sergacheva O.A. Development of the institution of inheritance in Roman private law and its reception in inheritance law in Russia // Scientific Bulletin of the Volgograd Branch of RANEPA. Series: Jurisprudence. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 75-79.
2. Vladychkina O. A. On civil capacity in Roman and civil law of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Institute of Management. – 2018. – No. 55. – P. 52-62.
3. Voronin I.K. Features of the status of objects of registration and subjects of its implementation: theoretical and legal excursion into Roman law // Law and Practice. – 2019. – No. 2. – P. 6-10.
4. Gulyaev A. M. Modern tasks of teaching Roman law // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. – St. Petersburg, 1909. – No. 2 (February). – pp. 119-130.
5. Demidov I. A. On quasi-tort obligations in Roman private and modern Russian civil law // Bulletin of the Saratov State Law Academy. – 2018. – No. 6 (125). – pp. 106-113.
6. Dzutsev D. M., Butaeva E. S. Continuity of concepts of inheritance according to the law of Roman law in modern civil law // Legal fact. – 2018. – No. 24. – P. 6-9.
7. Ivanov A. A., Matienko T. L. Property and obligations law in Roman and Russian law // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2014. – No. 12. – P. 15-18.
8. Ivanova T. M. Institute for the protection of consumer rights in Roman law // Almanac of World Science. – 2019. – No. 6 (32). – pp. 74-77.
9. Kalacheva T. L., Makharadze N. S. The influence of Roman private law on the reform of modern civil law // Main trends in state and public development of Russia: history and modernity. – 2014. – No. 1. – P. 123-125.
10. Krupeinikov K.V. Historical and legal analysis of guilt in Roman private law and modern Russian civil law // Law and State: Theory and Practice. – 2018. – No. 4 (160). – pp. 86-90.
11. Leshchenko O. K. Sources of Roman law: historical and dialectical analysis and relationship with modern sources of Russian civil law // Bulletin of the Saratov State Law Academy. – 2019. – No. 4 (129). – pp. 128-136.
12. Letyaev V. A. Reception of Roman law in Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries. (historical and legal aspect). – Volgograd: Volgograd Publishing House. University, 2001. – 244 p.
13. Pashentsev D. A. The influence of Roman law on the development of legal education in the Russian Empire // State and Law. – 2018. – No. 7. – P. 133-138.
14. Petrazhitsky L.I. On the distribution of income during the transfer of the right of use under Roman law // The rights of a bona fide owner to income from the point of view of dogma and civil law policy. – St. Petersburg: B. i., 1902. – P. 94-124.
15. Petrazhitsky L.I. General comments on the relationship of new civil codes to Roman law // Rights of a bona fide owner tomoves from the points of view of dogma and civil law politics. – Moscow: Statute, 2002. – pp. 312-321.
16. Rybalka E. A., Kazantseva E. V. Legal regulation of the institutions of guardianship and trusteeship in Roman law and modern Russia // Yurist-Pravoved. – 2019. – No. 4 (91). – pp. 25-29.
17. Tkachenko S. V. Legal reforms in Russia: problems of reception of Western law // All about law. Compass in the world of jurisprudence. – Samara, 2007. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/07/2022).
18. Chashin A. N. The Roman doctrine as a form of law in the legal systems of the CIS // Legal science and practice: Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2018. – No. 2 (42). – pp. 77-81.
19. Shavalieva D. R. Separate stages of formation and development of collateral and mortgage law in Roman and Russian law // Social Sciences. – 2017. – No. 6. – P. 479-487.
20. Shershenevich G. F. Copyright to literary works. – Kazan: Type. Imperial University, 1891. – 313 p.
21. Shershenevich G. F. Textbook of Russian civil law (according to the 1907 edition). – Moscow: Spark, 1995. – 556 p.
22. Elkinbard L. M., Girina T. S. Roman law as a source of modern transport law // Bulletin of the Volga State Academy of Water Transport. – 2013. – No. 36. – P. 43-49.
23. Yurchenkova A. S. Development of provisions of Roman private law on guilt in Russian civil law // Academic journalism. – 2019. – No. 5. – P. 431-434.

DOROZHKO Sofiya Vladislavovna
student of the 2nd course, Group 22.B14-yu, Direction: Law (with in-depth study of the Japanese language and Japanese law) (code 40.03.01) of the Faculty Law of the St. Petersburg State University
The Constitution of Japan of 1947 is the subject of numerous disputes. This is not surprising, because the very process of its creation is recognized as rather ambiguous due to the historical events that took place at that time. The goal of the US occupation policy towards Japan was complete demilitarization and an attempt to eliminate any chance of restoring military power. This led to the creation of a rather discussed chapter 2. It proclaims the rejection of war as a way to resolve the conflict with other countries. However, the United States influenced not only the creation of this chapter, but also the Constitution as a whole, which now strongly resembles a similar American document. This gives rise to arguments about whether the constitution of Japan is really “Japanese”. One more very interesting fact is added to such disputes: from the very moment of its creation, the Constitution of Japan has never been changed. Even the US Constitution itself cannot boast of such stability, which, it would seem, should be the standard of the constitutional system for Japan.
The purpose of this work is to analyze and compare the Constitution of Japan of 1889 and the Constitution of Japan of 1947.
The object of the study is the norms of the Constitution of Japan of 1889. And the Constitution of Japan 1947.
The subject of the study is the reflection of the Japanese legal consciousness in the Constitution of 1889 and its amendment in the Constitution of 1947.
Theoretical significance of the work: a reasoned conclusion in the discussion about the truly Japanese character of the 1947 Constitution of Japan, formulated taking into account the historical development of the legal consciousness of the Japanese.
The possibility of practical application – the results of the study will help to form an idea of in which case, with a radical change in legislation, the legal identity of the country is preserved.
Keywords: Japanese law, legal consciousness, mentality, constitutional law, history of state and law, Constitution of Japan.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Constitution of the Japanese Empire: dated February 11, 1899 / Trans. M. A. Schrader, S. G. Zaimovsky // Japanese about Japan. – St. Petersburg, 1906.
2. Constitution of Japan: dated May 3, 1947 // Legal library “”. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 04/05/2023).
3. History of Japan: textbook / edited by D. V. Streltsov; Association of Japanese Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – Moscow: Aspect Press, 2018.
4. Japanese (ethnopsychological essays) / Propnikov V. A.; Ladanov I.D. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Science, 1985.
5. Constitutional law of foreign countries: textbook for universities / O. V. Afanasyeva, E. V. Kolesnikov, G. N. Komkova. – 7th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023.
6. Constitutional law of foreign countries: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. Corresponding member RAS, prof. M. V. Baglaya, Doctor of Law, Prof. Yu. I. Leibo and Doctor of Law, Prof. L. M. Entina. – M.: Norma, 2004.
7. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II / Dower, John W. – New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999.
8. A Brief History of Japan / Richard G. P. Mason, John G. Kyger; [transl. from English V.V. Stepanova]. – Moscow: KoLibri, Azbuka-Atticus, 2022.
9. Japan. History and culture: from samurai to manga / Nancy Stalker; Per. from English – Moscow: Alpina non-fiction, 2020.
10. History of the East. In 2 volumes. T. 2. In 2 books. Book 2: textbook for universities / L. S. Vasiliev. – 6th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023.

KHARITONOVA Anna Nikolaevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University
KORCHAGINA Irina Vyacheslavovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of Civil law sub-faculty of the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University
The article discusses the trends in the development of the new economic policy. One of the main conditions for the existence of any state is the formation and functioning of the tax system, which is largely based on territorial sources of income. Astrakhan province was no exception, and it is the study of the legal regulation of the activities of the tax apparatus of the Astrakhan province that makes the topic very relevant and in demand.
Keywords: tax authorities, taxes, fiscal security, law, new economic policy.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Volosukhina N.I. Financial policy of the Soviet state in the conditions of the monetary reform of 1922 – 1924: on materials of the Lower Volga region: dissertation … candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02. – Astrakhan, 2012. – 180 p.
2. Indictment against employees of the Astrakhan financial and trade departments of the Central Workers’ Cooperative… – Astrakhan, 1929. – P. 12.
3. Indictment against employees of the Astrakhan financial and trade departments of the Central Workers’ Cooperative… – Astrakhan, 1929. – P. 11.
4. Gunpowder V. By taking into account my experience (Forced preface to the review of the economy of the Astrakhan province for the 1922-23 budget year) // Our region. – 1924. – No. 2. – P. 3.

magister student of Constitutional and international Law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
SARKAROVA Jamilya Salikhovna
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of Constitutional and international Law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
The introduction of information technologies into everyday life has led not only to its simplification, but also to the improvement of ways of committing crimes already known to mankind, and has also created conditions for the commission of previously unknown acts, the subject of which is computer information, computer devices, information and communication networks, etc. This article is devoted to the analysis of existing problems in the field of protection of the right of citizens to privacy and personal data in Russia in the context of digitalization.
Keywords: privacy, personal data, digitalization, cyber extortion, information security, cyber-attack.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Pashentsev D. A. Features of law enforcement in the context of digitalization of public relations // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Right. – 2020. – T. 11. No. 1. – P. 35-49.
2. Chursina A. D. Cyber extortion and threats in social networks // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2022. – No. 5. – P. 294-296.
3. Resolution of the Leninsky District Court of Yaroslavl dated September 27, 2018 in case No. 1-136/2018 // Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation: website. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
4. Shlyapnikov Yu. V., Lavrushkina A. A. Method of committing fraud as the main element of the mechanism for committing crimes using the Internet and mobile communications // Contentus. – 2017. – No. 10 (63). – pp. 1-8.
5. Severukhin V. A. Problems of protecting the right to inviolabilitypersonal life in the context of digitalization // Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: Legal sciences. – 2020. – No. 2 (38). – pp. 85-98.

ALIEVA Khalisa Telmanovna
magister student of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
Dibirov Magomed Tagirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
One of the most important achievements of the 1993 Constitution was the proclamation of intellectual and political diversity. The fundamental nature of these transformations is evidenced by their location in the text of the Basic Law of the country, namely, in chapter I “Fundamentals of the constitutional system”, which, as is known, represent the basic principles reflecting the values of the social and state system. For the Russian Federation, as the legal successor of the Soviet Union, the departure from the model of a one-party state based on a generally binding monoideology was a truly revolutionary event and a huge step towards building a democratic and rule-of-law state. This article attempts to analyze the implementation of the constitutional provisions on political diversity in the elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: pluralism, political diversity, multiparty system, elections, State Duma, cultural diversity.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Nazarov D. A. Constitutional and legal principles of ideological and political diversity about political parties // Law and power. – 2017. – No. 2. – P. 28.
2. Starostenko K.V. Political pluralism and political diversity: some problems of political theory // Society and power. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 34.
3. Khoruzhenko K. M. Culturology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 1997. – P. 324.
4. Momdzhyan A. V. Pluralism: origins and essence: Critical analysis of philosophical foundations. – M.: Nauka, 1983. – P. 172.
5. Pavroz A.V. The theory of political pluralism and the process of formation of state policy // Bulletin of Perm University. – 2012. – No. 2. – P. 130-131.
6. Tumutolova Yu. V. Implementation of the principle of ideological and political diversity (pluralism) in Russia // Problems and prospects for the development of the humanities and socio-economic sciences: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2017. – P. 122.< br /> 7. Getmansky D. O. Problems of implementing in the Russian Federation the constitutional principles of ideological and political diversity in the information sphere // Young scientist. – 2019. – No. 25 (263). – P. 275.
8. Avakyan S. A. Political pluralism and public associations in the Russian Federation: constitutional and legal foundations. – M.: Ros. Legal Ed. House, 1996. – P. 8.
9. Mukhina Yu. V. Constitutional principles of democracy and political pluralism as an expression of democracy // Tambov Legal Readings named after F. N. Plevako: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2019. – P. 85.
10. Lebedev V. A. Constitutional ideal and political reality: paradoxes of the Russian multi-party system // Constitutional and municipal law. – 2013. – No. 8. – P. 23-27.
11. Dzidzoev R. M. Political pluralism as a constitutional principle // Legal Bulletin of the Kuban State University. – 2018. – No. 4. – P. 11.

BARASHEVA Elena Viktorovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of General theoretical and state-legal disciplines sub-faculty of the East Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia experienced not a democratic transition, but a temporary weakening of the state and its operational potential. This is evidenced by the lack of rotation of elites and the preservation of the same type of formal and informal institutions that characterized the Russian political system in the past. Accordingly, the subsequent formation of civil society as a product of the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms in the conditions of Russian politics was only a matter of time.
Keywords: constitutional law, civil society, reform of the political system, history of Russia.
Article bibliographiclist
1. Bocharnikova E. L. Civil society in Russia: state and features of development // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 12: Political Science. – 2020. – No. 1. – P. 26-40.
2. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1993. – No. 49. – Art. 4696.
3. Marchenko N. N. The role of civil society in ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms in Russia // Bulletin of the Saratov State Law Academy. – 2018. – T. 8. – No. 1. – P. 109-114.
4. Myllyara S.A. Civil society and its role in the constitutional system of Russia // Jurisprudence. – 2015. – No. 4. – P. 56-63.
5. Rapp V. E. Civil society in Russia: problems of development // Polis. Political studies. – 2014. – No. 5. – P. 139-153.
6. Regions of Russia: socio-economic indicators. 2021 / Rosstat. Moscow, 2021. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 04/01/2022).
7. Smirnov A.K. Civil society in Russia: problems and prospects // Ethics and Economics. – 2016. – No. 2. – P. 61-66.
8. Sodratyev V.V., Zvereva O.V. Public organizations are key institutions of civil society in the Russian Federation // Jurisprudence. – 2020. – No. 11. – P. 107-110.
9. Tretyakov E. S. Human rights and freedoms in the constitutional legal space of Russia // Russian justice. – 2017. – No. 4. – P. 20-24.

BELYAKOVA Anastasiya Mikhaylovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Humanitarian and legal disciplines sub-faculty of the Dzerzhinsky branch of the N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University
This article is devoted to the formation of a new ideology of Russia based on the political philosophy of neo-Eurasianism and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On the approval of the Foundations of state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” The article discusses the Eurasian views of N. S. Trubetskoy, P. N. Savitsky, N. Ya. Danilevsky, A. G. Dugin. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific and general historical methods. It is concluded that Russia as an independent civilization opposes Western and American globalism, a liberal system of values.
Keywords: ideology, liberalism, Eurasianism, neo-Eurasianism, A. G. Dugin, globalization, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, SVO, traditional values.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation // Rossiyskaya Gazeta – Federal Issue No. 144 (8198).
2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values” // SPS ConsultantPlus.
3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2021 No. 400 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation” // SPS ConsultantPlus.
4. Baburin S.N. Russia between Rome and Qin: On the spiritual and moral transformation of states // Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS. – 2022. – Volume 17. – No. 1. – P. 57-76.
5. Wei Ch. N. Eurasianism: global challenges and the new world order in the political philosophy of A. G. Dugin // World Politics. – 2021. – No. 2. – P. 71-80. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.2.36039.
6. Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe. – Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2019. – 704 p.
7. Dugin A.G. Eurasian view. Eye of the Planet. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https: (access date: 08/18/2023).
8. Eurasianism as a non-Western episteme of Russian humanities Interview with Alexander Gelievich Dugin, Doctor of Political Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, leader of the International Eurasian Movement // Bulletin of RUDN University. Series: International relations. – 2022. – Vol. 22. – No. 1. – P. 142-152.
9. Isaeva O. S. Modification of philosophical ideas of classical Eurasianism in the creative heritage of A. G. Dugin // Philosophical thought. – 2019. – No. 7. – P. 1-10.
10. Mikhailov V.V. De-ideologization as a negative social restriction (using the example of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) // State ideology and modern Russia. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Public Conference. Moscow, 28.03. 2014 – M.: Science and Politics, 2014.
11. Narochnitskaya N. A. Modern Russia: Orthodoxy and liberalism // Renewal of Russia: a difficult search for solutions. Issue 4. – M., 1996. – P.143-159.
12. Nersesyants V. S. Constitutionalism as a national ideology // Constitutional and legal reform in the Russian Federation. – 2000. – pp. 5-7.
13. Fundamentals of Eurasianism. – Moscow, “ArktogeyaCenter”, 2002. – 800 p.
14. Prokudenkova O. V. Russia as a special cultural world in the concept of Eurasians // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture. – 2015. – pp. 92-100.
15. Savitsky P. N. Eurasianism // Savitsky P. N. Continent of Eurasia. – M., 1997. P. 81-98.
16. Trubetskoy N.S. A look at Russian history not from the West, but from the East // “Fundamentals of Eurasianism”. – Moscow, “ArktogeyaCenter”, 2002. – P. 256.
17. Trubetskoy N.S. About the idea-ruler // Eurasian Chronicle. Vol. 11. – Berlin, 1935. – P. 34.
18. Trubetskoy N.S. About the state system and form of government // Trubetskoy N.S. Favorites. – M., 2010. – P. 445.
19. Trubetskoy N. S. The Legacy of Genghis Khan. – M., 1999. – 554 p.
20. Khara-Davan E. Eurasianism from a Mongolian point of view // Fundamentals of Eurasianism. – Moscow, “ArktogeyaCenter”, 2002. – P. 453.

IVANOVA Lyudmila Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Legal science sub-faculty of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Astrakhan State Technical University
EKTOVA Viktoriya Alexandrovna
magister student of the Astrakhan State Technical University
The article is devoted to revealing the definition of the legal phenomenon of “constitutionalization” within the category of the constitutional right to work. Specific features accompanying the manifestation of certain aspects of constitutionalization are identified, criteria for the non-identity of labor law and the right to work are determined in the context of the proven supra-sectoral nature of the constitutional right to work. The presented analytical activities made it possible to construct the author’s description of the definition of “constitutionalization” of the right to work. The influence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the legal phenomenon of constitutionalization of the right to work has been revealed.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, right to work, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, constitutionalization, constitutional law, labor law, protection of the right to work, constitutional rights of man and citizen.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote) of December 12, 1993 (with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated July 4, 2020, No. 144.
2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted and proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. // Russian newspaper. 1998. December 10.
3. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2022 No. 10-P “In the case of verifying the constitutionality of the second paragraph of the third part of Article 445 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of citizen I. N. Eliseev.” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/15/2023).
4. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 07/07/2022 No. 29-P “In the case of verifying the constitutionality of parts 1, 3 and 4 of Article 29 and paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 33 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” in connection with a citizen’s complaint L.V. Zarubina” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 07/18/2022. – No. 29 (part III). – St. 5560.
5. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2023 No. 32-P “In the case of verifying the constitutionality of part two of Article 135 and part one of Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of citizen E. V. Tsaregorodskaya” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 06.26.2023. – No. 26. – Art. 4845.
6. Konshakov V. M. Problems of constitutionalization of legal regulation of social and labor relations. dis. …candid. legal Sci. St. Petersburg, 2014.
7. Mikhailova E. V. Constitutional proceedings – a procedural form of protection of violated rights // Russian Judge. – 2023. – No. 1. – P. 52-56.

MAGOMEDOVA Zukhra Rasulovna
magister student of the 2nd year of study of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
RAMAZANOVA Elvira Tazhutdinovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
The scientific article explores the essence and key aspects of representative democracy inthe context of the Russian political system. The authors consider local self-government as an important tool for citizens’ participation in governance and decision-making at the local level, and also analyze the mechanisms of elections, the responsibility of representatives and citizens’ participation in this process. The article also highlights the importance of democracy representative for the development of regions and cities in Russia and explores its impact on the quality of life of local residents. In conclusion, the article provides a generalized idea of how representative democracy at the local level promotes democracy and citizen participation in shaping public policy in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: representative democracy, local self-government, democracy, citizen participation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Dzhagaryan N.V. Constitution and representative democracy at the local level // Science and education: farming and economics; entrepreneurship; law and management. – 2019. – No. 12 (115). – pp. 56-58.
2. Milchenko K. A. Representative democracy as a form of democracy // Current problems of management in various spheres of society: materials of a scientific and practical conference, Chelyabinsk, February 28, 2017 / ANOO VO “Ural Financial and Legal Institute”. – Chelyabinsk: IP Myakotin I.V., 2017. – P. 35-38.
3. Makaryan Ts. M. Representative democracy as a form of democracy: some theoretical issues // Bulletin of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University: humanitarian and social sciences. – 2016. – No. 2 (23). – pp. 148-159.
4. Popov D.V. Democracy at the present stage of development of Russian legislation on local self-government // State and society: yesterday, today, tomorrow. – 2018. – No. 6. – P. 78-83.
5. Pavlov S. Yu. Local referendum as the main form of democracy: problems and prospects // Issues of Russian and international law. – 2021. – T. 11. No. 9A. – pp. 171-176.

GABIEVA Siyasat Magomedovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Dagestan State University
The article deals with the problems of implementation of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the course of modern transformations. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the fact that constitutional amendments have become one of the most global in recent times, causing a lot of controversy among scientists. It is said that the constitution contains many contradictions, problems and gaps that experts in the field of constitutional law are currently trying to eliminate. The difficulties associated with the implementation of this process and its legal consequences are determined. Conclusions are drawn about the admissibility of adopting amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation at this historical stage in the development of our country.
Keywords: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the implementation of amendments to the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation, changes, legal consequences, state bodies.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gadzhieva Kh. V., Omarova Z. N. The view of constitutionalists on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation // Science and education: economy and economics; entrepreneurship; law and management. – 2022. – No. 6 (145). – P.38-42.
2. Dushina T.V. On the issue of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation 2020 // Scientific Bulletin of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute”. –2020. – No. 1. – P. 43-48.
3. Sizova A. S., Sokolov E. E. On the issue of implementing amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation // The Scientific Heritage. – 2021. – No. 79-3 (79). – pp. 21-24.
4. Fisenko E. S. Features and problems of legal implementation of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation as a guarantor of the provisions of the Constitution // Society: politics, economics, law. – 2023. – No. 4 (117). – pp. 138-143.
5. Shastina A. R., Tereshchenko V. E. On the reality and fictitiousness of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the aspect of constitutional amendments of 2020 // Law and state: theory and practice. – 2021. – No. 4 (196). – pp. 210-212.
6. Shelegov Yu. V., Zhigalova E. A. Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation: genesis and practical aspect of implementation // Problems of economics and legal practice. – 2022. – T. 18. – No. 4. – P. 59-62.
7. Yashkin A.I., Rakhimov R.I., Sizova A.S. On the issue of implementing amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the election and functions of the President of the Russian Federation // Spirit Time. – 2021. – No. 1-1 (37). – pp. 35-38.

YARIKOV Makhach Muradinovich
magister student of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
RADZHABOVA Emiliya Shahabutinovna
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
This article presents an analysis of the institution of electoral disputes as a means of implementing constitutional guarantees of citizens’ rights to participate in the management of state affairs. The authors consider the doctrinal concept of an electoral dispute, its distinctive features and causes. In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the main reasons contributing to the emergence of electoral disputes are imperfections of electoral legislation, gaps and collisions that generate electoral disputes and a low level of legal and political culture.
Keywords: democracy, electoral law, electoral disputes, causes of electoral disputes.
Bibliographic list of articles:
1. Mazitova E. I. Concept and legal nature of election disputes // Collection of works of young scientists of the TISBI University of Management. – 2020. – P. 179.
2. Gadelshin R.I. On the issue of the concept of “electoral dispute” // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. – 2008. – No. 308. – P. 118.
3. Golubkova N. I. Electoral disputes: causes and methods of prevention based on analysis of Russian and foreign practice // North Caucasian Legal Bulletin. – 2013. – No. 2. – P. 95.
4. Ukolova A. E. On the issue of some conflicts of electoral legislation // Collection of articles based on the materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. In 2 parts. – 2018. – P. 80.
5. Tsybulyak S.I. Defects in the constitutional and legal regulation of electoral relations in the Russian Federation: specialty 12.00.02 “Constitutional law, municipal law”: abstract. dis. …cand. legal sciences; Tyumen State University. – Tyumen, 2010. – P. 8.
6. Makartsev A. A. On the issue of electoral and legal culture and social and legal means of increasing it // Citizen. Elections. Power. – 2020. – No. 2. – P. 96.
7. In the case of checking the constitutionality of Articles 3, 4, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 134, Article 220, part one of Article 259, part two of Article 333 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, subparagraph “h” of paragraph 9 of Article 30, paragraph 10 of Article 75 , paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 77 of the Federal Law “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation”, parts 4 and 5 of Article 92 of the Federal Law “On elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” in connection with complaints from citizens A. V. Andronova, O. O. Andronova, O. B. Belov and others, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and the regional branch of the political party A JUST RUSSIA in the Voronezh region: Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2013 No. 8- P. // SPS “ConsultantPlus”. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/25/2023).
8. Appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan dated 04/06/2021 in case No. 33a-1932/21 // Bank of judicial decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan (date of appeal: 05/25/2023).

GRUNIN Anton Gennadjevich
lecturer of Management and administrative and legal disciplines sub-faculty of the Faculty of Law of the Vladimir Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
The article discusses current trends that determine the legislative regulation of responsibility for committing administrative offenses and their relationship with criminal legal impact in the system of state coercion measures. In particular, special attention is paid to the humanization of law-making and law enforcement practice within the framework of emerging legal relations. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the fact that, in the modern sense, administrative measures of influence cover a whole niche of legal forms and means of influencing the right to regulated social relations in order to exclude the recurrence of the committed act and other positive correction of social relations at various levels.
Keywords: administrative offense, criminal punishment, impact, restriction, humanization, system of measures, state coercion.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Administrative responsibility: Textbook. – Orenburg: Orenburg Institute (branch) of the University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL), 2018 – 134 p.
2. Karlov I.V., Kupriyanova M.V. Ensuring human rights when applying administrative punishment in the form of administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation // Penitentiary law: legal theory and law enforcement practice. – 2019. – No. 3 (21). – pp. 49-54.
3. Maksimov I.V. Administrative punishments. – M.: Norma, 2009. – 464 p.
4. Yakuba O. M. Administrative responsibility. – M.: Legal. lit., 1972. – 152 p.
5. Bakhrakh D. N. Issues of the system of administrative punishments // Bulletin of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law. – 2009. – No. 7. – P. 11.
6. Kaplunov A.I. On the concept of administrative coercion as a sectoral type of state coercion // Jurisprudence. – 2004. – No. 3. – P. 83.
7. Modern dictionary of foreign words / Comp. N. M. Landa. – M.: Russian language, 1993. – 740 p.
8. Turanin V. Yu. State, society and personality as subjects of realization of national interests // State and Law. – 2022. – No. 8. – P. 168-169.

PESTOV Roman Arkadjevich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Administrative law sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
SAVOCHKINA Darya Olegovna
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Administrative law and administrative activities of the department of internal affairs sub-faculty of the Crimean branch of Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
GABDULLIN Timur Rinatovich
senior lecturer of Professional training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The object of the study is social relations formed within the framework of the prevention and suppression of domestic violence. The authors emphasize that the problem of domestic violence cannot be solved only with the help of a legal mechanism, but has an interdisciplinary nature, the resolution of which requires the involvement of psychological and a number of other mechanisms. Which, according to the authors, will make it possible to develop comprehensive measures for the prevention and suppression of domestic violence. In this context, the authors analyze the causal relationships between divorce proceedings and the causes of family conflicts, as well as analyze the conceptual apparatus enshrined in legislation. Conclusions are drawn that the legal system “dispute” in relation to family and marriage relations has already been fixed, on this basis the author’s interpretation of the concept of family conflict (dispute) is given. With this in mind, the researchers proposed changes to the administrative and tort legislation, which will allow implementing a mechanism of preventive action to reduce domestic violence.
Keywords: Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, administrative and tort legislation, administrative jurisdiction, regional
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Osyak A. N., Pestov R. A., Shapovalova T. N., Chernobrovkina N. I. Social control as a subject of scientific reflection // Philosophy of Law. – 2017. – No. 3 (82). – pp. 137-143.
2. Zhilyaeva S.K., Yuzefovich Zh.Yu., Maksimova A.A. Analysis of statistics of marriages and divorces in the Russian Federation at the present stage // Bulletin of Economic Security. – 2019. – No. 4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.13.2023).
3. Porotikova O. A. Conflict and dispute: a lawyer’s view of their essence, correlation and methods of resolution // Vestnik VSU. Series: Law. – 2020. – No. 4 (43). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.14.2023).
4. Motrovich I. D. Domestic violence: the current state and the place of the local police commissioner in counteracting it // Administrative law and process. – 2021. – No. 1. – P. 64-76.
5. Gabdullin T.R., Pestov R.A. On the issue of developing draft codes of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2016. – No. 8 (99). – pp. 151-152.

PETROVSKAYA Miroslava Ivanovna
lecturer of Jurisprudence sub-faculty of the Northwest Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA under the Presidentt of the Russian Federation
The article examines the main approaches to the administrative and legal regulation of governance of forced migration in Russia. A positive foreign experience of public administration in the field of forced migration was used. The main trends and problems of governance of forced migration at the present stage are highlighted and ways to optimize legislation are proposed.
Keywords: forced migration, governance of forced migration, refugee, forced migrant, migration.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Andreytso S. Yu., Soboleva M. M. Directions for improving the protection of individual groups of foreign citizens: labor, forced, illegal migrants // Journal of Legal and Economic Research. 2021. No. 3. P. 34-41.
2. Andreytso S. Yu. Problems of implementing migration policy in Russia: human rights, labor, forced illegal migration // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg Law Academy. 2022. No. 2 (55). pp. 69-72.
3. Bolshakova Yu. O. Legal regulation of the status of persons forced to stay on the territory of Russia from the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions // Current research. 2023. No. 6-2 (136). pp. 6-11.
4. Bulatov R. B., Andreytso S. Yu. Realization of the rights of foreign citizens in Russia: forced migration, administrative responsibility // Migration Law. 2021. No. 1. P. 7-10.
5. Volokh V. A. Forced migration in Europe: status, problems, ways to optimize management and migration legislation in Russia // Power. 2016. No. 1. P. 158-163.
6. Petrovskaya, M. I. Legal regulation of forced migration in administrative law // Law and Law 2017. No. 7 (17). pp. 124-125.
7. Petrovskaya M.I. Content and characteristics of public administration in the field of forced migration // Gaps in Russian legislation. 2020. No. 7 (20). pp. 167-171.
8. Petrovskaya M.I. Category of forced migration in Russian law and migration policy // Eurasian Legal Journal. 2020. No. 12 (151). pp. 132-133.
9. Petrovskaya M.I. Contents of public administration in the sphere of forced migration in Russia: administrative and legal aspect // Lawyer. 2021. No. 1 (21). P.44-53.
10. Petrovskaya M.I. Administrative and legal status of forced migrants as an object of public administration in the Russian Federation // Ural Scientific Bulletin. 2022. T. 1. No. 5. P. 31-38.
11. Rösch T., Schneider H., Weber J., Worbs S. Integration von geflüchtetenin ländlichen räumen // Forschungsbericht 36. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge: 2020. 107 p.

SEMENOV Andrey Viktorovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Civil and international law sub-faculty of the admiral F. F. Ushakov State Maritime University
In this article, the actual problems of the proof process in the case of an administrative offense in the field of traffic were investigated. Statistical data on the commission of administrative offenses in the field of traffic are considered. The stages of the proof process were studied in detail. The characteristic of collecting evidence is given. The analysis of the evidence study was carried out. Various scientific points of view on the issues raised were considered. The ways of solving the studied problems are proposed.
Keywords: proof, subject of proof, evidence, responsibility, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, individuals, organizations, public authorities, administrative responsibility, traffic, administrative offense.
Bibliographic list of articles:
1. Vdovichenko V.V. Some features of proof in cases of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic // Scientific portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2016. – No. 4 (36). – pp. 144-146.
2. Rossinsky B.V. On the presumption of innocence when imposing punishment on the owner of a vehicle // Administrative law and process. – 2011. – No. 5. – P. 89-94.
3. Gorbunov D.V. Proof in proceedings in cases of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic: monograph – M.: FKU Scientific Research Center for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2012. – P. 3-7.
4. Chebanova N. S., Shvets O. V. Public relations in government bodies: Workshop. – Moscow: LLC Publishing House Sputnik+, 2016. – 71 p.

CHELPANOVA Marina Mikhaylovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor, Head of Administrative law and administrative activities of the department of internal affairs sub-faculty of the Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, colonel of police
PONEZHINA Lyudmila Yurjevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Administrative law sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, colonel of police
One of the subjects of the fight against offenses in the field of public order and public security during public events is the internal affairs bodies, being in close cooperation with society in the process of combating offenses in the field of public order and morality. The article examines the internal affairs of bodies as a subject of administrative and legal counteraction to violations that infringe on public order and public safety during public events.
Keywords: internal affairs bodies, public order, public safety, public events, administrative responsibility, administrative activities of the police.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (in the current version) // IPO “Garant”. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (as amended) // IPO “Garant”. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police” (as amended) // IPO “Garant”. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
4. Agapov A. B. Administrative law in 2 volumes. Volume 1. General part: textbook for universities. — 12th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. – 492 p.
5. Burlova A. A. Measures of administrative restraint: dis. … candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.14. [Place of protection: Tomsk. state legal academician]. – Tomsk, 2017. – 78 p.

KHALILEV Ruslan Amdievich
Ph.D. in Law, professor, professor of Criminal law and process sub-faculty of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
The article analyzes the administrative and legal framework for combating corruption in education. The purpose of the study is to formulate ideas about the current law enforcement practice on issues of combating corruption in the education system. It is substantiated that the main goal of implementing anti-corruption measures is to maintain a high level of education and public trust in the educational system. It is proposed to highlight additional preventive measures, namely: organizing and conducting preventive work among employees of educational organizations, students and their parents, in order to create intolerance towards corruption, as well as strengthening cooperation between educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, public organizations and “parental community”.
Keywords: administrative and legal framework, education, anti-corruption, prevention, preventive measures.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The Corruption Perceptions Index for 2022 has been published: Anti-Corruption Center of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/30/2023)
2. Pechenkin S.V. Corruption as a social phenomenon // Young scientist. – 2019. – No. 5 (243). – pp. 258-260.
3. Khalilev R. A., Legeza L. A. On the issue of using the civilizational approach in implementing the state policy of combating corruption in the field of education // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2020. – No. 8. – P. 158.
4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2006 No. 40-FZ “On the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2006. – No. 12. – Art. 1231.
5. Convention on Criminal Liability for Corruption (concluded in Strasbourg on January 27, 1999) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2009. – No. 20. – Art. 2394.
6. Kotlyar I. A. Regulatory and legal framework for combating corruption in educational organizations of higher education // Criminal justice. – 2017. – No. 10. – P. 133-138.
7. Report on activities in the field of anti-corruption and the results of anti-corruption monitoring in the Rostov region based on the results of 2022: Official portal of the government of the Rostov region. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/30/2023).

POPOVA Yuliya Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, professor, Head of Civil and administrative judiciary sub-faculty of the North Caucasus branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Krasnodar
PEREDRIY Tatyana Evgenjevna
senior lecturer of Civil process and international law sub-faculty of the Kuban State University
This article analyzes the tax legislation and the legislation on administrative proceedings, which regulate the procedure for the enforcement of mandatory payments and sanctions from taxpayers – individuals. It analyzes establishes the sequence of procedural terms and studies the practice of their application.
The purpose of this study is:
1. Determining the significance of procedural terms and their role in observing public and private interests when paying taxes and fees.
2. Determination of the sequence of compulsory collection of mandatory payments and sanctions from taxpayers – individuals in a judicial proceeding.
3. Identification of typical reasons for missing the deadline for going to court.
To achieve the research objectives, the following methodology was used: dialectical materialism as a general method of scientific knowledge, as well as other general scientific and particular scientific methods, including formal-legal, system-structural, logical and statistical methods.
The results of the study are the authors’ own conclusions, as well as the identified problematic aspects of law enforcement related to the implementation of administrative procedural rules and deadlines for going to court in cases of collecting mandatory payments and sanctions.
Keywords: obligation to pay taxes, administrative proceedings, tax legislation, collection of mandatory payments and sanctions, court order, term for going to court.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gritsenko V.V. Court order as a simplified form of proceedings in administrative cases for the collection of mandatory payments and sanctions // Journal of Administrative Legal Proceedings. 2016. No. 2. P. 21-24.
2. Inshakova E. G. Development of the institution of judicial administrative legal protection: problems of understanding and expanding the boundaries of activities to uphold the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the individual in administrative proceedings // Journal of Administrative Legal Proceedings 2021. No. 4. P. 12-16.< br /> 3. Kaishev A. E. Current problems of forced fulfillment of obligations for the payment of taxes, fees and insurance premiums by individuals // Agrarian and land law. 2021. No. 9. pp. 91-97.
4. Neverov A. Ya. Smirnykh A. S. Constitutional duty of citizens to pay legally established taxes and fees // Notes of a scientist. 2002. No. 5. P. 374-378.
5. Nosova Yu. B. Review of judicial statistics of consideration of administrative cases by courts of general jurisdiction in 2021 // Journal of Administrative Law. 2022. No. 3. P. 15-21.

IVENSKAYA Anastasiya Andreevna
master of jurisrudence, Counselor of Justice of the third class, assistant judge of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal
Transparency as a scientifically based term is the subject of scientific discussion, but the actual existence of this phenomenon is beyond doubt. The arbitration process is equipped with sufficient equipment and information resources to provide citizens with uninterrupted access to justice at all stages of the judicial process.
How does the principle of transparency manifest itself in the modern arbitration process in the conditions of the information society? What is the advantage of the Internet portal “My arbitrator” from “Justice”? Is there really a need to legislate the term “transparency” in the Russian regulatory framework?
This article examines the doctrinal and scientific justification of the existence of the principle of transparency in the modern world, as well as the conditions for its implementation.
Keywords: transparency, the principle of transparency, transparency of the judicial system, “My arbitrator”, informatization, electronic justice.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Abrosimova E. B. Judicial power: transparency or confidentiality? – Problems of transparency of justice: monograph. – M.: LexEst, 2005. – P. 92.
2. Anishina V.I. Fundamentals of judicial power and justice in the Russian Federation: Course of lectures. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – P. 16.
3. Ivenskaya A. A., Loshkarev A. V. Modern possibilities of organizational and technicalensuring transparency of the activities of the courts of the Russian Federation. – Science and Enlightenment. Jurisprudence in theory and practice: current issues and modern aspects. – Penza, 2022. – No. 045. – P. 154-155.
4. Malko E. A. Transparency of justice as a priority of Russian civil procedural legal policy // Arbitration and civil process. – 2013. – No. 11. – P. 2-7.
5. Smirnov A.V. Transparency of the judiciary: political and legal analysis. Problems of transparency of justice: monograph. – Moscow: LexEst, 2005. – P. 600.
6. Tumanova L. V. Issues of transparency of civil proceedings. – Problems of transparency of justice. – M.: LexEst, 2005. – P. 202.
7. Yuzhakova O. V. Transparency of justice in civil proceedings // Problems of ensuring, implementing, protecting constitutional rights and human freedoms. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 251.

GADISOV Daniyal Rasulovich
magister student of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
NIMATULAEVA Ravzanat Abdulzagirovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Constitutional and international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
This article is devoted to the issues of participation of public authorities in the resolution of conflicts and disputes in the field of local self-government. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of federal and regional legislation on the topic under consideration, according to the results of which they came to the conclusion that there is no legislative regulation of forms of interaction between various levels of public authority, including in the settlement of disputes of local self-government. It is proposed to amend the current legislation by fixing specific methods and procedures for resolving conflicts of local self-government with the participation of state authorities.
Keywords: local self-government, local self-government bodies, state authorities, conflict, dispute, conciliation commission, dispute settlement.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. 2nd ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 544 pp.
2. Taymazova L. I. Interaction between state authorities and local government bodies: forms, legal regulation // Education. The science. Scientific personnel. – 2022. – No. 1. – P. 94-96.

PIVOVAROVA Irina Valerjevna
Ph.D. in sociological sciences, associate professor of Marketing and municipal management sub-faculty of the Tyumen Industrial University
The features of the audit of the social policy of the enterprise, its types, goals and objectives are considered. It is shown that there are many approaches to the consideration of the substantive structure of the audit of the social policy of the enterprise.
Keywords: social audit, personnel policy of the enterprise, social policy of the enterprise.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Filippova I. A. Study of the level of social tension in the labor sphere // Sociology. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 83-94.
2. Galiev G. T. Social audit is an important factor in the study of social and labor relations in the modern economy // Strategy of the Republic of Bashkortostan – 2030: priorities of economic growth: collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, 2017. – P. 104-108 .
3. Kim N.V., Boretsky Yu.A. Russian social audit: meaning and features // Auditor. – 2014. – No. 1 (227). – pp. 14-17.
4. Baikina Yu. O., Koltunova Yu. I., Filippova I. A. Social and labor attitudes of workers in the fuel and energy complex of the northern region. – Tyumen, 2020.

ALTYNBAEVA Liliya Mudarisovna
Ph.D. in Law, Deputy Head of Civil law disciplines sub-faculty of the Omsk Academy of the MIA of Russia
The article examines the legal nature of enforcement proceedings. The issues of execution of court decisions by bailiffs are considered. The necessity of identifying the proper account from which the collection will be carried out is discussed. The problem of execution of the requirements of the federal law on enforcement proceedings is also indicated. In particular, it is pointed out that there are gaps in the regulation of banks’ obligations to providee relevant information about the appointment of an account to bailiffs. Special attention is paid to the issue of illegal collection of funds from accounts.
The author highlights the problem of the seizure of the debtor’s property, which, in accordance with the current legislation, is prohibited from foreclosure. The necessity to amend the current legislation and the practice of its application is justified.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, bailiffs, execution of judicial acts, foreclosure, funds.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Oganesyan V. M. Enforcement proceedings in the Russian Federation: administrative-legal nature and legal regime: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Moscow, 2007.
2. Solovyov S.S. Property immunities in enforcement proceedings // Bulletin of enforcement proceedings. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 32-41.

ANANJEVA Ekaterina Olegovna Law, associate professor, associate professor of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
IVLIEV Pavel Valentinovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
This article discusses the objective need for the development of the institution of insurance in modern Russia. The current problems faced by the domestic economy in the field of insurance are analyzed in detail. The authors propose a whole range of measures that the state needs to take to develop the institution of insurance in our country. In particular, this concerns the improvement of state control and supervision over the activities of insurance organizations, as well as the introduction of a system of mandatory certification of insurers, which will guarantee their reliability and quality of services.
Keywords: insurance, insurers, insurance companies, insurance products, policyholders, insurance claims, auto insurance, benefit, insured, financial literacy.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Klishina Yu. E., Uglitskikh O. N. Cumulative and investment life insurance in Russia: features and prospects // Innovative economics: prospects for development and improvement. 2023. No. 4 (70). pp. 30-35.
2. Nevodova I. A., Migulya M. A. Problems and prospects for the development of insurance in Russia // Modern scientific research and development. 2018. No. 5 (22). pp. 485-488.
3. Shumeiko A. A. Russian property insurance market: problems and development prospects // Alley of Science. 2018. Volume number 7. No. 5 (21). pp. 136-142.

ANTONOV Artem Gennadjevich
magister student of the direction 40.04.01 Jurisprudence “Judicial and prosecutorial activity in criminal cases” of the Russian State University of Justice, assistant judge of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District
The article deals with the issue of the influence of court decisions, as well as the legislative will on the procedure for appealing in arbitration courts. In the context of mentioning various issues, the author brought to the fore the aspect of compliance with the appeal procedure, provided that the legislative concept of it does not take into account the positions of researchers who quite objectively assess its current state, and some of the nuances of judicial practice.
Keywords: violation, law enforcement, appeal, cassation, dishonest behavior, arbitration.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Borisova E. A. On the Sequence of Appeals against Court Decisions in Arbitration and Civil Proceedings (in Memory of A.T. Bonner) (O posledovatelnosti obzhalovaniya sudebnykh aktov v arbitrazhnom i grazhdanskom protsessakh (pamyati A. T. Bonnera) // The Herald of Civil Process (Vestnik arbitrazhnogo protsessa). – 2022. – No. 4.
2. The Supreme Court reminded when a party to an arbitration dispute may file a cassation appeal. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05.29.2023).< br /> 3. Zamazy A.V. Arbitration, penalties, the substance of the dispute and public order: correcting errors in judicial practice // Arbitration Court. – 2020. – No. 3/4 (123/124). – pp. 60-73.
4. Monastyrsky Yu. E. Two problems of Russian arbitration: judicial control and English law// Arbitration court. – 2021. – No. 2 (126). – pp. 24-36.
5. Nikitina M. S. New judicial reform: legal status of the representative in the arbitration process // Civil law: law and process. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 264-266.
6. Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 2022 No. 309-ES21-17318 in case No. A47-7804/2020. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:: -n-a47-78042020/ (date of access: 05/28/2023).
7. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2020 No. 13 “On the application of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation when considering cases in the arbitration court of cassation” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – No. 156. – 07.17.2020.
8. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 07/09/2020 No. 17 “On the application by courts of the norms of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of the Russian Federation governing proceedings in the cassation court” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – No. 157. 07.20.2020.
9. Recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Federal Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated November 10-11, 2011 No. 2/2011 // Bulletin of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District. – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 47-48.
10. Sorokin V. P. Development of alternative forms of resolving economic disputes as a current direction in reducing the judicial burden on arbitration courts // Bulletin of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District. – 2020. – No. 2. – P. 113-120.
11. Khramushin V.V. Arbitration courts in the mechanism for protecting the constitutional rights of business entities: dis. …cand. legal Sci. Specialty: 12.00.15 – civil procedure; arbitration process. –Saratov, 2017. – 144 p.

BASHILOV Boris Igorevich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process and international private law of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, senior partner of the “Bashilov, Noskov and Partners” Moscow Law Office
OLEYNIK Anton Denisovich
student of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Law Institute, associate lawyer of the Law Office Moscow “Bashilov, Noskov and Partners”
In the article the authors consider topical issues of application of interim measures on lowered evidentiary standards on the application of the Deposit Insurance Agency. Consideration is being given to the appropriateness of the current approach to the application of interim measures of protection against lowered evidentiary standards.
Keywords: interim measures of protection, standard of proof, Deposit Insurance Agency.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Panchenko P.V., Frolova E.E. Implementation of the principle of assistance of the parties upon termination of an obligation and after termination // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2018. – No. 4. – P. 136-142.
2. Moiseeva Yu. A. Interim measures of the arbitration court: the need to substantiate the application for the application of interim measures // Tauride Scientific Observer. – 2016. – pp. 79-82.

BOYARSKAYA Yuliya Nikolaevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law sub-faculty of the Saratov State Law Academy
The article analyzes the problems of legal regulation of relations in the field of air transportation of passengers. The author made an attempt to propose a new approach to the development of air transportation using artificial intelligence technologies. The integration of unmanned vehicles into the common airspace will create conditions for improving the reliability and safety of the transport system, as well as improving the quality of services provided.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, passenger transportation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Boyarskaya Yu. N. Digitalization in the field of transport services (air transportation) // Eurasian Legal Journal. 2023. No. 1 (176). pp. 126-128.
2. Egiazarov V. A. Transport law: textbook. – 6th ed., add. and processed M., 2008. P. 151.

BUTSAN Evgeniy Yurjevich
postgraduate student of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Institute of Law and National Security of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
The evolution of the concept of abuse of rights in the sphere of property law has faced significant difficulties in the course of its evolution during the XX century. Radical left and right legal traditions have deformed the classical market understanding of property law, depriving it of classical market characteristics (narrowing the limits of the owner’s free will, creating unprecedented restrictions in the field of property law). This stage of the evolution of the concept of abuse of law is still taking place, because even today there are legal experiments on private law, including in the field of property law, when there was a complete replacement of the idea of the absoluteness of ownership of other constructions. This article attempts to analyze such an impact on property law.
Keywords: abuse of right, property right, radical legal traditions, social function of law, theory of L. Duguit.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Nozick R. Anarchy, state and utopia / Transl. from English B. Pinsker, ed. Yu. Kuznetsova and A. Kuryaev. – M.: IRISEN, 2008. – P. 200-206.
2. Wiacker F. A History of Private Law in Europe. Trans. by Weir Tony. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. – P. 466.
3. Dugi L. General transformations of civil law since the Napoleonic Code. – M.: State Publishing House, 1919. – P. 85-86.
4. Novitskaya T. E. Civil Code of the RSFSR of 1922. – M.: IKD “Zertsalo-M”, 2002. – P. 72.

GAYDAY Mariya Konstantinovna
Ph.D. in sociological sciences, associate professor, professor of Socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Pedagogical Institute of the Irkutsk State University
GERASIMOVA Yuliya Radikovna
Ph.D. in sociological sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Jurisprudence sub-faculty of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
The article justifies the need to form mediative competence among all participants in educational relations. Mediative competence is considered as a modern way to create a comfortable, safe and conflict-free educational environment. The mediative competence of participants in educational relations is primarily the ability to act as a mediator, in a conflict and assist in its prevention, settlement or reduction of negative risks. The authors emphasize the special role of mediative competence of the teacher.
Keywords: mediative competence, mediative competence of the teacher, mediative competence of the student, subjects of educational relations, conflict-free educational environment.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Kachalova A.V., Tvelova I.A. Mediational competence as an effective condition for the development of a teacher’s psychological culture // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. – 2014. – No. 5-1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/18/2023).
2. Smolyaninova O. G., Korshunova V. V., Andronnikova O. O. Formation of mediative competence of participants in the educational space (on the example of the Siberian Federal University) // PNiO. – 2020. – No. 5 (47). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/22/2023).
3. Ushakov D. N. Explanatory dictionary of modern Russian language / pod. ed. Dr. Philol. Sciences Tatyanchenko N.F. – M.: Alta-Press, 2005. – 1216 pp.
4. Chikaeva K. S., Gafiatulina N. Kh., Maiba V. V. Mediation as an innovative technology for resolving social conflicts in the institute of education // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. – 2022. – No. 1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/18/2023).

ERMAKOVA Elena Petrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process and international private law of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
In 2019 the concept of digital rights as an object of civil rights was enshrined in the Civil Code of theRussian Federation (Article 128 of the Civil Code). The term “digital rights” and its internal content remains controversial to this day, both in the normative acts of the Russian Federation, and in the Russian civil doctrine and in the practice of Russian courts. Due to these circumstances, the authors of the article believe that a completely new object of civil law has appeared – digital intangible property (digital currency, digital ruble and cryptocurrency), which should be fixed in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: digital rights, digital currency, cryptocurrency, digital ruble, digital relations.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Agranovskaya M., Veliulaev A. Courts are changing the approach to digital assets and currencies // Advocates newspaper. Release material. No. 4 (357). February 15, 2022. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05.20.2023).
2. Alekseev N. V. Correlation of institutions of digital rights, digital financial assets and digital currencies // Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Law. – 2022. – No. 1 (48). – pp. 180-190. – DOI 10.17308/ – EDN YBDIQN.
3. Gongalo B. M., Novoselova L. A. Is there a place for “digital rights” in the system of objects of civil law // Favorites: In 5 volumes. Volume 3. – Moscow: STATUT Publishing House LLC, 2021. – P. 129-142. – EDN DDVHET.
4. Doshchatov A. A. Legal regulation of digital financial assets and digital currency on the territory of the Russian Federation // Scientific notes of young researchers. – 2022. – T. 10. No. 4. – P. 53-64. – EDN WIPBRD.
5. Egorova M. A., Efimova L. G. The concept of cryptocurrencies in the context of improving Russian legislation // Improvement of legislation. Novus Lex. – 2019. – No. 7. – P. 130-140.
6. Efimova L. G. Digital assets and rights to them in the context of changes in civil and banking legislation // Banking Law. – 2021. – No. 5. – P. 7-20.
7. Zainutdinova E. V. Digital rights and digital currency in Russian law: issues of legal nature and correlation // Legal paradigm. – 2022. – T. 21. No. 4. – P. 159-167. – DOI 10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2022.4.22. – EDN DDOWJC.
8. Kochergin D. A. Digital currencies of central banks: experience in introducing the digital yuan and development of the concept of the digital ruble // Russian Journal of Economics and Law. – 2022. – T. 16. No. 1. – P. 51-78. – DOI 10.21202/2782-2923.2022.1.51-78. – EDN BHOKOZ.
9. Medvedeva T. M., Novoselova L. A., Novoselov M. A. Legal risks of introducing the digital ruble // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Right. – 2021. – No. 41. – P. 171-184. – DOI 10.17223/22253513/41/15. – EDN CBSZDF.
10. Minaeva A. I. Digital responsibilities as an element of the legal status of individual subjects in the context of the development of digital technologies // Scientific aspect. – 2022. – T. 1. No. 4. – P. 90-94. – EDN PLEBFQ.
11. Nesterov A. V. About digital rights and objects of digital rights // Law and Digital Economy. – 2020. – No. 1 (07). – pp. 11-16. – DOI 10.17803/2618-8198.2020.07.1.011-016. – EDN BGMETD.
12. Novoselova L. A., Polezhaev O. A. Digital financial assets as objects of property relations: current issues of theory and practice // Power of the Law. – 2021. – No. 2 (46). – P. 75-91. – EDN LSUOOL.
13. Pangrazio L. & Sefton-Green J. Digital Rights, Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy: What’s the Difference? Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research. – 2021. – No. 9. DOI:
14. Razuvaev N. V. Digital Transformation of Subjective Civil Rights: Problems and Prospects. Theoretical and Applied Law. – 2021; (1). – R. 18-38.

KORNAKOVA Svetlana Viktorovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the Baikal State University, Irkutsk
CHIGRINA Elena Vladimirovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor of Theory and history of state and law sub-faculty of the Baikal State University, Irkutsk
The provisions of two bills are analyzed: Bill No. 242098-8 aimed at the legal regulation of the change, correction of gender identity, and Bill No. 369814-8 prohibiting sex change. There is a great democratic nature of the first of them and the excessive extreme of the second. Attention is drawn to the negative aspects of the adoption of Bill No. 369814-8, which will lead to a significant infringement of the right to treatment of persons really suffering from gender dysphoria.
Keywords: legislative initiatives; draft law legalregulation; gender change; gender identity; right to treatment.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Kremenitskaya S. A., Solovyova N. V., Makarova E. V., Kizeev M. V., Vasilyeva T. P. Suicidal activity and comorbid mental pathology in persons with gender dysphoria // Problems of social hygiene, health care and history of medicine. 2022. T. 30. No. 6. P. 1283-1290.
2. Koryagina S. A., Kravchenko I. O. Analysis of the effectiveness of the influence of the media on the formation of the worldview of young people in the information space // Questions of theory and practice of journalism. 2019. T. 8. No. 4. P. 763-773.
3. Saburov M. A. Media wave in the modern world: destructivism, the institution of media security and the Internet // Questions of theory and practice of journalism. 2014. No. 3. P. 54-73.
4. Karpov A. S. Clinical, diagnostic and organizational and legal aspects of providing medical care to persons with transsexualism and other sexual identity disorders: abstract. dis. …cand. honey. Sci. M., 2002. 24 p.
5. Filippova S. Yu. The influence of transgender transition on the legal status of a citizen // Individuals as subjects of Russian civil law: collective monograph; resp. ed. N. V. Kozlova, S. Yu. Filippova. M.: Statute, 2022. pp. 320–349.
6. Bosholov S.S. Challenges and threats to the foundations of the constitutional system and Russian statehood: political, legal and criminological aspects // All-Russian Journal of Criminology. 2023. T. 17. No. 2. P. 109-121.
7. Matevosyan S. N., Titova Yu. A., Kalinchenko S. Yu., Rudenko L. V. Gender identity disorders: history of studying the problem and prevalence in the Russian Federation // Russian Psychiatric Journal. 2008. No. 3. P. 65-71.
8. Maleina M. N. Changes in biological and social sex: prospects for the development of legislation // Journal of Russian Law. 2002. No. 9. P. 52-59.
9. Shabliy D.S. On the issue of legislative regulation of the procedure for implementing gender change // Family and housing law. 2012. No. 1. P. 26-28.

MIRONOV Denis Vladimirovich
postgraduate student of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”
Within the framework of this article, the author examines the features of the legal nature of databases used in the field of state and municipal government, based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists, the norms of the current legislation, highlights the key features of databases used in the field of state and municipal government. The author of the article focuses on the issue of legal regulation of databases that are formed and used in the areas of management of state and municipal structures. In the era of modernity, the era of the formation of a comprehensive digital state, databases that contain vast amounts of information in electronic form are becoming a significant asset of public authorities, which emphasizes the expediency of singling out such databases as a separate category. The need to establish uniform norms of legal regulation in the field of public relations related to state and municipal databases is of scientific interest in resolving this issue and emphasizes its practical importance. In conclusion of the study, the author provides a definition of understanding the legal nature of databases used in the field of state and municipal government.
Keywords: legal nature of databases, state and municipal administration, features of the legal nature of databases used in the field of state and municipal administration, public information resource, public authorities, public relations.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Boyarintseva O. A. Features of the legal nature of databases generated and used in the field of state and municipal government // Administrative and municipal law. 2016. No. 11 (107). pp. 934-940.
2. Zotov V.V. From new public administration to state management of public values (new philosophy of public administration) // Problems of philosophy: history and modernity. Collection of articles based on the results of a scientific and practical conference with international participation. 2018. pp. 204-208.
3. Kovaleva N. N. Administrative and legal regulation of the use of information technologies in public administration: Dis. … D. Yu. date: 12.00.14, 12.00.13. Saratov, 2014. P. 155.
4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 No. 676 (as amended on December 16, 2022) “On the requirements for the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases » // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2015. No. 28. Art. 4241.
5. Rachinsky V.V. Public power as a general lawI category: theoretical and applied aspect: Abstract. dis. … K. Yu. date: 12.00.01. Ekaterinburg, 2003. P. 15.
6. Talapina E. V. Public administration in the information society (legal aspect). M., 2015. P. 55.
7. Talapina E. V. Modernization of public administration in the information society: Information and legal research: Dis. … D. Yu. date: 12.00.13. M., 2015. P. 210.
8. Trusov R. E., Milovanov D. V., Mamontov K. N. Public reliability of databases generated and used in the sphere of state and municipal management // Legal fact. 2018. No. 38. pp. 39-42.
9. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2022) “On information, information technologies and information protection” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2006. No. 31 (1 part). Art. 3448.

PRONINA Yuliya Olegovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor of Civil law sub-faculty of the Southwest State University, Kursk
PETROV Nikolay Vyacheslavovich
lecturer of Constitutional and civil law sub-faculty of the Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service
PAVLOV Dmitry Igorevich
postgraduate student of Civil law sub-faculty of the Southwestern State University, Kursk
The article examines the current state of the problem of legalizing de facto marital relations in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. It is shown that at present the needs of civil turnover of states do not coincide with the vision of the legislator to resolve issues of property relations of persons who are in actual marital relations.
Keywords: family, marital relations, cohabitants, joint property.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Makaeva R. R. Actual marital relations: problems of legal regulation // Issues of Russian justice. – 2021. – No. 12. – P. 174-183.
2. Pashkov D. A. Current issues of legal regulation of actual marital relations in the Russian Federation // Issues of Russian and international law. – 2020. – T. 10. No. 1-1. – pp. 127-134.
3. Telegin R. E. Legal status of participants in family legal relations: abstract of thesis. … candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.03 / Place of defense: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Southwestern State University”. – Kursk, 2022. – 24 p.
4. Pysko E.I. Development of legal regulation of actual marital relations // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Economic University. – 2021. – No. 2 (145). – pp. 101-107.
5. Grineva A. V. On the issue of the new ideology of legal regulation of parental legal relations // Bulletin of Tver State University. Series: Law. – 2022. – No. 2 (70). – pp. 15-22.

SMIRNOV Ivan Andreevich
lecturer of Civil law disciplines sub-faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the FPS of Russia
The article considers the socio-demographic, criminal-legal and penal-executive types of characteristics of positively characterized convicts to whom certain incentive institutions have been applied. The author focuses on the problematic aspects regarding the work on the construction of the resocialization process in relation to this category of persons sentenced to imprisonment, as well as the possibility of using the data obtained in the practical activities of correctional institutions.
Keywords: positively characterized convicts, personality characteristics, incentive institutions.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Shmarov I.V. Sociological problems of execution of criminal punishment: textbook. Ryazan: Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. 78 p.
2. Stepanenko V.I. The influence of the family on the resocialization of a person sentenced to imprisonment // Fight against crime: theory and practice: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference (Mogilev, February 27, 2014). Mogilev: Mogilev. higher College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic Belarus, 2014. pp. 72-73.
3. Tyugaeva N. A., Kuznetsova I. A. Psychological and pedagogical features of professional education of convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment // Bulletin of the Kuzbass Institute. 2017. No. 3 (32). pp. 168-173.
4. Sturova M.P., Tyugaeva N.A. Penitentiary pedagogy: a course of lectures. – Ryazan: Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2010. 424 p.
5. Shamsunov S. Kh., Pavlova E. V. Some issues of attracting to work those sentenced to imprisonment in modern conditions of development of the penal system // Vestnik VladImir Law Institute. 2017. No. 2. P. 55-58.
6. Gorodnyanskaya V.V. Post-penitentiary relapse: abstract of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.08. Tomsk, 2011. 23 p.
7. Sizy A F. Qualification of the lawful behavior of convicts as the basis for the application of incentive norms // Problems of implementation of criminal liability and punishment (social and criminological aspects): educational and methodological materials of the interdepartmental theoretical seminar. Ryazan: RVSh Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1992. P. 56-62.

SUDAKOVA Olga Vasiljevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Personnel management sub-faculty of the Samara State Transport University
The paper analyzes the problems of contractual relations in the field of transportation by various modes of transport. A comparative analysis of modern international and domestic experience in the implementation of contractual relations in the transport industry is carried out. The scientific novelty of the article consists in demonstrating theoretical and practical information on the current state of the legislative branch in the field of transport both in the conditions of domestic practice and in the international arena. The author analyzes the current problems of transport legislation that necessitate its codification. The article also identifies the problems of the codification process, including the question of the possibility of classifying normative legal acts as codified.
Keywords: transport legislation, systematization transport legislation, codification, codified act, sectoral and complex codes, legal regulation, transport legislation, transport law, transport regulations, transport, complex branch of law, transport code.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Moroz S.P. On the systematization of transport legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2008. – No. 4 (12). – pp. 38-43. – EDN VTRWTF.
2. Transport law. General part: textbook / Answer. ed. N. A. Dukhno, A. I. Zemlin. ― M.: Legal Institute of MIIT, 2017. ― 259 p.
3. Braginsky M.I., Vitryansky V.V. Contract law. Book four. Agreements on transportation, towing, transport expedition and other services in the field of transport. – M., 2016. – 910 p.
4. Ulyanov A.V. Interests protected by law in civil law. – M., 2019. – 216 pp.
5. Ulyanov A.V. On unjust enrichment of a railway due to abuse of rights in obligations to transport goods // Lexrussica. – 2020. – T. 73. – No. 12. – P. 20-32.
6. Egiazarov V. A. Transport law: textbook. – M., 2018. – 404 pp.
7. Gruber J., & Narayanan, S. Travel time differences between cargo cycles and cars in commercial transport operations // Transportation Research Record. – 2019. – No. 2673 (8). – R. 623-637.
8. Horni A., Nagel K., & Axhausen K. W. The multi-agent transport simulation MATSim. – London: UbiquityPress, 2016.
9. Arnold F., Cardenas I., Sörensen K., Dewulf W., Simulation of B2C e-commerce distribution in Antwerp using cargo bikes and delivery points // European Transport Research Review. – 2019. – No. 10 (1).
10. Geurs K. T., La Paix L., & Van Weperen S. A multi-modal network approach to model public transport // EurTransp Res Rev. – 2016. – No. 8 (4). – R. 25.
11. Bazhina M. A. Main directions of reforming the legislation on the contract for the carriage of goods // Perm Legal Almanac. – 2018. – No. 1. – P. 332-337.

TARASOVA Inna Alexandrovna
lecturer of Civil law disciplines sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
This article analyzes the legal regulation of marriage relations in Russia and in foreign countries. The peculiarities of marriage in foreign countries, which are not peculiar to Russian family legislation, are revealed, indicating its advantages and disadvantages. It is proposed to supplement the Russian legislation with the definition of marriage (on the example of the Republic of Belarus). It seems appropriate to consider the issue of expanding the degree of kinship as a restriction on marriage (for example, Romania, in whose family law marriage is prohibited up to the fourth degree of kinship), as well as the transformation of the norm on medical examination into a mandatory procedure preceding marriage (for example, the United States and France). These measures are aimed at preserving the health of Russian citizens and future offspring.
Keywords: marriage, family, foreign countries, civil marriage, church marriage, degree of kinship, premarital medical examination.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ (as amended by Federal Law dated December 19, 2022 No. 538-FZ) // Russian newspaper. – 2022. – December 22.
2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2022 No. 586-FZ) // Russian newspaper. – 2023. – January 9.
3. Simonenko I.V., Systerova A.V. Foreign experience of premarital medical examination // Intellectual resources for regional development. – 2017. – No. 1. – P. 361-365.

KUPCHINA Ekaterina Valentinovna
senior lecturer of Civil law and process and international private law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Non-Fungible Tokens, also known as NFTs, are a special kind of digital title record that is used to validate the validity and uniqueness of intellectual property. Due to their properties, NFTs have gained incredible popularity among art creators, asset collectors, and also in the field of business relations. The number of transactions made with NFTs has reached record levels, which raises a number of legal issues in the field of intellectual property rights, especially copyright. In this regard, the author of this work seems to be able to analyze the options for the emergence of ownership of NFTs, as well as the possibility of transferring copyright to these objects.
Keywords: non-fungible token, blockchain, smart contract, copyright, intellectual property.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ermakova E. P. Blockchain, metaverses and NFT in civil procedure and arbitration in Russia, China and USA // RUDN Journal of Law. – 2023. – Vol. 27, No. 1. – P. 148-165. – DOI 10.22363/2313-2337-2023-27-1-148-165. – EDN RIGRJN.
2. Kupchina E.V. Artificial intelligence in intellectual property: copyright issues // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2020. – No. 12 (151). – pp. 146-151. – EDN NVFWRX.

YASTREMSKIY Ivan Anatoljevich
Lawyer, “Leningrad regional lawyer association”, Law firm “Pelevin and partners”
The article analyzes the legal norms that regulate the provision of medical services, as well as examples of unacceptable conditions that can be included in a medical service contract. To determine the inadmissibility of the terms of the contract, legal methods of interpretation and analysis are used. The article also describes the procedure for applying to the court in case of recognition of the terms of the contract as unacceptable, as well as the possible consequences for the parties to the contract.
Keywords: medical services, plastic surgery, contract, unacceptable conditions, recognition of inadmissibility, legal norms, procedure for going to court.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Budylina A. A., Terekhov S. A. Legal regulation of liability for violation of requirements for the provision of medical services // Medical law. – 2019. – No. 3. – P. 11-16.
2. Butakova T.V. Legal regulation of contracts for medical care in the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. Series: Law. – 2018. – T. 18. No. 3. – P. 19-28.
3. Konovalova E. V. Legal regulation of the quality of medical services in the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Kazan State Law University. – 2018. – T. 20. No. 2. – P. 146-152.
4. Kudryashov A. S. Features of legal regulation of contractual relations in the field of medicine // Medical law. – 2018. – No. 1. – P. 31-36.
5. Kutueva Z. M. Legal regulation of the quality of medical care in the Russian Federation // Medical law. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 31-36.
6. Marchenko I.V. Legal aspects of contracts for the provision of medical services in Russia // Modern law. – 2018. – No. 4. – P. 128-135.
7. Merzlyakov S. A., Kostromina N. A. Responsibility for the quality of medical services in the Russian Federation: theoreticallye and practical aspects // Journal of Russian Law. – 2019. – No. 9. – P. 101-110.
8. Pisareva N.V., Nekrasova E.N., Demchenko A.S. Analysis of problems of legal regulation of the provision of medical services in Russia // Medical Law. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 8-14.

RUSAKOVA Ekaterina Petrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process and private international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
KHUZYATOV Arthur Arslanovich
master of law, postgraduate student of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
The article examines the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to open terms in contracts. The authors explore how AI relates to other ways of filling in open terms and recognize that specifying AI as a way of determining a term is most similar to appointing a third party (expert, arbitrator) for the same purpose. Furthermore, the paper presents the results of an experiment conducted by the authors, in which different AI systems determine open terms. The latter reveals two main difficulties in the use of AI in the context under study: the possible unreasonability of the terms set by AI, as well as the occasional disability of AI to define open contract terms. It is noted that the same problems occur in situations with a third party nominated to define an open term, and foreign law along with supra-national unifications of private law offer ways to solve these problems. According to the authors, the relevant rules can be applied to the analyzed legal relations with AI by analogy. In this case, given the lack of direct regulation of the issue, the authors make recommendations for provisions that the parties could include in the contract and which would be aimed at solving the problems identified.
Keywords: framework contract, contract with open terms, artificial intelligence, English law, Uniform Commercial Code, UNIDROIT Principles, Principles of European Private Law.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Alekseev N.V. Artificial intelligence and robotization. Problems of contract law // Law: history, theory, practice: Collection of articles and materials. Volume Issue 23. Bryansk: Limited Liability Company “New Project”, 2019. – pp. 14-20.
2. Vasilevskaya L. Yu. Digitalization of civil circulation: “artificial intelligence” and technologies of “artificial intelligence” in the mechanism of contractual regulation: civil law research: monograph in 5 volumes / L. Yu. Vasilevskaya, E. B. Poduzova; Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL). Volume 4. – Moscow: Limited Liability Company “Prospect”, 2023.
3. Kazantsev D. A. Problems and prospects for regulating relations within the framework of a transaction made with the participation of artificial intelligence // Journal of Digital Technologies and Law. – 2023. T. 1. No. 2. – P. 438 – 463.
4. Karapetov A. G. Contract law (general part): article-by-article commentary to articles 420–453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic edition. Edition 2.0] / Rep. ed. A. G. Karapetov. – M.: M-Logos, 2020.
5. Krainova E. R. Elements of artificial intelligence in civil law relations / E. R. Krainova, E. S. Kovanov // Modern law. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 65 – 70.
6. Khuzziatov A. A. Framework agreement (agreement with open terms) // St. Petersburg Civil Law 2.1. Collection of scientific works. – M.: M-Logos, 2020. – P. 284–304.
7. Bezbakh, Vitaliy V. Augmented Reality and Civil Law Regulation of Business Relations / V. V. Bezbakh, E. E. Frolova // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. – 2022. – Vol. 254. – P. 29-37.
8. Digital technologies as a driver of intellectual stratification of human resources: Socio-economic inequality / M. N. Dudin, O. F. Shakhov, M. S. Shakhova [et al.] // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. – 2019. – Vol. 8, No. 2. – P. 4436-4440.
9. Grundmann, & Hacker P. The Digital Dimension as a Challenge to European Contract Law – The Architecture. In European Contract Law in the Digital Age. – 2018. – P. 3 – 46.
10. Kerrigan Charles. Artificial Intelligence: Law and Regulation / Edited by Charles Kerrigan (Partner, CMS, UK). Edited by Charles Kerrigan, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
11. Kozhokar I. P. Philosophical and Legal Foundation of the Study of Legal Interpretation Technique / I. P. Kozhokar, K. E. Sigalov, E. P. Rusakova // Wisdom. – 2023. – Vol. 25, No. 1. – P. 231 – 239.
12. Księżak Paweł, Sylwia Wojtczak. Toward a Conceptual Network for the Private Law of Artificial Intelligence by Paweł Księżak, Sylwia Wojtczak. 1sted. 2023. – Springer International Publishing, 2023.
13. Lando Ole. Principles of European Contract Law. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/01/2023).
14. Martin Ebers, Cristina Poncibò. Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. – Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
15. Mik Eliza. From Automation to Autonomy: Some Non-Existent Problems in Contract Law // Journal of Contract Law. – Vol. 36, No. 3. – 2020. – P. 205 – 229.
16. Mik Eliza. Much Ado About Artificial Intelligence or: The Automation of Contract Formation // International Journal of Law and Information Technology. – Vol. 30, No. 4. – 2022. – P. 484-506.
17. Rusakova E. P. Digital Rights as a New Object of Civil Rights: Issues of Substantive and Procedural Law / E. P. Rusakova, E. E. Frolova, A. I. Gorbacheva // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. – 2020. – Vol. 1100. – P. 665-673.
18. UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2016 // International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Rome, 2016. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/05/2023).
19. Uniform Commercial Code. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
20. Wrbka, Stefan, et al. Smart Contracts Technological, Business and Legal Perspectives / [edited by] Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Mark Fenwick and Stefan Wrbka. Edited by Stefan Wrbka et al., First edition. – Hart Publishing, 2021.

ALIEV Gamid Abdusalamovich
magister student of the 1st course of the full-time in the direction of 40.04.01-Jurisprudence of the Dagestan State University
The present article analyzes the legal regime of premises as an object of civil rights, highlights the key features associated with its legal status and considers the distinctive features that distinguish it from other real estate objects. The results of the study allow us to draw a conclusion about the importance of the legal regime of premises for the protection of civil rights and highlight the main aspects that must be taken into account when working with such real estate.
Keywords: object, civil law, Civil Code, premises, legal regime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Anisimov A.P. Civil law of Russia. General part: textbook for universities. — 5th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. – 435 p.
2. Kislitsina O.V. Legal regime of premises as an object of civil rights // Issues of modern jurisprudence. – 2016. – No. 8-9 (59). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 03.14.2023)
3. Litvin Yu. A. Non-residential premises as an object of civil rights // Young scientist. – 2019. – No. 28 (266). – pp. 128-130.

ANANJEV Oleg Gennadjevich
senior lecturer of Social psychology and social work sub-faculty of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
IVLIEV Pavel Valentinovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
This article discusses the objective obstacles and difficulties that exist in the insurance market and hinder its development. A qualitative solution to the problems under consideration will inevitably contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and an increase in macroeconomic indicators. Business risk insurance is analyzed in detail as a factor directly affecting the development of small and medium-sized businesses in our country. Effective methods and measures are proposed to improve the insurance market in modern Russia.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, insurance, insurance companies, insurers, policyholders, benefit, insured persons, auto insurance, insurance policy, business risk insurance.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Grafov A.V., Guskov S.V., Kukina E.E. Insurance of business risks as a factor in the development of the Russian economy // Auditor. – Volume 6. – No. 6. – 2020. – P. 53-58.
2. Kinzyagulov A.F. The concept, essence and role of insurance in the Russian Federation // Pen of science. – No. 24. – 2020. – P. 11-14.
3. Shershova E. V. Concept, features and state of the insurance marketresearch in Russia // MODERN SCIENCE. – No. 12-3. – 2021. – P. 116-121.
4. Kuzmich A.P., Yugaseva O.A. Legal culture as a condition for the formation of a rule-of-law state // Collection of the conference “Legal culture as a condition for the formation of a rule-of-law state.” Vitebsk, December 10-11, 2010 – Vitebsk, 2010. – P. 150-151.

ANANJEVA Ekaterina Olegovna Law, associate professor, associate professor of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
KACHMAZOVA Alina Yurjevna
magister student of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”
The article discusses issues related to the reorganization and consolidation of energy-generating enterprises and changes in the energy supply industry. The reform of the industry has led to the inability of individual private territorial network organizations to compete in the capacity market, which leads to bankruptcy. However, the current legislation and, on the basis of certain norms, the courts apply to such suppliers the norms of §6 of Chapter IX of the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” on bankruptcy of natural monopolies, which is a violation, since guaranteeing suppliers do not operate in conditions of naturally created monopolies. The authors give examples of practice, analyze the issues of insolvency of guaranteeing suppliers, TSO and give proposals for regulating this problem.
Keywords: civil code, bankruptcy legislation, private electric grid companies, guaranteeing suppliers, natural monopolies.
Bibliographic list
1. Rosseti completed the reorganization on the basis of FSK. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/23/2023).
2. A new wave of consolidation of small power grid companies may begin in 2023. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/23/2023).
3. Ananyeva E. O., Ivliev P. V. Bankruptcy of legal entities // Eurasian Legal Journal. 2021. No. 4 (155). pp. 173-174.

IVENSKAYA Anastasiya Andreevna
master of jurisprudence, assistant judge of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal, Samara, counselor of justice of the third class
This article examines the possibility of observing the guarantees of the independence of a lawyer in the performance of his professional duties in the modern world. In practice, a lawyer often faces attempts to put pressure on him by law enforcement officials.
Why should legislation protect the rights of a lawyer as a subject of professional activity? What functions are assigned to the Commission of the Council of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation in this legal issue?
A formal approach to the observation by state bodies and officials of the principles of the independence of a lawyer leads to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of his principal.
Keywords: advocacy, advocacy, guarantees of the independence of a lawyer, interference in advocacy, violation of rights.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gorbunova N. A. Historical features of the development of the legal profession in Russia // Science. Society. State. – 2017. – No. 1 (17). – P. 1-6.
2. Ivanov A.V. Guarantees of independence of lawyers and ways to improve them // Eurasian Advocacy. – 2014. – No. 6 (13). – P. 57.
3. Ivanova I. A. Advocacy as a form of implementation of state guarantees for the protection of human rights in a state of law // Forecasting methods in engineering and technology: a collection of articles based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. – 2018. – pp. 160-163.
4. Kargina Yu. A., Voronkova M. L. Advocacy and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation // Current research. – 2021. – No. 7 (34). – pp. 32-34.
5. Larionova K. O. History of the origin and development of the institute of advocacy in Tsarist Russia // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – Moscow, 2022. – No. 4-2 (67). – pp. 222-225.
6. Fokina L. Yu. Constitutional guarantees for the protection of fundamental rights of citizens // Science and modernity. – 2017. – No. 13-3. – pp. 233-237.

KUDINOVA Anastasiya Valerjevna
postgraduate student of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations
The article discusses the trends in the development of servitude legal relations in the Russian Federation. It is shown that in order to improve servitude of legal relations, the legislator needs to develop and introduce into the content of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the concept of an agreement on the establishment of an easement of a private legal nature. The author also substantiates the need to develop and fix rules (recommendations) aimed at determining the amount of payment for an easement. Taking into account the specifics of the topic, in the course of writing the article, an interdisciplinary approach is also used, which allows us to consider the issues raised from legal, medical and social points of view.
At the same time, today this topic has many contradictions in terms of legal regulation. In December 2022, amendments were made to Federal Law No. 538-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 52. Art. 9368), the practical implementation of which is intended to eliminate existing problems, however, a number of legal, moral and moral issues arising from the surrogacy procedure remain unresolved.
Keywords: assisted reproductive technologies (ART), surrogacy, medical law, in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Paragraph 2 clause 4 art. 51, paragraph 3 of Art. 52 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
2. P.p. 3, 9 and 10 tbsp. 55 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation.”
3. Clause 5 art. 16 of the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status” dated November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ.
4. P.p. 70-75 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2020 No. 803n “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions on their use.
5. Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ (as amended on July 24, 2023) “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on September 1, 2023) Article 55.

PARASKEVIDI Mark Aleksandrovich
magister student of the O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
This article is devoted to the analysis of the procedure for performing remote notarial acts, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the current system for performing notarial acts in a remote format, citing as an example foreign legislation on notaries, its development and the positive experience of using various information systems. The author formulates the main list of existing problems in the area under consideration, suggests possible options for their resolution, analyzes the likely ways of development of this area in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: notary public, notary, notarial actions, remote notarial actions, remote deals.

SIDOROV Sergey Sergeevich
postgraduate student of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University “SYNERGY”
The article examines the relevance of the introduction of the digital ruble, as well as subsequent changes in the national financial system of the Russian Federation. The article examines the concept of digital currency, provides a brief overview of existing digital currencies in the practice of other states. The article considers a brief history of the formation of the idea of the Russian digital currency, as well as the assessment of modern experts in the field of the national economy and the payment system of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: digital ruble, national economy, financial system, digital currency, modernization.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bank of Russia “On the digital ruble.” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Statistics of the national payment system. Bank of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Khamuradov M. A. Development of the digital ruble using the example of the PRC experience // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2023. No. 6-2 (100). pp. 56-68
4. Khadzhiev M. R., Bayrakova A. A. Digital ruble: its role in the management of monetary circulation // In the collection: ManagementManagement of socio-economic systems: theory, methodology, practice. Collection of materials from the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Grozny, 2021. pp. 138-144.
5. Shuvalova M. Digital ruble: what is known about the third form of money in Russia – 2023 – “Garant” system. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

SHAKHNAZAROV Umar Magomedovich
magister of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
The article considers the homeowners’ association as a form of management of common property in an apartment building. The article defines the HOA. The essence of the partnership is revealed through the rights and obligations of the partnership. The article highlights the basic rights enshrined in the law and revealing the specifics of the HOA. The advantages of this form of management over others are described, as well as the disadvantages of this form are revealed. The essence of the partnership is revealed through the article will be useful to apartment owners who are looking for effective ways to manage their common property.
Keywords: homeowners’ association, TSZH, apartment building, management of common property.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2005 – No. 1 (part 1). – St. 14 from change. and additional in ed. from 11/21/2022.
2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 416 “On the procedure for carrying out activities for the management of apartment buildings” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2013. – No. 21. – Art. 2652.
3. Bespalov Yu. F., Egorova O. A. Commentary on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Article-by-article scientific and practical. – M.: Prospekt, 2014. – 704 p.
4. Krasheninnikov P.V. Housing law. 12th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Statute, 2020. – 432 p.
5. Manko O. V., Protasov G. V. Advantages of choosing HOAs as a method of managing apartment buildings // New development impulses: issues of scientific research. – 2020. – pp. 50-55.
6. Lipinskaya E. V. Homeowners’ Association as one of the forms of management of apartment buildings // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2021. – No. 1-3 (52). – pp. 124-126.
7. Alferina O. N. Development of homeowners’ associations in Russia: problems and prospects // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6. – P. 146-151.

PARASKEVIDI Mark Aleksandrovich
magister student of the O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
The article examines and analyzes the immediate essence of cassation proceedings on the example of arbitration, cassation proceedings are considered as an independent part of the process of reviewing a judicial act that has already entered into force. Particular attention is paid to verify the validity of the requirement within this type of production. Among other things, the history of the development of the institute of cassation proceedings in the domestic procedural legislation is analyzed and it is concluded that the content of the norms on the grounds for the cancellation of a judicial act reflects the views that have developed in the science of civil procedural law on the essence and purpose of this institution of appeal.
Keywords: cassation proceedings, arbitration process, history of cassation proceedings, validity, civil procedural law.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gromoshina N. A. On the principles of the civil process in conditions when “the modern model of capitalism has exhausted itself” // Bulletin of the O. E. Kutafin University, 2021. – P. 1-7.
2. Abushenko D. B., Branovitsky K. L., Zagainova S. K. et al. Current problems of civil and administrative proceedings / Ed. V.V. Yarkova. – Moscow: Statute, 2021. – P. 340.
3. Fursova D. A. From the history of arbitration judicial system and legal proceedings // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 105.
4. Grigorieva T. A. Formation of arbitration jurisdiction in Russia in the 20th century // Jurisprudence. – 2002. – No. 2 (241). – pp. 123 – 135.
5. Kononova E. N. History of the development of the arbitration process in Russia. – VSU, 2018. – pp. 334-336.
6. Rasskazov L.P., Uporov I.V. Continuity of monarchical, Soviet and co-temporary law in the historical development of Russia // Russian law at the turn of the millennium: main development trends. – Krasnodar, 2015. – pp. 130-131.
7. Pobirchenko I. G. Soviet arbitration process. Textbook. – M., 1998. – P. 230.
8. Vlasov A. A. Arbitration process. Textbook for universities. – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2022. – P. 320.
9. Mashkova A. S. Legal nature of state arbitration in the USSR // State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University. – 2020. – P. 3.
10 Vitryansky V. How to improve the activities of arbitration? // Soviet justice. – 1989. – No. 2. – P. 5.
11 Gadzhalieva N. Sh. Development of cassation proceedings. Textbook for universities. -4th ed., changes, and extras. – M.: Norma, 2019. – P. 240.
12 Kharlamova I.V. Arbitration court: goals of cassation proceedings. – M., 2019. – P. 230.

POPOVA Yuliya Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, professor, Head of Civil and administrative judiciary sub-faculty of the North Caucasus branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Krasnodar
KOROSTELEVA Yuliya Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil process and international law sub-faculty of the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
The scientific work under consideration raises an important topic of the use of digital technologies in the field of jurisprudence, namely the legal institution of online dispute resolution, which is currently rapidly gaining popularity in foreign countries.
The authors analyze the foreign legislative framework regulating the organization and use of online platforms (services) to resolve various disputed legal relations. Using the example of the Regulations of the European Parliament and the Council on Online Dispute Resolution, the legislative basis of legal Internet platforms is dismantled, which allows us to talk about the effectiveness and expediency of the legal institution under consideration.
This scientific article provides arguments in favor of introducing online services to resolve consumer disputes into the legal environment. The innovation will become a revolutionary tool for resolving legal differences in the Russian legal system. The advantages of online platforms will be their accessibility, efficiency and confidentiality of individuals, which is of great importance for entrepreneurs. The authors, having conducted a study, propose an algorithm for online settlement of disputed consumer legal relations. They cite the opinion that it is necessary to further spread non-traditional methods of resolving conflict legal relations, which will have a positive impact on the judicial system and on Russian society as a whole.
Keywords: non-traditional methods of dispute settlement, disputable legal relations, consumer disputes, legal online platforms, innovation in legislation, foreign legislation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Adelshin R. N., Andreeva E. I., Andreeva L. V. LegalTech in the field of entrepreneurial activity / Responsible. ed. I. V. Ershova, O. V. Sushkova. – Moscow: Prospekt, 2023.
2. Avdyev M. A. Online dispute resolution services: selected cases // Modern management technologies. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Kurochkin S. A. Digital technologies and arbitration // Arbitration Court. – 2022. – No. 2/3.
4. Kharitonova Yu. S., Yan T. Legal problems of transformation of the basic principles of justice in the conditions of digitalization of the civil process in Russia and China // Bulletin of civil process. – 2023. – No. 1.
5. Samsonova M. V., Streltsova E. G., Chaikina A. V. Digital technologies in civil and administrative proceedings: practice, analytics, prospects / Responsible. ed. E. G. Streltsova. – M.: Infotropik Media, 2022.
6. Rules of the LCIA (London International Court of Arbitration). (Approved in Paris on November 27, 1997) // SPS “Consultant Plus”.
7. Arbitration Rules (Vienna Rules) (Together with the “Model Clause”). Approved on 05/08/2013 at the Extended meeting of the Presidium of the Austrian Chamber of Economics // ATP “Consultant Plus”.
8. SCC Arbitrator Guidelines. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: -%D1%82%D0%BF%D1%81/.
9. On online resolution of consumer disputes and amendments to Regulation (EC) 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Consumer ODR Regulation)” [Russian, English] (Adopted in Strasbourg on 05/21/2013) / / SPS “Consultant Plus”.
10. Directive No. 2013/11/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union “On the alternative resolution of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Consumer ADR Directive)” [Russian, English .] (Adopted in St.Asburg 05/21/2013) // SPS “Consultant Plus”.

RUSAKOVA Ekaterina Petrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Civil law and process and private international law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
SERGEEV Kirill Borisovich
postgraduate student of the 2nd course of the Institute of Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Historical evidence and current trends underscore the profound influence of digital technologies on civil litigation. Over the past few decades, advancements in information technology have been ushered in automated case management systems, electronic court documents, online portals for accessing judicial information, and other innovative solutions. This article delves into the historical background and investigates the foreign experience regarding the utilization of digital technologies in civil litigation. The research, titled “Foreign Experience in the Use of Digital Technologies in Civil Litigation,” offers a comprehensive overview of contemporary digital solutions and approaches adopted in civil litigation across different countries. It examines key practices and innovative solutions employed to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of the judicial system, including electronic application and document filing, remote court hearings, automated document processing, and electronic archiving systems. Through an analysis of foreign practices, the article sheds light on the benefits and challenges associated with the integration of digital technologies into civil proceedings. By studying international experiences, valuable insights and successful strategies can be identified and applied within domestic judicial systems, ultimately improving efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of justice. The findings and conclusions of this article provide a foundation for the development and enhancement of domestic judicial systems, contributing to the advancement of civil justice quality and ensuring equity for all participants in the legal process.
Keywords: litigation, digitalization, electronic evidence, technologies, online portal, France, USA, Vietnam, Japan, Germany.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Assy Rabeea. Briggs Online Court and the Need for a Paradigm Shift (January 1, 2017) // Civil Justice Quarterly. – 2017. – No. 36 (1). – pp. 93-108. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Bezbakh V. V. Augmented Reality and Civil Law Regulation of Business Relations / V. V. Bezbakh, E. E. Frolova // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. – 2022. – Vol. 254. – P. 29-37. – DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-4621-8_3. – EDN BZIEMS.
3. Ermakova E. P., Frolova E. E. Using Artificial Intelligence in Dispute Resolution // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. – 2022. – Vol. 254. – P. 131-142. – DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-4621-8_11. – EDN KRVMHR.
4. Artemyeva Yu. A., Ermakova E. P., Ivanovskaya N. V., etc. Resolution of financial disputes in the Asia-Pacific countries: (Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, Thailand , Japan). – M.: Infotropik Media, 2019. – 416 pp.
5. Artemyeva Yu., Ermakova E. P., Kovyrshina N. A., Rusakova E. P. Methods for resolving disputes in different legal orders. – M.: Infotropik Media, 2017. – 424 p.
6. Bezbakh V. V., Belikova K. M., Badaeva N. V., Ermakova E. P., Ivanovskaya N. V., Krivenko O. A., Protopopova O. V., Rusakova E. P., Sitkareva E. V. Civil process and civil legislation in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. – M.: RUDN, 2015.
7. Chief Judge of Vietnam Nguyen Hoa Binh, speech at the International Conference “Improving the Judicial System in Response”.
8. Cleandrov M.I. Justice and justice. – Moscow: Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021. – 392 p.
9. Christina Coleman “For Baida Against.” Blood-Dzraku: Serving Process via Facebook and Other Social Media Platforms through an Indiana Lens // Indiana Law Review. – Volume 50:645. – 2017.
10. Lord Justice Briggs. Overview of the structure of civil courts. Final report // Judicial system of England and Wales. – July 2016. – pp. 48-49.
11. Miklos Kengyel and Zoltan Nemessany (eds.). Electronic technologies and civil procedure: new paths to justice from around the world. – Springer, 2012.
12. Nguyen Dang Dung. The role of the courts in protecting justice and human rights in accordance with the 2013 Constitution // Trinh Quoc Toan & Vu Cong Giao (ed.). Ensuring respect for constitutional rights in the 2013 Constitution. – Hong Duc Press, 2015. – P. 74.
13. Rusakova E. P. VozdeysEffect of digitalization on civil proceedings in Russia and abroad: the experience of China, India, Singapore, the European Union, the USA, South Africa and some other countries: dis. … Doctor of Law 12.00.15; 12.00.03: protected 22.04.2022: approved. 04/27/2022. – Moscow, 2022. – 375 pp.
14. Rusakova E. P. Integration of modern digital technologies into the legal proceedings of the People’s Republic of China and Singapore // State and Law. – 2020. – No. 9. – P. 102-109.
15. Rusakova E. P., Zaitsev V. V. Digitalization through the principles of legal proceedings (in civil and arbitration proceedings) // Problems of economics and legal practice. – 2022. – No. 4. – P. 105-109.
16. Hill Trend Report IV, ODR and the Courts: The Promise of 100% Access to Justice? Online dispute resolution. – 2016. – pp. 62-63.
17. Fabien Gelinas (etc.). Foundations of civil justice: Toward a values-based system of reform. – Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.
18. Frolova E. E. Legal regulation of green financing in China: successes and problems of development // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2019. – No. 7 (134). – pp. 103-108. – EDN IJWVFI.
19. Zhou Yuhan. Judicial interpretations of the provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on several issues related to the handling of cases by Internet courts. – Tsinghua China Law Review, Volume 11:175, 2018. – P. 176.

RYAZANTSEV Mikhail Yurjevich
postgraduate student of the Moscow University of Finance and Law
The article analyzes the approaches of the three arbitration institutions to the consideration of cases with multiple parties. The author concludes that the differences in the mechanisms of joinder, consolidation and concurrent hearings are in favor of the parties, who can choose the rules that meet the needs of their relationships.
Keywords: arbitration, joinder, consolidation, concurrent hearings.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Born GB, International Commercial Arbitration (3rd edn, Kluwer 2021).
2. Moser MJ and Bao C, A Guide to the HKIAC Arbitration Rules (2nd edn, OUP 2022).
3. Scherer M, Richman L and Gerbay R, Arbitrating under the 2020 LCIA Rules: A User’s Guide (Kluwer 2021).

DENISOVA Yuliya Vladimirovna
postgraduate student of Jurisprudence sub-faculty of the University of Management “TISBI”
The article is devoted to the study of the history of the development of mediation in the Russian legal society since the formation and development of the Russian Empire. Based on the study and analysis of literary sources, regulations and other legislative documents, problems in the process of development of mediation in Russia were identified. Situations and opportunities that became the basis for the establishment and formation of mediation in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: mediation, disputes, resolution of disputes and conflicts, historical background, “mediators”, formation, legal system, history of development.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Avdeenko N.I. On the jurisdiction of property disputes by comradely courts // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. – 1961. – Issue. 1. – No. 5. – P. 120.
2. Anokhin V.S. Arbitration procedural law of Russia. – M.: Vlados, 1999.
3. Arkhipkina A. S. Institute of mediation in modern law // Siberian Legal Bulletin. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 167.
4. Backhaus N.A. On the source of the duty of the state court ex officio to verify the decision of the arbitration court on the grounds provided for in the law when considering an application for its cancellation // Arbitration Court. – 2004. – No. 3. – P. 52-59.
5. Kunitsyn A.P. Historical image of ancient legal proceedings in Russia. – St. Petersburg: Type. Second Department of Ownership e.i. led office, 1843. – P. 25.
6. Nigmatullina T. A., Ternovaya L. O. Political mediation: textbook. – Ufa: Publishing House of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) of the Educational Institution of Trade Unions of Higher Education “Academy of Labor and Social Relations”, 2016. – 370 pp.
7. Rubinshtein E. A. Regulatory regulation of the institution of termination of criminal cases in connection with the reconciliation of the parties: dis. …cand. legal Sci. – M., 2004. – P.11.
8. Arbitration proceedings in the Russian Federation: textbook / Ed. O. Yu. Skvortsova. – M.: Walter Kluvers Publishing House, 2010.
9. Shanin T. Where is Russia going? – M.: Aspect-Press, 1996. – P. 170.

PIVCHENKO Svetlana Vasiljevna
postgraduate student of the Ural Institute of Management – branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg
Тhe article analyzes certain aspects of the influence of the humanistic philosophical and legal paradigm of human value on the development of the status of orphans and the formation of social protection of their existence on the basis of the moral and spiritual development of mankind, Christian philanthropy and charity of individuals towards the institutionalization of forms of their care in modern states.
Keywords: orphans, charity, care, shelter and food for orphans, Christian philanthropy, charity, upbringing of orphans, social protection of orphans.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Aksenova E. A. Pedagogical ideas in the philosophical heritage of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel // Problems of modern education. – 2015. – No. 2. – P. 66-75.
2. Albitsky V. Yu., Baranov A. A., Sher S. A. Imperial Moscow Orphanage: (1763-1813 – the first 50 years in the history of the Scientific Center for Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). – M.: Union of Pediatricians of Russia, 2009. – 127 p.
3. Gernet M. N. Infanticide: Sociol. and comparative legal research: With adj. 12 diagram – M.: Type. Imp. Moscow University, 1911. – 318 p. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 03.03.2023).
4. Daragan N.D. About the humanism of the Renaissance // Bulletin of the Taganrog State Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 8-10.
5. Crane W. Psychology of human development: 25 main theories. – St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2007. – 512 p.
6. Myakin T. G. History of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Textbook allowance. Novosib. state univ. – Novosibirsk, 2005. – 130 p.
7. Plato. Collected works in 3 volumes / Translation by A. N. Egunov. – T. 2. – M., 1971. – 611 p.
8. Plutarch. Morals: Essays. – M.: EKSMO-Press, Kharkov: Folio, 1999. – 1117 pp.
9. Potepalov D.V. Treatment of orphans during the period of Antiquity and the Middle Ages // Modern trends in the development of science and technology. – 2015. – No. 6-10. – pp. 105-106.
10. Sadrieva A. N. Pedagogical treatise by J. Locke “Thoughts on Education” in the context of the phenomenology of the formation of a subject of modern times // Historical and pedagogical journal. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 170-190.
11. Khvostov V. M. System of Roman law. Textbook. – M.: Publishing House “Spark”, 1996. – 521 p.
12. Reader on the history of Ancient Rome / Ed. d.i. n. S. L. Utchenko. – M., 1962. – 675 pp.
13. Shershenevich G. F. Textbook of Russian civil law (according to the 1907 edition). – M.: Firm “Spark”, 1995. – 556 p.
14. Khutorovsky A.V. Natural education and training J.-J. Russo // School technologies. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 75-83.
15. Encyclopedic Dictionary (in 86 volumes). Volume VII (13): Volapyuk – Vygovskie. / Edited by K. K. Arsenyev and Emeritus Professor F. F. Petrushevsky. Publishers: F. A. Brockhaus (Leipzig), I. A. Efron (St. Petersburg). – St. Petersburg, 1892: Semenovskaya Typo-Lithography (I. A. Efron), 480 p., 10 sheets. ill., map. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https:// (date of access: 03/03/2023).
16. Yablokov N.V. Charity for children in educational homes. – St. Petersburg: State. typ., 1901. – 71 p. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 03.03.2023).

GAZIZOVA Leysan Makhmutovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Legal and humanitarian disciplines sub-faculty of the Dagestan State University
SHAGIMURATOVA Zaliya Albertovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Environmental and labor law sub-faculty of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
In order to improve the quality of service, as well as a more effective and convenient mechanism for providing social support measures to citizens in our country, the Social Fund of Russia was created as a result of the merger of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. This association allows solving a number of significant problems in the field of receiving social benefits by citizens, expanding the category of citizens provided with social insurance, as well as reducing the administrative burden on business. The Social Fund continuationes to develop a system of proactive assignment of payments and electronic services. In the future, citizens will be able to receive even more services in full and online, as well as support measures without contacting the fund.
This article examines the origins of education, specific aspects and core competencies of the established Social Fund of Russia, identifies new rates of insurance premiums, analyzes the main changes and highlights the advantages in the process of providing public services to citizens as a result of the merger of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Social Fund of Russia, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, pension insurance, social insurance, pensions, benefits, social payments, insurance contributions, budget, social protection.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The merger of the Russian Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: the most important thing. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/19/2023).
2. The merger of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: what will this reform lead to. [Electronic resource]. – access mode: (date of access: 05/19/2023).
3. The Ministry of Labor announces the development of bills on the merger of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund into a single social fund and the introduction of a single tariff. [Electronic resource]. – access mode: (date of access: 01/19/2023).

KHASANOV Alexey Olegovich
postgraduate of Labor law sub-faculty of the V. F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University
The development of allied relations of the Russian Federation with its neighbors is more relevant than ever. In the article, the author analyzes the legal regulation of interaction between employers and trade union bodies in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the context of strengthening the alliance of these countries on the harmonization of legislation on labor and labor protection. Comparative-legal analysis is carried out on the example of relations of these subjects of interaction in six institutes of labor law.
According to the results of the analysis, the author provides similarities and differences in the regulation of these relations. The effectiveness of the extended powers of trade unions in the Republic of Belarus in comparison with the Russian Federation is assessed. The author emphasizes the gaps in the issues of interaction between trade unions and employers. The author suggests eliminating the gaps identified in the course of the analysis by including new definitions in the legislation.
Keywords: legal regulation, interaction between employer and trade unions, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus.

ALIEVA Elmira Bashirovna
Ph.D. in economic sciences, associate professor of Administrative, financial and customs law sub-faculty of the Dagestan State University
MEZHIDOV Omar Jamalovich
magister student of the 2nd year of study of Administrative, financial and customs law sub-faculty of the Dagestan State University
The article discusses some problems of the implementation of banking activities, determining the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and also considers the problems of legal regulation of banking activities in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the Russian practice of banking development faces obstacles related to the need to improve the regulatory framework. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of legal regulation of banking activities in the Russian Federation and in particular the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: banking system, banking activity, financial and credit organizations, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, legal regulation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Reed E. Commercial banks / Transl. from English – M., 2015.
2. Rozhdestvenskaya T. E. Banking law: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2015.
3. Timofeeva A.V. Some current problems of legal regulation of relations between the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and credit organizations. – Text: immediate // Young scientist. – 2020. – No. 23 (313). – pp. 303-305.

KONOKIN Danil Vladimirovich
dispatcher of the Law Clinic “Legal Support Center” of the Faculty of Law, 4th year student of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of the regulation of BNPL interest-free installation services (“buy now, pay later”), their position in the financial system of the Russian Federation. The author traces the development of the problem of BNPL regulation in Russia and abroad. The conclusions reflect the main conclusions on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in regulating services, as well as proposals for the development of legal regulation of this area of financial technologies. It is necessary to find a balance between innovation and protecting the interests of all participants in order to create a sustainable and fair environment for the development of BNPL services
Keywords: BNPL, buy now – pay later, installments, payment of goods in installations, payment of goods on credit, consumer lending.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Aksenova, K. I. Modern method of providing deferred payment for goods in small and medium-sized businesses // Problems of socio-economic sustainability of the region: Collection of articles of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Penza, January 25-26, 2023 / Edited by G. A. Reznik. – Penza: Penza State Agrarian University, 2023. – pp. 20-23.
2. Emelina L. A., Shvachko N. A. Prospects for regulating the activities of operators of BNPL services // Banking. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 38-41.
3. Zeleneva E. S. Factors and trends in the development of financial technologies in Russia and around the world // Creative Economy. – 2023. – T. 17. No. 7. – P. 2615-2632.
4. Zhuravleva I. A. Problems and prospects for the development of small businesses in the digital economy // Audit and Financial Analysis. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 353-359.
5. Korobeynikova O. M., Panova N. S., Shemet E. S. Modern trends in Russian fintech // Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, sociological and economic sciences. – 2023. – T. 8. No. 2. – P. 170-177.
6. Soldatenkova I. V. New products on the domestic credit market // Journal of Legal and Economic Research. – 2022. – No. 4. – P. 247-257.
7. Silaeva A. A., Ignatenkov G. K. Apple, Samsung and Android Pay: features of contactless mobile payment systems and prospects for their implementation in Russia // Service in Russia and abroad. – 2017. – No. 3 (73). – pp. 126-135.
8. Johnson D., Rodwell J., Hendry T. Analyzing the Impacts of Financial Services Regulation to Make the Case That Buy-Now-Pay-Later Regulation Is Failing. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1992.
9. Klemens Katterbauer, Hassan Syed, Sema Yilmaz Genc, Laurent Cleenewerck. Ai driven Islamic buy now pay later (bnpl) – a legal analysis // Journal of Management and Islamic Finance. – 2023. – Vol. 3 – No. 1.

ALIEVA Elmira Bashirovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor of Administrative, financial and customs law sub-faculty of the Dagestan State University
OMAROVA Saniyat Sultanovna
magister student of the OZO PO of Administrative, financial and customs law sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Dagestan State University
The article characterizes the current state of the indicators of the budget of the RD, formed by strengthening the role of on-site and desk audits. Some of the problems faced by the tax authorities in carrying out control measures are considered. The author describes the trends in changes in desk tax audits for the RD for 2019-2022, identifying articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for which measures of responsibility for violations of tax laws are most frequently applied.
Keywords: tax authorities, tax control, desk audits, on-site audits, tax evasion, tax administration.
Item-by-item bibliography
1. Genrikh T.V. On the issue of defining the concept of “tax control” // Young scientist. – 2020. – No. 32 (322). – pp. 115-116
2. Dubrovin V.V. Tax crimes. Criminal legal and criminal procedural aspects. Tutorial. – M.: MGIMO-University, 2019. – P.60.
3. Reporting data of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan for 2022 // Federal Tax Service of the Republic of Dagestan. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/04/2023)
4. Silvestrova T. Ya., Gurova S. Yu., Shipeev Ya. G. et al. Taxes and taxation: textbook. – M.: Infra-M, 2018. – P. 65.
5. Tazetdinova L. V. Analysis of tax audits in the Russian Federation // Research of young scientists: materials of the XX International. scientific conf. – 2021. – pp. 27-31.
6. Fadeeva N. Yu., Palkina N. V. Tax control and assessment of its effectiveness // Young scientist. – 2020. – No. 21 (311). – pp. 195-199
7. Falshina N. A. Tax control as a modern institution of tax law // Taxes. – 2018. – No. 1. – P. 25-29.
8. Yunusova E. A. Tax control as a factor in ensuring economic security // Questions of student science. – 2019. – No. 6 (34). – pp. 171-173.

FEDOROV Evgeniy Prokopjevich
sales director of the Optikservis Company, Novosibirsk
The article discusses the civil law features of the conclusion and execution of supply contracts with a condition that implies payment for the goods by the buyer upon the fact of its retail sale. It is concluded that the practice of using this scheme of payment for goods is widespread and economically conditioned. At the same time, the inclusion of such conditions in the supply contract is contrary to the current legislation, which creates conditions for mass violations by large retail chains. It is assumed that the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trading Activities in the Russian Federation” will streamline and systematize the process of mutual settlements between economic entities in the segment of Russian retail chains, which will lead to an increase in productivity and will ensure the lowest possible prices in chain stores.
Keywords: supply contract, principle of payment for goods upon sale, economic entity, “hard discounter”, business practice.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Andreeva L. V. “Problems of improving trade legislation under sanctions” // Commercial Law. Scientific and practical journal. – 2015. – No. 2 (17). – pp. 4-9.
2. Nimgirova N. I., Badmaev B. R., Fisenko V. Yu., Mantysheva B. S. “Legal regulation of trading activities in Russia” // Agrarian and Land Law. – 2019. – No. 7. – P. 4-6.
3. Article-by-article commentary to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part two. In three volumes. T. 1: Commentary / Ed. Krasheninnikov P.V. – Moscow: Statute, 2011. – 533 pp.
4. Semenikhin V. V. Protection of consumer rights. 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: GrossMedia, ROSBUKH, 2019. – 199 p.
5. Sukhinenko D. D. “Civil legal aspects of regulation of trade relations” // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2022. – No. 7-1 (70). – pp. 235-238.

BAZHANOV Sergey Andreevich
Ph.D. in Law, leading researcher of the Department for Improving the Regulatory Regulation of the Activities of the Penal Enforcement System of the Center for the Study of Problems of Management and Organization of the Execution of Sentences in the Penal Enforcement System of the Federal State Institution of the FPS of Russia
The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted among commending foreign citizens, as well as an analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the topic under consideration. The author of the article analyzes a relatively new way for illegal migrants to avoid forced deportation from the country, which is to create debt on microloans with the aim of subsequently banning the illegal migrant debtor from leaving the Russian Federation.
Keywords: foreign citizens, illegal migrants, exit restrictions, microfinance organizations.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Internet information and telecommunications network. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://mvd.rf/dejatelnost/statistics/migracionnaya?ysclid=lmqak9gwht735009520 (date of access: 05.25.2023).
2. Girko S.I., Pervozvansky V.B., Strogovich Yu.N., Zhilyaev R.M. Legislative measures aimed at combating recidivism of illegal migrants: analytical material with proposals. – M.: FKU Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2017. ‒ 58 p.
3. Pervozvansky V.B., Strogovich Yu.N., Zhilyaev R.M. Characteristics of convicted foreign citizens: analytical material. – M.: FKU Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2017. ‒ 38 p.
4. Labor force, employment and unemployment in Russia (based on the results of P13 labor force sample surveys). 2022. Stat. Sat./Rosstat. – M., 2022. ‒ 151 p.

BICHENOVA Anna Rolandievna
lecturer of Criminal and penal enforcement law sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia, major of the internal service
DERIGLAZOVA Olga Alexeevna
cadet of the 3rd course of the 2nd platoon of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
Currently, the problem of the threat of a terrorist act does not cease to be relevant, but is only gaining momentum. This circumstance is further complicated by the fact that recently there has been a large proportion of minors taking part in this crime in one way or another. This article discusses crimes committed by minors related to a terrorist act, as well as the causes and conditions conducive to the involvement of new criminals.
Keywords: terrorist act, minors, involvement in a terrorist act, terrorist crimes.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gamidov A. M. Conditions contributing to the involvement of minors in terrorism // System technologies. – 2013. – No. 1. – P. 28-34.
2. Vvedenskaya T. Yu., Dzigumskaya E. A. International terrorism: psychological aspect. Problems of political psychology. Materials of the scientific conference. – Kyiv, 2007. – P. 36-37.

VOLOSYUK Pavel Valerjevich
Ph.D. in Law, Head of Public law disciplines sub-faculty of the North Caucasus Social Institute, associate professor of Criminal law disciplines sub-faculty of the branch of the Russian Technological University – MIREA in Stavropol
URUSOV Murat Mukhtarovich
postgraduate student of Public law disciplines sub-faculty of the North Caucasus Social Institute
In the article, taking into account the current criminal legislation and the practice of its application, the question of establishing the signs of the objective side of the corpus delicti provided for in Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is considered. Taking into account the current concept of a continuing crime in the theory of criminal law, as well as the provisions of Russian criminal legislation defining the grounds and limits of criminal liability, proposals are formulated to establish the signs of the objective side of the corpus delicti provided for in Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code, to determine the moment of the beginning and end of the corpus delicti, as well as proposals are formulated to adjust the current version of Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: criminal liability, organized crime, criminal status, occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy,
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ektov A. S. Criminal legal issues of assessing ongoing crimes // Problems of law enforcement. 2007. No. 1. P. 33-36.
2. Chikin D.S. On the issue of the concept of a continuing crime and the moment of its end // Society and Law. 2010. No. 3. P. 148-151.
3. Chernenko T. G. Qualification of crimes: questions of theory and practice. Kemerovo: KemSU Publishing House, 2012. 187 pp.
4. Obrazhiev K.V. Legal nature and signs of a continuing crime // All-Russian Criminological Journal. 2021. T. 15. No. 4. P. 442-455.
5. Skoblikov P. A. Occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy: continuation of the conversation (on the issue of interpretation of Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) // Law. 2019. No. 11. P. 144-152; Yakusheva T.V. Criminal liability of criminal authorities: novelties of legislation // Criminal law. 2019. No. 3. P. 85-90.
6. Obrazhiev K.V. Decree. op. P. 447.
7. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. One-volume explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/02/2023).< br /> 8. Stukalova T.V. Occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy: problems of qualification and proof // International scientific research journal. 2021. Issue 1 (103). pp. 93-98.
9. Ivanchin A.V. Optimization of criminal legal means of combating organized crime: a critical analysis of current initiatives // Bulletin of YarSU. Series: Humanities. 2019. No. 2 (48). pp. 55-56.

ZAKAZNOVA Alevtina Nikolaevna
senior lecturer of Criminal law sub-faculty of the Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
MORGULENKO Evgeniy Andreevich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Criminal law sub-faculty of the Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the determinants of violent crimes against military service, which are manifested in a specific way in the conditions of hostilities (general determinants), as well as the determinants of violent crimes against military service, which are directly generated by the peculiarities of hostilities (specific determinants).
Keywords: determinants, violent crimes, fighting, conflict situation, dehumanization.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Vorogushin E. B., Savushkin N. I. Military encyclopedia T. 1. – Moscow: Voenizdat, 1997. – P. 147.
2. Clausewitz K. About war. – Moscow: RIMIS, 2009.
3. Kleiberg Yu. A. Deviantogenic essence of dehumanization of individual consciousness // Bulletin of Science and Practice. – 2016. – No. 6. – P. 367-370.
4. Malikov S.V. On the issue of interaction between the military prosecutor’s office and military units during military operations during the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic in 1994-1996. // Collection of scientific papers. – M.: GI, 2001. – No. 1.
5. Maltseva S. M., Bobochkova E. Yu., Zakharova N. A., Demakova O. V. Some aspects of psychological assistance to people who have survived combat stress // Azimuth of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology. – 2020. – T. 9 No. 2 (31). – pp. 333 – 335.
6. Manukovsky V.V. “Borderline situation” and “Genuine being” in the existential concepts of K. Jaspers and L. Shestov // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. – 2012. – No. 18 (272). Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Vol. 25. – pp. 127-129.
7. Musaev Kh. A. The concept and significance of a combat situation in criminal law // Society and Law. – 2014. – No. 1 (47). – pp. 107-110.
8. Stepanov P. P. Modern military crimes: their causes and countermeasures: dis. …for a job application. Ph.D. legal Sci. – Moscow, 2017. – 276 p.
9. Shchedrinov K. S. The influence of negative factors of armed conflict on the nature, forms and methods of interaction between various law enforcement agencies in areas of armed conflict // Business in Law. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 163-165.
10. Kharabet K.V. Drug addiction as a form of social deviations in military personnel (continued, started in No. 5-6, 2003) // Military criminal law. – 2003. – No. 7-8. – P. 15.
11. Maltseva S. M., Bobochkova E. Yu., Zakharova N. A., Demakova O. V. Some aspects of psychological assistance to people who have survived combat stress // Azimuth of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology. – 2020. – T. 9 No. 2 (31). – pp. 333-335.

ZORINA Natalya Sergeevna
senior researcher of the Department for Improving Legal Regulation of the Penitentiary System of the Center for the Study of Problems of Management and Organization of the Execution of Sentences in the Penitentiary System of the Federal State Institution “Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service”
Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem in modern society. The commission of illegal acts by minors can have serious consequences for themselves, as well as for society as a whole. This article analyzes the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of illegal acts by minors, and suggests ways to solve them at the level of society and the state.
Keywords: juvenile delinquency, illegal behavior, illegal acts, teenager.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bozhko A. D. The problem of manifestation of aggressive behavior of juvenile criminals when they commit illegal acts // Legal order: history, theory, practice. – 2017. – No. 4 (15). – P. 70-72.
2. Zorina N. S., Sadykova R. A. The influence of the social environment on the formation of the personality of juvenile offenders // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2023. – No. 4 (179). – pp. 321-322.
3. Zlokazov K.V., Kappushev S.S., Ivanova A.M. Individual and social factors of vindictive behavior // Applied legal psychology. – 2019. – No. 1 (46). – pp. 69-76.
4. ConsultantPlus. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/05/2023).

ISAKHOV Jasulan Ilesbaevich
adjunct of the V. Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the MIA of Russia
Self-immolation is one of the most extreme and dangerous methods of suicide, characterized by self-setting of one’s own body. This type of suicide poses a serious threat to the life and health of people, and also has a detrimental effect on their environment. Within the framework of victimology, the science that studies victims, it is necessary to investigate the factors influencing a person’s decision to resort to self-immolation, as well as to develop effective prevention measures.
Keywords: self-immolation, suicide, victimology, prevention, measures.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ayupov V. Sh. On the issue of the object of incitement to suicide // Vestn. Tomsk State un-ta. – 2018. – No. 363. – P. 123-126.
2. Boyko I. B., Volkonskaya E. K. Suicide from the perspective of criminal law // Man: crime and punishment. – 2019. – No. 2. – P. 59-61.
3. Borzenkov G.N. Qualification of crimes against life and health: Educational and practical guide. – M.: IKD “Zertsalo-M”, 2020. – 144 p.
4. Borisov. A. B. Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (article-by-article) with article-by-article materials and practical explanations from official bodies. – M.: Publishing house “Book World”, 2022. – 1056 p.
5. Braitseva E. A. Domestic violence: men can also be victims // Vestn. Nizhegorodsk. Univ. N.I. Lobachevsky. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 14-19.

KEREFOVA Bella Ruslanovna
assistant of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise, Institute for the Humanities, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
legal adviser of the Higher School of Jurisprudence and Forensic Technical Expertise of the Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
HAYRAPETYAN Robert Grachevich
Head of the Legal Department of ArtStroyGroup Limited Liability Company
The article reveals the role of corruption crimes in the tax sphere. In addition, the basic concepts are considered, as well as statistics on corruption crimes in St. Petersburg. The most important aspect of the article is recommendations on combating corruption in St. Petersburg and in Russia as a whole. The fight against corruption in the tax authorities is a complex and continuous process. These measures can serve as a model for other cities and countries facing similar challenges
Keywords: corruption, statistics, struggle, crime, tax system.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Besova N. N., Volokitina Ya. V., Mokhorov D. A. Formation of the tax system and the institution of tax legal relations in Russia // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2021. – No. 12 (163). – pp. 107-109.
2. Bezdenezhnykh V.M. Expert assessment of the implementation of the national plan for combating corruption and anti-corruption plans of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation / V.M. Without money // Economics and management: problems, solutions. – 2017. – T. 3. No. 8. – P. 39-47.
3. Kerefova B. R., Mokhorov D. A. Modern Russian anti-corruption legislation and the legal mechanism for combating corruption // Current problems of science and practice. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 118-123.
4. Dolzhenkova E., Mokhorov D. A., Kosarev S. Yu., Shubnikov Yu. B. Comparative legal analysis of legal regulation of anti-corruption // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 8 (171). – pp. 71-73.
5. Anti-corruption in St. Petersburg. [Electronic resource]. – [Access mode]: (date accessed 08/24/2023).
6. The state of corruption in St. Petersburg for 2022 [Electronic resource]. – [Access mode]: (date of access: 08/24/2023).
7. Mokhorova A., Mokhorov D., Kerefova B., Kosarev S. National policy against corruption in the framework of global integration processes // In the collection: Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography. Switzerland, 2021. – P. 125.
8. Chistov A. A. Legal problems of combating corruption in the federal executive authorities of modern Russia // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 215-217.
9. Shapenkova O. I. Legal regulation of anti-corruption in federal executive authorities // Scienceosphere. – 2023. – No. 1-1. – pp. 517-522.
10. Mokhorov D. A. Lobbying as a social and legal phenomenon of modern society // Legal science: history and modernity. – 2023. – No. 5. – P. 189-195.
11. Demidov V., Mokhorov D., Mokhorova A., Askarov Z. International legal problems of fighting corruption in the context of geopolitical integration // In the collection: Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography. Ser. “Springer Geography”, 2020. – pp. 313-326.

KNYAZEVA Olga Vasiljevna
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Criminology and crime prevention sub-faculty of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
Juvenile delinquency remains a serious problem that has negative consequences for society. The criminal actions of young people can cause alarm in society, pose a threat to security and disrupt social stability. the study of criminogenic dysfunctions of the family and its relevance lies in understanding and analyzing the factors affecting juvenile delinquency in order to develop effective measures to prevent and reduce this problem in society.
Keywords: minors, crime, society, factors, rehabilitation, family, trigger.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Lifanova M.V. Family as a factor in juvenile delinquency and an object of criminological research // Bulletin of the Institute of Law of the Bashkir State University. – 2021. – No. 2 (10). – pp. 7-13.
2. Marzalieva L. A. Juvenile delinquency: criminogenic factors and ways to overcome them // First International Forum on Combating Crime: collection of articles, Moscow, March 18–19, 2022. – Moscow: Publishing Center of the O. E. Kutafin University (MSAL), 2022. – P. 165-166.
3. Mediev R. A., Kyzylkhodzhaeva A. A. Digital hygiene of minors as a factor in the prevention of teenage crime // World of Law. – 2022. – No. 7-8 (243-244). – pp. 19-25.

KULAKOV Nikolay Andreevich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Administrative law sub-faculty of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
LIKHOVENKOV Sergey Ivanovich
senior lecturer of Administrative activities of the department of internal affairs sub-faculty of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
The article deals with the problems of justice and effectiveness of criminal punishment for terrorist crimes. The authors conclude that in order to increase the fairness and effectiveness of criminal penalties for terrorist crimes, Chapter 10 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be supplemented with a norm according to which, in cases provided for by the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal punishment may be imposed above the limit established by the sanction of a specific norm. At the same time, the authors propose to limit the measure of punishment imposed over the established limit to one third of the maximum amount of punishment allowed under a specific article.
Keywords: terrorism, terrorist act, justice, efficiency, criminal punishment
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Argunova V. N. Social justice: sociological analysis: dis. … doc. social Sciences: 22.00.01. – St. Petersburg, 2005. – P. 19.
2. Akhmedyanov F.Z. Problems of the effectiveness of criminal punishment // Legal fact. – 2020. – No. 113. – P. 14.
3. Russia recorded a three-year record for the number of extremist crimes. Businessman. 12/23/2022. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://www.kommersa№
4. Over the past six months, more than 1 thousand crimes of a terrorist nature have been registered in Russia. Businessman. 07/22/2023. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://www.kommersa№
5. Paliy A. A. The essence and goals of punishment in Russian criminal law and the means to achieve them: dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Rostov n/d, 2001. – P. 9.
6. Sazhin A.V. Social justice in Russian society: social and philosophical analysis: abstract. dis. … doc. Phil. Sciences: 14.00.27. – Krasnodar, 2010. – P. 12.
7. Smirnov A. M. On the need to assign criminal punishment above the highest limit // Russian legal journal. – 2017. – No. 5. – P. 132.

NOVIK Nikita Mikhaylovich
postgraduate student of Public law disciplines sub-faculty of the North Caucasian Social Institute, Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Legislation of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Stavropol Territory
The article is devoted to the issues of criminal liability for deliberately false reporting of an act of terrorism. Since January 11, 2018, Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for this crime, has undergone significant changes, one of which is the unreasonable inclusion of the qualifying sign “out of hooligan motives” into its disposition . These changes, according to the explanatory note to the Federal Law, are aimed at toughening the punishment and increasing the general prevention in relation to this crime. However, despite a significant increase in the number of crimes registered in recent years related to knowingly false reports of acts of terrorism, the amendments made to Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation not only did not toughen liability, but also softened the sanction of this rule, and also limited the range of its application.
Keywords: terrorism, act of terrorism, hooligan motive, hooligan motives, public order, public order violation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Artemenko N.V., Tishchenko E.V. Problems of qualification assessment of criminal acts committed out of hooligan motives (using the example of clause “d”, part 2 of article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) // Science and World. – 2014. – No. 2. – T. 2. – 174 p.
2. Volkov B. S. Motives for crimes. – Kazan, 1982. – 78 p.
3. Review of appeal practice in criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Komi Republic for June 2018, case No. 22-1161/2018 of the Syktyvkar City Court // ATP “ConsultantPlus”.
4. Popov A. N. Guilt in crimes against life (Articles 105, 106, 107, 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): Lecture notes. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, 2016. – 66 p.
5. Resolution of the Presidium of the Lipetsk Regional Court dated June 28, 2018 No. 44-u-11/2018 // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
6. Explanatory note to the draft Federal Law “On amendments to Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation” // System for ensuring legislative activity. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
7. Verdict of the Leninsky District Court of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region dated May 13, 2019 in case No. 1-240/2019. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 06/23/2023).

OZERSKIY Sergey Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Management and information technology support of the penal system sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
The number of elderly people around the world is growing rapidly. Given this changing demographic fact, we can expect that the overall crime rate among the elderly will grow with it. The growing problems with criminal offenses among the elderly will have serious consequences for various social systems and institutions, such as political, economic and legal systems, correctional institutions, rehabilitation institutions, medical services and mental health services. Scientists and sociologists should also pay attention to interpersonal, social, political and economic problems that can contribute to the changes we are currently witnessing. This article examines the phenomenon of crime growth among the elderly in 2012-2022.
Keywords: crimes, crime, elderly people, offenses, crime growth.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Alekseeva E. A. Transformation of the age structure of criminals in Russia and abroad. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: . (date of access: 07/01/2023).
2. In Russia, a record number of retired criminals has been identified in ten years [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 07/12/2023).
3. “Old robbers.” The number of retired criminals in Russia has reached a record level. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 07/15/2023).
4. Rakhmanova E. N. Criminal legal significance of the elderly person who committed the crime. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/05/2023).

SEVOSTYANOVA Аna Gennadjevna
lecturer of Philosophy and all-humanitarian disciplines sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
CHEKMAREVA Karina Sergeevna
cadet of the 2nd course of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
The article discusses the peculiarities of the regulation of various types of punishments according to the level of severity according to the legislation of Russia and foreign countries. Based on a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign legislation, the author concludes that the cruelty of punishment is not an effective way to re-educate citizens. There are other factors contributing to high crime among the population, which the author is also considered in the article.
Keywords: legislation, confiscation of property, correction of a disappointing person, deprivation of liberty, source of law, crime rate, criminal Code.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Korobeev A.I. Features of the institution of punishment in the criminal law of the Republic of Singapore. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 04/01/2023).
2. Law on Islamic Criminal Punishments of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Per. from Persian M. S. Pelevina. Scientific ed. A. I. Akhani. Preface Yu. N. Volkova. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House of R. Aslanov “Legal Center Press”, 2008. – 343 pp.
3. Swiss Criminal Code. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 04/11/2023).
4. Oliveira T. B. The structure of the judiciary in Brazil: criminal prosecution in the light of recent reforms of the Code of Criminal Procedure (translation by Professor N. E. Krylova). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

SUVOROV Sergey Evgenjevich
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Criminal law and criminology sub-faculty of the Barnaul Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
Тhe author of this article makes an attempt to comprehend the impact of the doctrine of the stages of the commission of a crime on the particular issues of qualifying a socially dangerous act, provided for by Article 2281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The points of view of researchers regarding the differentiation of criminal offenses according to the features of the objective side of the crime are given. Emphasis is placed on the essence of an attempted crime and its difference from a completed crime. Considering examples from judicial and investigative practice, the author comes to a conclusion on the solution of the identified problems.
Keywords: attempted crime, completed crime, drug trafficking, the objective side of the crime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Baimakova N. N. The moment of the end of the crime: abstract of thesis. …cand. legal Sci. – Moscow, 2011. – 21 p.
2. Bezverkhov A. G., Reshetnikova D. V. On the classification of structures of crimes according to the moment of their legal termination // Society and Law. – 2010. – No. 5. – P. 79-83.
3. Gulieva N. B., Drapezo R. G., Shelestyukov V. N. Contactless sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances via the Internet: judicial practice of the Kemerovo region // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Episode 14. Law. – 2020. – No. 2. – P. 353-367.
4. Ermakova O. V. Classification of completed crimes: theoretical and applied aspects // Altai Legal Bulletin. – 2023. – No. 2. – P. 115-119.
5. Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Fourth Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction dated September 6, 2022 in case No. 77-3331/2022. Access from the reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”.
6. Krylova N. E. Material, formal and truncated elements of crimes: a discussion with continuation // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11. Law. – 2017. – No. 6. – P. 15-28.
7. Milyukov S. F., Dronova T. N. Unfinished crime and its types: problematic issues // Law: history and modernity. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 342-364.
8. On judicial practice in cases of crimes involving narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent and toxic substances: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2006 No. 14 (as amended on May 16, 2017). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: SPS “ConsultantPlus” (date of access: 08/20/2023).
9. The verdict of the Yaroslavl Regional Court of February 17, 2023 in case No. 2-2/2023. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Access from the legal reference system “ConsultantPlus”.
10. State of crime in Russia for January-December 2022 // Federal Public Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Main Analytical Center”. – Moscow, 2022. – 67 p.
11. Criminal cases No. 12201010037000153, 12201010037000139, 12201010037000263, which were processed by the Investigative Committee of the State Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altai Territory.

STUPINA Svetlana Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Forensic Science sub-faculty of the Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk
The article analyzes the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regarding the regulation of blackmail, its structure and content are investigated. Taking into account the fact that mental violence in the form of a threat is inherent in blackmail, its content is determined taking into account both legislative consolidation in separate articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and law enforcement practice, on the basis of which it is concluded that the threat of blackmail is debatable in a common understanding. Based on this, as well as the realities of modern reality, characterized by the emergence of new types of threats, the concept of blackmail, generalizing for criminal legislation and law enforcement practice, is proposed.
Keywords: crime, method of committing a crime, threat, blackmail, extortion, information shaming the victim or his relatives.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ganchenko O. I. The concept of blackmail in criminal law // Society and law. – 2011. – No. 5 (37). – pp. 163-165.
2. Nikodimova A. D. Blackmail as a phenomenon of destructive communication: dis. …cand. philological sciences. – Tver, 2019. – 179 p.
3. Zhdanukhin D. Yu. Criminal-legal characteristics of blackmail: dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – 146 p.
4. Lopashenko N. A. Inter-industry differentiation: a model of criteria taken into account when criminalizing acts // News of the South-Western State University. Series: History and Law. – 2018. – T. 8. No. 4 (29). – pp. 131-136.
5. Shmygina O. V. On the issue of information disgracing the victim or his relatives during blackmail // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2020. – No. 3 (142). – pp. 218-219.
6. Klochenko L. N. Mental violence: issues of criminal legal regulation and qualifications / Russian New University. – Moscow, 2020. – 168 p.

TAILOVA Aisha Gabibovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the North Caucasus Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
GAIRBEGOV Shamil Akhmedovich
magister student of the 2nd course of the North Caucasian Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
ABAKAROVA Bika Gadzhishamhalovna
lecturer at the Law College of the North Caucasus Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
Encroachments on public relations, benefits and interests related to modern sports threaten the interests of not only individuals, but also the whole society, and also affects the interests of the state. In this article, we will look at the legal and criminological characteristics of crimes in the field of professional sports, shedding light on the problems faced by athletes and the entire sports community.
One of the important directions of the policy of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation is a culture of zero tolerance for doping in sports.
Crime in professional sports is a complex and multifaceted problem. Cooperation between law enforcement, sports organizations and regulators is a prerequisite for an effective fight against crime in the world of sports.
Keywords: professional sports, crime, features of responsibility, international character, prevention.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Coda B. A., Rudy A. C. Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of single-dose intranasal hydromorphone hydrochloride in healthy volunteers // Anesth. Analg. − 2003. – Vol. 97, No. 1. – P. 117–123.
2. Goncharova E. K. Social, pedagogical and organizational foundations of the fight against dopingin sports: dis. …cand. ped. Sci. – Malakhovka, 1995. – pp. 13-14.
3. Derevoedov A. Doping in sports and the fight against it // Vestn. Ross. international Olympus. un-ta. – 2012. – No. 1 (2). – pp. 70-79.
4. Kozhina A. S., Solomennaya Z. V. The problem of doping in sports. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

SHAGANOVA Olga Mikhaylovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminal law and criminology sub-faculty of the Barnaul Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The article analyzes the features of the qualification of illegal distribution and public display of pornographic materials or materials with pornographic images of minors, committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet. Attention is focused on the interpretation of the concepts of distribution and public demonstration carried out on the Internet. The sign of publicity regarding the demonstration of the subject of the crime is also revealed. Based on the research, the author’s recommendations are offered to correctly qualify the actions of the guilty person.
Keywords: illegal distribution and public display of pornographic materials, committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet; illegal distribution of materials with pornographic images of minors, committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet; qualification of a crime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2022 No. 1-UDP22-10-K3. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
2. Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2022 No. 14-UDP22-1-K1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
3. Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2021 No. 89-UD21-8-K7. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
4. Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2022 No. 47-UDp22-3-K6. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
5. On some issues of judicial practice in criminal cases involving crimes in the field of computer information, as well as other crimes committed using electronic or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2022 No. 37. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
6. On information, information technologies and information protection: Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/10/2023).
7. Generalization of judicial practice in criminal cases of crimes committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/10/2023).
8. Sentence of the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Novosibirsk dated February 1, 2017, D. No. 1-72/2017. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 06/10/2023).
9. Verdict of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Penza dated January 10, 2020, D. No. 1-11/2020 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:// (date of access: 06/10/2023).
10. Verdict of the Ordzhonikidze District Court of the city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, dated October 19, 2017, D. No. 1-314/2017. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/10/2023).
11. Shaganova O. M. Peculiarities of qualification of slander committed publicly using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet // Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2023. No. 2. P. 103-108.

ANDERIA Diana Godwin Kastinga
postgraduate student of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
The article considers some historical aspects of the development of criminal liability for actions committed with the use of artificial intelligence. The study analyzed, in the context of a historical retrospective, the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign states, changes in the legal regulation of the issue under consideration. According to the results of the study, taking into account the youth of the institution under consideration, two stages of development of criminal liability for actions committed with the use of artificial intelligence were identified.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, criminal liability, liability of artificial intelligence, history of artificial intelligence, crimes using artificial intelligence.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Leenes R., Lu-civero F. Laws on Robots, Laws by Robots, Laws in Robots: Regulating Robot Behavior by Design // Law, Innovation and Technology. – 2014. – Vol. 6. Iss. 2. – P. 194-222.
2. Pomeranets A.D., Kolentsova V.V. Criminal liability and artificial intelligence // Law and state: theory and practice. – 2022. – No. 2 (206). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 07/03/2023).
3. Prizov I. S., Karamysheva M. S., Bushman A. O. On the issue of criminal liability for the creation, distribution and use of malicious computer programs // Priority scientific directions: from theory to practice. – 2016. – No. 26-2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 07/03/2023).
4. Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany. [Electronic resource] access mode:
5. French Criminal Code. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
6. Shibaeva K.V., Kholova L.N. Three laws of robotics by Isaac Asimov: on the question of the humanity of the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems in war // Theology. Philosophy. Right. – 2018. – No. 4 (8). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 03.07 .2023).
7. Shishchenko E. A. Problems of qualification of the creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs // Forum of young scientists. – 2018. – No. 12-4 (28). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 07/03/2023).

VODNEVA Kseniya Vladimirovna
adjunct of Criminal policy sub-faculty of the Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia, Vladivostok, captain of justice
Within the framework of this article, topical aspects of the legal regulation of the activities of authorized bodies for the prevention of crimes in the field of high technologies are considered. Due to the heterogeneity of the regulatory framework (law enforcement agencies and other state institutions, public organizations, commercial structures, etc.), problems of interaction in the process of law enforcement inevitably arise, which do not allow to effectively counteract crime. The inconsistency of the subjects of crime prevention in this area often provides additional opportunities for criminal combinations. It is concluded that for further improvement of the legal regulation of crime prevention, an integrated approach is necessary, taking into account historical experience.
Keywords: computer information, high-tech crime, preventive impact.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 2020. – No. 144. – July 4.
2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on July 14, 2022) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 25. – Art. 2954.
3. Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 (as amended on June 11, 2022) “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 1992. – No. 39. – February 18.
4. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on July 14, 2022) “On information, information technologies and information protection” // Russian newspaper. – 2006. – No. 165. – July 29.
5. Federal Law of December 28.2010 No. 403-FZ (as amended on April 1, 2022) “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation” // Russian newspaper. – 2010. – No. 296. – December 30.
6. Federal Law No. 3-FZ dated 02/07/2011 (as amended on 12/21/2021) “On the Police” // Russian newspaper. – 2011. – No. 25. – February 08.
7. Federal Law of 04/06/2011 No. 64-FZ (as amended on 10/01/2019) “On administrative supervision of persons released from prison” // Russian newspaper. – 2011. – No. 75. – April 08.
8. Federal Law of June 23, 2016 No. 182-FZ “On the fundamentals of the crime prevention system in the Russian Federation” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 2016. – No. 139. – June 28.
9. Klimovsky A. S., Taranin M. A. Features of crime prevention in the criminal legal policy of the state // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2021. – No. 12 (163). – pp. 319-321.
10. Nuzhdin A. A. Legal nature of the crime prevention system // Law and Law. – 2021. – No. 12. – P. 191-193.

VTORUSHINA Veronika Vitaljevna
postgraduate student of the St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, assistant prosecutor of the Pervomaisky district of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai
This article discusses the problem of committing armed attacks on educational institutions in Russia. Topical issues related to armed attacks, which are currently poorly studied by Russian science, are identified. Based on the analysis of the opinions of some researchers, the author defines the concept of armed attacks on educational institutions or “schoolshooting”.
The author examines some cases of armed attacks on various educational institutions that have occurred in the country, provides current and historical empirical data and analyzes the dynamics of the growth of cases of schoolshooting in recent years. The bulk of the work is devoted to the consideration of topical problematic issues in the study of such a new criminological phenomenon for Russian legislation and law enforcement practice as “skulushting”, legislative measures to prevent this phenomenon, identification and assistance to persons with psychological problems and the creation of conditions for the support and protection of children in school and family environments. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to the study of the problem and the prevention of armed attacks, including educational, psychological, social and legal measures.
Keywords: schoolshooting, educational institutions, violence, security, armed attacks.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Nikishin V.D. Columbine (school shooting): essence, legal qualification, forensic diagnostics // Lex russica. 2021. No. 11. P. 62–76.
2. Goncharov L. A. “Columbine” and school shooting in the structure of youth extremism and terrorism // Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management. 2019. No. 2. P. 29-31.
3. Lezhnina L.V. Deadly lessons: what do we know about school shooters // Collection of scientific papers “Communication in the era of technology convergence”. No. 1. pp. 469-471.
4. Prokazova V.K. School shooting: criminological characteristics and prevention // Collection of abstracts of speeches of participants in the international scientific and theoretical conference “Security of the individual, society and state: theoretical and legal aspects. 2019. pp. 564-568.
5. Malyushina Yu. A. Study of the psychological mechanism of violent crimes as one of the aspects of school shooting prevention // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. 2021. No. 3. P. 86-97.
6. Mamedov Sh. G. The concept of armed attacks in educational organizations // News of the South-Western State University. 2023. No. 3. P. 145-155.

KEREFOVA Bella Ruslanovna
assistant of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of the Institute for the Humanities of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
MIKHAYLOVA Ekaterina Nikolaevna
assistant of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of the Institute for the Humanities of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
legal counsel of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Technical Expertise of the Institute for the Humanities of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
MELNIKOV Sergey Vladimirovich
head of the legal group of Ruselprom-LZZ LLC
The article examines the features of judicial practice in criminal cases of extremist and terrorist crimes. In addition, the article discusses changes in the field of criminal offenses, in particular those related to terrorism and extremism in the post-Soviet period, which entailed the need for appropriate reforms. The peculiarities of the application of judicial practice in criminal cases in relation to extremist and terrorist orientation are indicated. The key principles that must be observed when considering such cases were also identified.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, crimes, judicial practice.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Borovikov V.B. Criminal law. General and special parts. Workshop 4th edition. Textbook for secondary vocational education, 2023. – 151-153 pp.
2. Melnikov V. Yu., Dzhamalova B. B. Criminal law: Textbook / Rostov Institute (branch) of the VGUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia). Volume 2. – Rostov-on-Don: Limited Liability Company “Fund for Science and Education”, 2020. – 464 p.
3. Melnikov V. Yu., Magomedov G. B. Criminal procedural and legal issues of countering extremism and the fight against terrorism: Textbook. – Rostov-on-Don, 2018. – 290 pp.
4. Nagorny A.P., Popov A.N. Prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth of Russia // Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Legal sciences. – 2021. – T. 7. No. 1. – P. 105-115.
5. Nekrasov D. E. Responsibility for failure to report a crime of a terrorist nature. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 67-77.
6. Fadeeva O. I., Sultanov A. A. Anti-terrorist activities to combat extremism and terrorism in Russia // Legal and social-pedagogical aspects of the prevention of delinquency of minors and youth. – 2020. – pp. 126-129.
7. Kharlashkina M. A., Nemechkin V. N. Judicial practice and its significance // Problems and prospects for the development of science in Russia and the world: collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference, Kirov, June 05, 2016. Part 3. – Kirov: Limited Liability Company “Aeterna”, 2016. – P. 158-160.

KULIK Taisiya Dmitrievna
magister student of the Faculty of Law of the Institute of Law of the Vladivostok State University
The institution of exemption from criminal liability is considered and the problems of this institution are analyzed. Such terms as: “exemption from criminal liability”, “voluntary refusal”, “active repentance”, “reconciliation of the parties”, etc. were considered. Based on the results of the work done, a conclusion was made in which we indicated that a person can be released from punishment, regardless of the severity of his crime. At the same time, any punishment should bring not only the repentance of the offender, but also the benefit of society.
Keywords: criminal liability, release from criminal responsibility, active repentance, reconciliation with the victim, expiration of the statute of limitations, amnesty, application of compulsory educational measures to minors.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Melnikov V. Yu. “Criminal liability for crimes”: textbook / Rostov Institute (branch) of the VSUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia). – Rostov n/d, 2022.— 565 p. — 500 copies
2. Sudenko V. E. Criminal law. General part: lectures / Ed. N. A. Dukhno. — M.: MIIT Law Institute, 2016. — 197 p.
3. Criminal law of Russia. General part: textbook for bachelors / Rep. ed. A. I. Plotnikov. – Orenburg: LLC IPK “University”, 2016. – 442 p.
4. Criminal law of the Russian Federation. Short course: Textbook / scientific. ed. E. V. Blagov. – M.: Prospekt, 2019. – 880 pp.
5. Criminal law. General part: textbook in tables / D. A. Bezborodov, A. V. Zarubin, R. M. Kravchenko, D. Yu. Kraev, M. A. Lyubavina, Yu. V. Morozova, A. N. Popov, P. V. Fedyshina, R. D. Sharapov; edited by A. N. Popova. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, 2019. – 76 p.

UZHAKHOV Magomed Karkhanovich
postgraduate student of the Faculty of the Higher School of Public Audit M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia’s international cooperation in the fight against the legalization of criminal income and the financing of terrorism has several features. Russia actively participates in international efforts to prevent and suppress these crimes, cooperating with other countries and international organizations. One of the features of Russia’s international cooperation is its active participation in the work of the Financial Action Group (FATF), an international organization dedicated to combating money laundering and terrorist financing. The author considers the main features of Russia’s international cooperation in the fight against the legalization of criminal income and the financing of terrorism, as well as some moments of the historical path in this context.
Keywords: terrorism, legalization, violence, “monarchomachy”, criminal, crime.

ABDRAZYAPOV Ranis Rishatovich
Ph.D. in Law, Deputy Head of Criminal process sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The algorithm of the investigator’s actions for the transfer of seized large-sized wood on the basis of a court decision to the territorial subdivision of the Federal Property Management Agency for the purpose of its subsequent sale at auction is proposed. The features of the organization of work on the removal of wood, its subsequent storage, transportation and transfer to the Federal Property Management Agency, as well as organizational issues arising in this regard, are considered.
Keywords: illegal logging, seized wood, storage of large-sized forest, court decision, investigator’s work.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Chernova S.S. Storage of bulky material evidence // Innovative technologies in science and education. – 2015. – No. 2 (2). – pp. 294-295.
2. Magomedov A. M. Problems of relationships between public authorities and organizations providing services for responsible storage of material evidence using the example of North-West Technical University // In the collection: University science: from theory to practice. Collection of materials from the regional scientific and theoretical conference. In 3 parts. Under the general editorship of S. N. Gamidullaev. – 2019. – pp. 160-168.

GRISHIN Dmitriy Alexeevich
doctoral student of the Faculty of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
ANTIPOV Andrey Yurjevich
lecturer of Organization of the supervision regime in the ATS sub-faculty of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
The article discusses the directions of the implementation of information technologies in criminal proceedings in foreign countries. The influence of digitalization on ensuring the legal status of an individual in criminal proceedings is analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion about the significance of the ongoing processes of information technology implementation, recognition of their positive impact on the development of the criminal process.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings, digitalization. informationatization, the principle of legality, the legal status of the individual, human rights and freedoms, digitalization of criminal proceedings.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Borodinova T. G. Digital technologies in criminal proceedings in Russia: limits and problems of implementation // Justice. – 2022. – T. 4. – No. 1.
2. Susskind R. Online Courts and the Future of Justice // Oxford University Press. 2019. December 14. 368 p. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/19/2023).
3. Porokhov E.V. Digitalization and tax law // Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – No. 1 (59).
4. Legal information portal. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:;-106#pos=6;-106 (date of access: 08/12/2023).
5. Ishchenko P. P. Modern approaches to the digitalization of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases // Lex russica. – 2019. – No. 12.

ISANBAEV Ildar Salavatovich
senior lecturer of Criminal process sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The author in the article examines the issues arising in the practice of law enforcement agencies of obtaining information about connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices. The relevance of the topic under study lies in improving the efficiency and optimization of criminal procedure legislation, obtaining positive results from the investigative action carried out, depending not only on the person in whose proceedings the criminal case is. As a result of the study, it is proposed to make appropriate changes to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: information about connections, remote fraud investigator, investigator, petition.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Belyakov A. A., Deryugin R. A. Some problems of assessing and using information about connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices in the investigation of crimes // Russian Legal Journal. – 2017. – No. 6 (117). – pp. 146-150.
2. State of crime in Russia for January-December 2022. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://mvd.rf (date of access: 02.12.2023).
3. Ekimtsev S.V. Features of detecting fraud committed using telecommunication technologies // Scientific Bulletin of the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov. – 2022. – No. 1 (90). – pp. 131-137.
4. Florya D.F., Poddubny I.V. The use by criminals of SIM cards registered to third parties as a method of disguise when committing remote thefts: problem statement // Scientific Bulletin of the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov. – 2022. – No. 1 (90). – pp. 243-250.
5. Bagavieva E. A. Topical issues of coordinating decisions on obtaining information about connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices // Legal Research. – 2020. – No. 6. – P. 12-20.
6. Sibagatullin F. F., Latypov V. S. And again to the question of obtaining information about connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices // Law: retrospective and perspective. – 2021. – No. 2 (6) – P. 78-83.

LANTUKH Eduard Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of General legal disciplines sub-faculty of the Leningrad regional branch of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
LANTUKH Natalia Viktorovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, professor of Criminal process sub-faculty of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
CHASOVNIKOVA Olga Georgievna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Labor law sub-faculty of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia
The article formulates and summarizes theoretical and empirical issues related to the application by the courts of the right to exemption from criminal liability, punishment of persons under the age of majority with the use of coercive measures of educational influence.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, juvenile delinquent, exemption from criminal liability, compulsory measures of educational influence.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ivanov S. A., Matinyan M. A., Dushina T. V. Restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor as a compulsory measure of educational influence // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2018. – No. 5. – P. 111-114.
2. Elizova M. G. Issues of the effectiveness of warning as a compulsory measure of educational influence on minors // Bulletin of Science. – 2023. – T. 3. – No. 2 (59). – pp. 86-92.

LEGOSTAEV Sergey Valentinovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminal process and criminalistics sub-faculty of the Academy of Law and Management of the FRS of Russia
The article reveals the concept of the legal status of an operative of a correctional institution. Scientific approaches to this issue are analyzed. It is noted that procedural aspects are considered mainly in the context of the general powers of correctional institutions. A proposal is made to include procedural powers in its content. The analysis of the state of legality in this field of activity is carried out. The author traces the negative impact of violations committed in the IU when considering reports of crimes on the results of the investigation, as well as the consideration of criminal cases by the court. It is indicated that one of the circumstances negatively affecting the effectiveness of the operational staff of the IU is the lack of its methodological regulation. It is proposed to group the actions of the IU operatives in the exercise of their powers. The conclusion is made about the influence of such algorithmization on the performance of individual service tasks.
Keywords: correctional institutions, detection and suppression of crimes, procedural activity, procedural status of an operative, consideration of reports of a crime, algorithm of actions of an IU operative.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Akchurin A.V., Suleymanov T.A. Criminal procedural status of institutions, bodies and officials of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia: status and prospects for improvement // Vestnik VGU. Series: Law. – 2019. – No. 4. – P. 304.
2. Malysheva O. A. Ensuring the rule of law in pre-trial proceedings: monograph. – M.: Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute, 2013. – P. 46.
3. Ponikarov V. A., Ponikarov S. V. Types of legal status of employees of operational units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia carrying out law enforcement activities in the penitentiary system of Russia // Criminal Executive Law. – 2015. – Ryazan. – No. 1. – P. 39.

MALKOVA Larisa Leonidovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Economics, management and engineering and technical support of the activities of the penal enforcement system sub-faculty of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the FPS of Russia< br> STATE-PUBLIC (PUBLIC-STATE) ASSOCIATIONS IN THE PENITENTIARY SPHERE
The article presents a scientific analysis of the problem of interaction between institutions of the penitentiary system with state-public (public-state) associations in the organization of work with convicts and in solving other problems. It is noted that special federal legislation on state-public and public-state associations has not yet been formed, which does not allow the fullest use of their potential in the penitentiary sphere. Legislative consolidation of the concept of these public associations, their types, principles of formation and functioning, tasks and activities is proposed.
Keywords: public administration, public associations, state-public associations, public-state associations, public monitoring commission, public council, board of trustees.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Seliverstov V.I. Criminal executive law of Russia. – Moscow, 2014. – 447 pp.
2. Mitin G. N. Features of the legal status of public-state and state-public associations // Constitutional and municipal law. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 18-21.
3. Pimanova M. A. Legal status of state-public associations (constitutional and legal research): abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Tyumen, 2007. – 20 p.
4. Pospehov I. A. Public and state organizations in the political system of the Russian Federation // Mari legal bulletin. – 2014. – No. 11. – P. 87-91.
5. Basov S. A. Public and state institutions in the management of the social and cultural sphere // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts. – 2013. – No. 1 (33). – pp. 7-17.
6. Lyubutov N. A. State-public associations: problems of legal status // Modern law. – 2010. – No. 12. – P. 24-28.
7. Kokhtachev V. S. On the legal regulation of the activities of public councils under the Federal Penitentiary Service // Man: crime and punishment. – 2018. – T. 26 (1-4). No. 2. – pp. 182-186.

SERKEROV Samur Elmirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University
MARIANOV Alikhan Abdulaevich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Dagestan State University, branch in Izberbash
YAGADINOV Yagodin Yamudinovich
Head of the Center for Operational Management of the Internal Affairs Department in Makhachkala, major of police
The article analyzes scientific disagreements regarding the expansion of the jurisdiction of the jury to district (city) and equal courts as part of judicial reform. The author analyzes modern problems in the functioning of a jury trial and points out the main shortcomings of this procedural form of administration of justice. The author believes that a jury trial should consist of a single jury, which should include both professional judges and jurors. The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and legal foundations of legal proceedings in cases considered by the court with the participation of jurors from the point of view of Russian law.
Keywords: criminal trial, jury, trial, examination of evidence, evaluation of evidence, jury verdict.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Alekseev I. N. Jury trial as a threat to the Russian legal system // Criminal process. – 2005. – No. 5. – P. 52.
2. Babkin A.I. Reform of the judicial system is not completed. Improving legal proceedings // Russian judge. – 2016. – No. 4. – P. 8.
3. Bozhyev V. Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on proceedings in court with the participation of jurors // Legality. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 5.
4. Demichev A. A. On the issue of the number of jury members // Criminal proceedings. – 2016. – No. 3. – P. 37.
5. Kolomenskaya S.A. Composition and number of jurors in the USA // Russian Justice. – 2007. – No. 9. – P. 68.

TARICHKO Irina Yurjevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Criminal process and criminalistics sub-faculty of the F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
In modern Russia during the period of judicial reform (formally started in 1991 and continuing to this day), individual scientists and politicians often make suggestions about the need to de-ideologize the domestic criminal process, which is more determined by critical assessments of the Soviet past. In the article, the author expresses the idea that ideology is a tool that allows society to organize its practical activities in such a way that the result meets the needs of people and meets the challenges of modern times.
Keywords: criminal process, ideology, mentality, state.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Prytkov V. N. Irremovability and ambivalence of ideology // Theory and practice of social development. 2014. No. 3.
2. Ravochkin N. N., Tagiev S. M. The essence of ideology in the book by Antoine de Tracy “Fundamentals of Ideology” // Nastoschi Research and Development – 2014. Materials for the X International Scientific and Practical Conference. January 17-25, 2014.
3. Rebul O. Language and ideology. M.: INION, 1997.
4. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I. T. Frolova. M.: Publishing house “Republic”, 2001.
5. Foinitsky I. Ya. Course in criminal proceedings. Criminal Justice Course. St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Alpha”, 1996.
6. Khmylev V.L. The concept of ideology and its integration in the modern era // News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2006.
7. Shevchenko V. N. Ideology // Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I. T. Frolova. M.: Publishing house “Republic”, 2001.
8. Decree of Emperor Alexander II to the Government Senate // Russian legislation of the 10th-20th centuries. T. 8. P. 28.

ISANBAYEV Ildar Salavatovich
senior lecturer of Criminal process sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
When conducting an investigative action, such as a search, the person conducting the investigation affects the rights of not only persons directly interested in the outcome of the criminal case, such as victims, suspects and accused, but also other persons who are not always able to independently and professionally defend their rights and resort to the help of lawyers. The author of the article considers some problematic issues of conducting a search in the premises of organizations.
Keywords: search, lawyer, organization, investigator, investigative action.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2001 No. 174-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2001. – No. 52 (part 1). – St. 4921.
2. Vvedensky A. Yu., Korolev B. I. Development of investigative agencies of the Russian state in the 15th-17th centuries // Legal science and practice: Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2011. – No. 1 (14). – pp. 15-20.
3. Judicial statutes of November 20, 1864: (in 4 parts). – St. Petersburg, 2015. – 173 p.
4. Morugina N. A., Sidorova E. I. Search: concept, some types and features of production in modern conditions // Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 245-250.
5. Nugaeva E. D. Search: types and tactics of its production // Law: retrospective and perspective. – 2022. – No. 3 (11). – pp. 57-66.
6. Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2020 No. 4-O “On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of Mechel-Koks LLC for violation of constitutional rights and freedoms, clause 3, part 2, art. 38 and part 11 art. 182 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.

KUZNETSOV Alexander Alexandrovich
postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
The author analyzes some problems of ensuring the rights of the defender of the accused person and its guarantees during the implementation of proceedings in cases of criminal offenses. The author considers the main normative features of the legal status of the defender, including those in the context of the exercise of rights within the institutional framework of the production of individual procedural actions. Based on the analysis the author made some recommendations in the field of further improvement and implementation of the legal-normative regulation of the activities of the defender of the accused person and ensuring appropriate rights at the institutional level.
Keywords: defender, accused person, legal guarantees, lawyer, crime, procedural status, precedural actions, legal regulation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bulychev E. N., Parvazova D. R. Problems of a lawyer’s implementation of the right to obtain information and information through a lawyer’s request // Eurasian Advocacy. – 2017. – No. 2 (27). – pp. 47-51.
2. Bogdanovskaya V. A. Constitutional right to defense: problems of implementation // Lawyer. – 2005. – No. 2. – P. 28.
3. Kharzinova V. M. Defender in criminal proceedings // Business in law. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 259.
4. Gusyatnikov P. P., Gusyatnikova P. P. The right of a lawyer to unimpeded meetings and communications with his client // Scientific works of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat. – 2016. – No. 2. – P. 104.
5. Kuznetsova N. A. Lawyer providing legal assistance to a witness as a participant in criminal proceedings // Innovations. The science. Education. – 2020. – No. 20. – P. 314-318.
6. Kiselev P. P. Basic provisions of the concept of legal investigation // Eurasian Advocacy. – 2016. – No. 4 (23). -WITH. 26-34.
7. Kronov E.V. Questioning by a defense lawyer of persons with their consent: essence, significance, mechanism of production // Lawyer’s practice. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 3.
8. Murzina L. I., Kazakova M. A. Administrative procedural status of persons protecting and representing the interests of other persons // Science. Society. State. – 2019. – T. 7. No. 1925. – P. 25-30.
9. Petryakova A.V. Lawyer monopoly in Russia: pros & cons // Lawyer practice. – 2020. – No. 5. – P. 9-15.
10. Ragulin A. V. The right of a defense lawyer to engage a specialist: problems of implementation and ways to solve them // Bulletin of the Volga University named after V. N. Tatishchev. – 2012. – No. 2. – P. 58.
11. Slepova V.V., Sharapova R.A., Skachkova O.S. On the issue of the problems of using a lawyer’s request // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2019. – Vol. 10-2(37). – pp. 152-154.

KURLYSHEV Andrey Olegovich
magister student of the 2nd course of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
The activity of lawyers is the most important institution of civil society in Russia, which units them into a professional corporation operating on the principles of humanism, legality, self-government, and independence. Representatives of this profession in the form of lawyers by appointment must provide legal assistance to each person, since this is a constitutional obligation imposed on them by the state.
This article analyzes the problems of participation in criminal proceedings by appointed lawyers and suggests specific ways to solve these problems in the near and long term.
Keywords: lawyer, right to defense, accused, suspect, pocket lawyer.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Churilov Yu. Yu. “Pocket lawyer” // Criminal process. – 2009. – No. 12. – P. 36-40.
2. Vinogradov A.V. Review of the disciplinary practice of bar associations // Criminal process. – 2021. – No. 6.

LANTUKH Eduard Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor Head of General legal disciplines sub-faculty of the Leningrad regional branch of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
LANTUKH Natalia Viktorovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, professor of Criminal process sub-faculty of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
CHASOVNIKOVA Olga Georgievna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Labor law sub-faculty of the St. PPetersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia
The article discusses a number of procedural issues regarding the issue of participation in criminal proceedings of a teacher and a psychologist. The effectiveness and expediency of calling a teacher or psychologist in criminal proceedings against minors are considered. The criterion for choosing between them is substantiated.
Keywords: criminal process, pedagogue, psychologist, investigative actions.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Markovicheva E.V., Tatyanina L.G. Problems of participation of a teacher and psychologist in criminal proceedings // Bulletin of the Udmurt University. Series “Economics and Law”. – 2017. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05.14.2023).
2. Legal statistics portal of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Lyubichev S. G. Features of the investigation of juvenile crimes at the present stage // Russian investigator. – 2015. – No. 4. – P. 15-17
4. Fomina I. A., Gorbacheva E. V. Certain aspects of the participation of a teacher and psychologist in the tactics of interrogating a minor // Siberian Legal Bulletin. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/14/2023).

NOVIKOVA Lyudmila Vladislavovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Ryazan branch of the V. Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the MIA of Russia
SULEYMANOV Talyat Alievich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminal process and criminalistics sub-faculty of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
Analyzing the achieved level of scientific research of the issue, it should be noted that today many issues related to rehabilitation in criminal proceedings require further research. In particular, the mechanism of payment of monetary compensation for property and moral damage to the rehabilitated person needs to be improved, the issue of compensation for the damage caused to a legal entity in connection with rehabilitation needs to be resolved. The mechanism of compensation for property damage to the rehabilitated person needs to be improved taking into account the development of the needs of investigative and judicial practice, ultimately, the amendments to the legislation will help simplify and achieve transparency of the rehabilitation procedure in criminal proceedings. In investigative practice, there are unfounded, “custom-made” facts of initiating a criminal case and prosecution against specific persons, therefore, the relevance of the issue of rehabilitation of the innocent remains permanent.
Keywords: state responsibility, criminal proceedings, rehabilitation, compensation payment mechanism, right to rehabilitation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Tertychny E. M. Institute of Rehabilitation in Criminal Procedure Law of Russia // Siberian Legal Bulletin. – 2009. – No. 2. – P. 86-91.
2. Valetova V. M., Ermakov V. G. Constitutional and legal mechanisms for state compensation for harm as a result of illegal activities of public authorities // Scientific notes of the Oryol State University. Series: Humanities and social sciences. – 2015. – No. 3. – P. 299-303.
3. Khuzina N. A. Rehabilitation in the aspect of the principle of the presumption of innocence. Eurasian Forum. – 2011. – No. 1 (3). – pp. 81-84.
4. Korshunov A.V. Unresolved problems of rehabilitation in criminal proceedings // Bulletin of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2015. – No. 4 (75). – P. 47.
5. Golovko I. I., Dytchenko G. V. Problems of implementing the right to rehabilitation. Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky // Legal Sciences. – 2018. – No. 4 (70). – pp. 171-180.
6. Polyakov B. A. Improving the procedure for compensation of harm to persons illegally or unreasonably subjected to criminal prosecution // Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 153-157.

SERKEROV Samur Elmirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University
MARIANOV Alikhan Abdulaevich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Dagestan State University, branch in Izberbash
YAGADINOV Yagodin Yamudinovich
Head of the Center for Operational Management of the Internal Affairs Department in Makhachkala, major of police
The article deals with the issues of legal regulation of criminal proceedings against minors in accordance with the special Chapter 50 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The article is devoted to the problems arising during the interrogation of young victims and witnesses at the court session.
The proposals for the correction of criminal procedure legislation taking into account social factors are substantiated. A number of measures are proposed to expand the participation of these participants in the process in order to ensure effective and comprehensive protection of the rights and legitimate interests of adolescents.
The article analyzes the problems of the introduction of criminal procedural mediation with the participation of a minor offender. The proposals for the correction of criminal procedure legislation taking into account social factors are substantiated. A number of measures are proposed to expand the participation of these procedural figures in order to ensure effective and comprehensive protection of rights and legitimate interests imperfectly.
Keywords: juvenile participants in criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings against minors, mediation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Korobkova E. E. On the issue of reforming criminal proceedings with the participation of minors // Justice of the Peace. – 2022. – No. 8. – P. 14-20.

MINSAFINA Svetlana Nikolaevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Deputy Head of Criminal and penal enforcement law sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
This article analyzes the role of internal regulations in the functioning of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation and highlights legal gaps in legislation. The result of the article are proposals for amendments and additions to the new internal regulations.
Keywords: internal regulations, legal gaps, suspects, accused and shame, rights and obligations, regime requirements, the order of functioning of the institution.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. On approval of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, the Internal Regulations of correctional institutions and the Internal Regulations of correctional centers of the penal system: order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation [adopted on July 4, 2022 No. 110] // Official Internet portal legal information (
2. Main performance indicators of the penal system January – December 2020-2022. Information and analytical collection of PKU NIIIT FSIN of Russia (unpublished act).
3. Review “On the organization of work to prevent the entry of prohibited items and block the channels of their entry into the territory of penal institutions.” – Extract from the instruction of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated February 24, 2021 No. 06-194856.
4. On approval of the nomenclature of medical services: order of the Ministry of Health of Russia: text as amended. and additional as of October 26, 2022 No. AKPI22-724 [adopted on October 13, 2017 No. 804n] // Official Internet portal of legal information (
5. On approval of the Procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to persons in custody or serving a sentence of imprisonment: order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia: amended text. and additional as of January 31, 2020 No. 6 [adopted December 28, 2017 No. 28] // Official Internet portal of legal information (
6. Vasyagina M. M. Reform of the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system: innovations, directions for improvement // Humanitarian and political-legal studies. – 2022. – No. 2.

ABAEV Nauryz Borisovich
lecturer of Special technical training sub-faculty of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
In the 21st century, a large number of innovative technologies have appeared that not only serve the benefit of humanity, but also fall into the handsof criminal elements who find ways to get illegal profits with their help or satisfy any intellectual or political ambitions. Technology also helps law enforcement agencies to carry out their work better. The active use of innovative technologies gives attackers the opportunity to commit criminal acts, leaving a minimum of traces and being on the territory of any country. In this regard, digital technologies have become the subject of forensic research, and the assessment of electronic information has been updated. All this helps to identify the perpetrator. And the importance here is the need for an accurate understanding of the specifics of the information that is to be considered.
Keywords: forensic research, forensic fixation, digital information, electronic information, crime investigation.
Bibliographic list of articles:
1. Bashirova M. A. Appointment and conduct of forensic examinations in criminal law and procedure: analysis of the main problems // In the collection: Science, culture, education in the context of modern priorities. Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. – Sterlitamak, 2023. – pp. 243-246.
2. Bodachevsky D.V. Improving the organizational and technical means of conducting examinations in forensic science // In the collection: fundamental and applied science: state and development trends. collection of articles of the XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Petrozavodsk, 2023. – pp. 123-126.
3. Denisov I. M., Leshchinsky M. I. Forensic research of digital information // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2023. – No. 1-1 (76). – pp. 139-141.
4. Dudchenko A.V., Pariy M.A. Information technologies in law enforcement // Essays on the latest cameralistics. – 2023. – No. 2. – P. 15-21.
5. Zherdev P. A., Usenko O. V. Some features of the use of special knowledge in the production of computer-technical examination of mobile devices // In the collection: Forensic science – a science without borders: traditions and innovations. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. Compiled by: A. R. Akiev, T. A. Badzgaradze. – St. Petersburg, 2023. – pp. 146-152.
6. Nizaeva S. R. Digital technologies in criminology // Current problems in the fight against crimes and other offenses. – 2021. – No. 21-1. – pp. 55-56.
7. Nikulits A. A. Digital forensics // In the collection: Perm period. Collection of materials from the IX International Scientific and Sports Festival of Cadets and Students of Educational Organizations. – Perm, 2022. – P. 230-232.

GALYAUTDINOV Rushan Radikovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Institute of Law of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
In the context of this study, countering the disclosure and investigation of official violent crimes poses a serious threat when establishing circumstances relevant to a criminal case. At the same time, such counteraction in various forms is practically an obligatory attribute of the investigation of official violent crimes, when the more incriminating information about an official, the more diverse the counteraction process itself is. At the same time, it should be noted that countering the investigation of official violent crimes has its own specifics, due to the personality of the criminal, the personality of the victim, and their interrelations. The relevance of the topic of the publication is due to the research conducted by the author during the writing of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences. The need to search for new relevant forensic methods of neutralization and overcoming counteraction is due to the practical examples found by the author. The purpose of this publication is to determine the counteraction to the disclosure and investigation of official violent crimes, the search and identification of criminalistic methods of its neutralization. Methods: analysis of regulatory regulation, formal legal, comparative legal. Results: the components of countering the disclosure and investigation of official violent crimes, methods of counteraction neutralization are identified, interesting practical examples on the topic are given, subjects, general and special methods of counteraction are substantiated.
Keywords: official violent crimes, counteraction to investigation, neutralization of counteraction, general and special methods of counteraction, subjects of counteraction.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Andreev A. S. False alibi and forensic methods of exposing it // Forensic science: current issues of theory and practice. – Rostov n/a., 2010. – 290 pp.
2. Galyautdinov R.R. Forensic aspects of preliminary investigation and judicial consideration of criminal cases of official violent crimes committed by law enforcement officers: dis. … Ph.D. – Rostov n/d., 2022. – 282 p.
3. Forensics: textbook. / L. Ya. Drapkin, V. N. Karagodin. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2007. – 492 p.
4. Prokofieva N.V. Methodology for investigating abuse of official powers committed by a law enforcement officer: dis. … Doctor of Law. Sci. – M., 2013. – 196 pp.
5. Trukhachev V.V. Criminal influence on evidentiary information: legal and forensic means of prevention, detection, neutralization. – Voronezh, 2010. – 300 pp.

DANILYAN Elina Sergeevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
The article examines the opinions of criminologists on the concept of interaction, the content and goals of interaction, the author suggests introducing a consultant for the investigation of non-obvious crimes, describes the role of the consultant, the requirements imposed on him, his duties , interaction with the investigator and the operative.
Keywords: non-obvious crime, consultant, investigator, investigation, detection.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Belitsky V. Yu. On the concept of interaction between the investigator and the bodies of inquiry // Vestn. Barnaul. legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2011. – No. 2 (21). – pp. 33-34.
2. Belkin R. S. Forensics: textbook. for universities. – M.: NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999. – P. 491.
3. Zuikov G. G. Scientific organization of management and labor in the investigative apparatus of the police department. – M.: Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1976. – P. 104.
4. Kucheruk S. A. Typical situations of organizing interaction and tactics in particularly difficult conditions for solving and investigating crimes: method. recommendations. – Krasnodar: Krasnodar. academic Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – P. 3.
5. Mikhailov V. A. Organization of interaction between investigative and operational-search apparatus in the investigation of crimes: lectures. – M.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1988. – P. 12.
6. Statkus V.F. Interaction of the investigator with employees of the operational apparatus of the internal affairs department when initiating a criminal case. – M.: Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1973. – P. 47.
7. Management of crime investigation bodies / Ed. I. I. Kolesnikova. – M., 2000. – P. 108.
8. Exarchopulo A. A. Introduction to criminology and its theoretical foundations. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2001. – P. 443.

DOMOVETS Svetlana Sergeevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Educational and Scientific Complex for Preliminary Investigation in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia
SYCHEVA Anna Viktorovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Educational and Scientific Complex for Preliminary Investigation in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia
The article is devoted to the current topic of theft in the field of delivery of goods and cargo. The author of this article makes an attempt to classify the existing methods of committing theft of property and funds in the field of delivery of goods and cargo in Russia and abroad. The article discusses not only the actual methods of theft, but also proposes an approximate program of actions for the investigator and the operative officer to combat crimes in this area. The article reveals the problems of timely detection of theft of other people’s property in the field of express delivery. In addition, the author provides an approximate list of investigative actions, the production of which is necessary at the initial stage of the investigation.
Keywords: transportation, counterfeit, theft, fraud, cargo, property, damage, payment cards, bank cards.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bessonov A. A. Method of crime as an element of its criminalistic characteristics // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2014. – No. 4.
2. Domovets S.S. On the peculiarities of committing and identifying thefts in the field of express delivery of goods and cargo throughout Russia and the world // Bulletin of the VA Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2022. – No. 2 (61). – pp. 117-123.

IMAEVA Yuliya Borisovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Head of Civil law and process sub-faculty of the Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan
ERMOLAEVA Lubov Nikolaevna
lecturer of the Criminalistics sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
In the age of rapidly developing high-tech technology, the commission of crimes using IT technologies or in the field of IT technologies have become frequent and difficult to investigate. One of the most informative procedural actions of this category of crimes is the conduct of forensic examinations, the subject of which is computer information. The article considers some specific features of the object of computer expertise, identifies problematic aspects related to the detection, seizure and fixation of computer information, and suggests ways to solve them.
Keywords: computer expertise, specialist, cloud storage, semantic content.
Bibliographic list of articles
1 Aleksanin A. S. On the concept and content of the operational-search activity “obtaining computer information” // Rule of law: theory and practice. – 2018. – No. 1 (51). – pp. 153-159.
2 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2022 No. 586-FZ) // Official Internet portal of legal information. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 02.02.2023).
3 On information, information technologies and information protection: federation. Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2022 No. 604-FZ) // Official Internet portal of legal information. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 02.02.2023). 14
4. How data warehouses are structured // Habr [site]. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://›ru/company/1cloud/blog/345154/ (access date: 08/13/2023).
5. Tsimbal V. N. Types of digital forensically significant information obtained during the investigation of crimes // Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Law. – 2021. – No. 3 (46). – pp. 249-255.

KOSTYUCHENKO Oleg Georgievich
competitor of Criminology sub-faculty of the Faculty of Law of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article discusses high-tech means – an unmanned aerial vehicle and a thermal imaging device used in criminology. Different types of unmanned aerial vehicles are given. The author offers forensic recommendations for the inspection of the scene using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The features of the use of the thermal imager during the inspection of the scene and search activities are given.
Keywords: high-tech means, inspection of the scene, unmanned aerial vehicle, thermal imager.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Kosovsky V. B., Martynyuk S. N. Current issues of practical application of unmanned vehicles in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation // Society: politics, economics, law. – 2020. – No. 3 (80). – pp. 25-29.
2. Krylov I.F., Exarchopulo A.A. Gubert Koletsky. Application of thermography in forensic science. Warsaw, 1979. 197 pp.: Review // Jurisprudence. – 1980. – No. 6. – P. 107-108.
3. Koletski H. Application of thermal vision (THV AGA THERMOVISION technology) in forensic practice // Siberian Legal Bulletin. – 2007. – No. 2 (37). – pp. 98-103.
4. Kostyuchenko O. G. Thermal imagers as an element of forensic rendering // Bulletin of military law. – 2023. – No. 2. – P. 74-80. EDN CFNBYF.

OVSYANNIKOVA Evgeniya Ivanovna
lecturer of Operational investigative activities and special equipment sub-faculty of the Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
This article discusses ways to prevent committed crimes using telecommunications, using the example of detecting credit card fraud using logistic regression and a synthetic approach based on the method of synthetic resampling of the minority. The author explores some types of credit card fraud and practical ways to detect it.
Keywords: fraud detection, credit card fraud, logistic regression, Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE).
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Tripathy, Nrusingha; Nayak, Subrat Kumar; Femi Godslove, Julius; Kpereobong Friday,Ibanga; and Dalai, Sasanka Sekhar (2022) “Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Logistic Regression and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) Approach” // International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology: Vol. 8. Iss. 4. Article 4. DOI: 10.47893/IJCCT.2022.1438
2. Van N. T., Thinh T. N. and Sach L. T. An anomaly-based network intrusion detection system using deep learning IEEE International Conference on ICSSE. pp. 210-214. July 2017. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 08/18/2023).
3. Shone N., Ngoc T. N., Phai V. D. and Shi Q. A deep learning approach to network intrusion detection IEEE International Conference on emerging topics in computational intelligence. Vol. 2.Pp. 41-50. January 2018. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date accessed 08/18/2023).
4. Alom M. Z., Bontupalli V. and Taha T. M. Intrusion detection using deep belief networks IEEE International Conference on NAECON. pp. 339-344. June 2015. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 08.18.2023).

PECHNIKOVA Rozaliya Bagduevna
postgraduate student of Criminology sub-faculty of the Faculty of Law of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article examines the process of interrogation of a suspect after the investigator has studied the electronic correspondence related to the investigation. The article contains recommendations for the investigator on preparation for such an interrogation and the choice of tactics. The author analyzes various situations developing during the interrogation, conflict-free and conflict-free, and recommends specific tactical actions based on data obtained from electronic messages.
Keywords: electronic message, e-mail, messenger, technical progress, correspondence, criminology, electronic device, proof, interrogation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ignatiev M. E. The factor of surprise, its procedural and forensic significance for the investigation of crimes. – M.: Publishing house “Yurlitinform”, 2004. – P. 22.
2. Karneeva L. M. Judicial ethics and interrogation tactics // Ethics of preliminary investigation. – 1976. – No. 15. – P. 56.
3. Forensics: a textbook for bachelors / Ed. L. Ya. Drapkina. – M.: Yurayt, 2012. – P. 53.
4. Ratinov A. R. On the admissibility and legality of some tactical techniques // Investigative practice. – 1964. – No. 64. – P. 106-115.

SYSENKO Alfiya Radikovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminology sub-faculty of the Omsk Academy of the MIA of Russia
The article discusses the features of the preparation of electronic media for the appointment of forensic examinations, including computer in criminal cases.
Unfortunately, during the production of forensic examinations, the specifics of collecting evidence presented in electronic form are often not taken into account. It is shown that the results of the forensic examinations conducted will depend on the quality of the stored virtual traces. Almost any handling of computer information requires special knowledge, and the subject of their application is a specialist. The author notes the importance of using the help of qualified specialists.
Keywords: virtual traces, electronic media, forensic examinations, Internet, special knowledge.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the St. Petersburg City Court dated April 20, 2017 in case No. 22-2649/2017. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 06/25/2023).
2. Ivanov A. N. The procedure for seizure, storage and return to the rightful owner of electronic storage media // Problems of criminal proceedings, criminology and forensic examination. – 2018. – No. 1 (11). – pp. 9-13.
3. Lapin E. S. Issues that arise when working with digital traces during the investigation of crimes // Legal policy and legal life. – 2021. – No. 2. – P. 175-180.
4. Molzhanov S. A. Forensic techniques in the seizure and collection of digital information // South Ural Forensic Readings: materials of the international. scientific-practical conference / Edited by I. A. Makarenko. Vol. 26. – Ufa: Bashkir State University, 2018. – P. 59-64.

KHARITONOV Sergey Alexandrovich
Head of the duty department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Penza, major of police
Currently, a pre-investigation check is carried out by police officers for almost every report on the commission of a crime or an act that has external signs of the objective side of the crime. Forensic characteristics are of basic importance for procedural and investigative actions in pre-trial proceedings. The article analyzes various scientific approaches to the definition of the criminalistics characteristics of the disclosure of crimes in hot pursuit, the stages of the formation of the scientific provisions of the investigation of crimes, as well as the concept, meaning, factors, conditions and specifics of the disclosure of crimes in “hot pursuit”.
Keywords: criminalistics characteristics of crimes, a model of the mechanism for solving crimes in “hot pursuit”.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Belkin R. S. Course of criminology / 3rd ed., additional. – M.: Law and Law, 2017. – 210 p.
2. Veingrad A. Criminal tactics. Guide to crime investigation. – St. Petersburg, 1913. – 293 p.
3. Barshev Ya. I. Fundamentals of criminal proceedings, with application to Russian criminal proceedings. – St. Petersburg: type. 2 departments Own. e.i. led chancellery, 1841. – 297 pp.
4. Gertsenzon A. A. Introduction to Soviet criminology. – M., 1965. – 226 p.
5. Forensics. Textbook. T. 1 / Akhanov V.S., Belkin R.S., Zuikov G.G., Lavrov V.P., et al.; Edited by: Belkin R.S., Zuikov G.G. – M.: NIiRIO Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1969. – 376 p.
6. Torbin Yu. G., Moskalenko A. N., Obraztsov V. A. Forms of interaction between the investigator and the bodies of inquiry at the initial stage of pre-trial proceedings // Lex russica. – 2020. – No. 3. – P. 70-79.
7. Aristakesyan L. S. Hot on the heels: what does it mean? // Sov. police – 1978. – No. 1. – P. 55-58.
8. Moskalenko A. N. Technical and forensic support for solving crimes without delay: abstract. diss. Ph.D. legal Sci. – Volgograd, 2002. – P. 11-32.
9. Sysenko A. R. The use of special knowledge in the investigation of crimes without delay: textbook. pract. village – Omsk: Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. – 84 p.
10. Kavalieris A.K. Some issues of solving crimes committed in conditions of non-obviousness without delay // Problems of disclosing and investigating crimes committed in conditions of non-obviousness: Sat. scientific tr. – Volgograd, 1989. – P. 60.
11. Yablokov N.P. Forensics: textbook and workshop for applied bachelor’s degree. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. – P. 239.
12. Eksarchopulo A. A. Forensic science in schemes: textbook, manual for academic undergraduates. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. – P. 422.
13. Mozhaeva I. P. Scientifically based system of procedural, managerial and forensic measures to increase the efficiency of organizational support for the activities of crime investigation bodies // Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2017. – No. 3.
14. Tolokonnikov V.K. Algorithm for producing a tactically based set of investigative actions in rape cases // Bulletin of the Samara Humanitarian Academy. Series “Law”. – 2018. – No. 2 (21). – pp. 38-43.
15. Shurukhnov N. G. The quality of urgent investigative actions as a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the investigation: to the problem of using information technologies // Russian investigator. – 2020. – No. 8. – P. 18-22.
16. Kraineva O. L. Criminological characteristics of forms of criminal violence // Russian State Library. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 02/13/2022).
17. Shevko N. N., Kulenkova E. V. Tactical recommendations for conducting initial investigative actions in the investigation of rape // Science Diary. – 2019. – No. 7 (31). – P. 41.

ZADOROZHNIY Artem Anatoljevich
competitor of Criminology sub-faculty of the Faculty of Law of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
This article examines the features of conducting crime scene investigation in the disclosure of crimes of terrorist nature committed using remote-controlled explosive devices. The methods and techniques used in the investigation of such crime scenes are analyzed, as well as the problems faced by law enforcement officers during the investigation of such crimes. The difficulty of detecting evidence and establishing the location of the bomber when using radio-controlled explosive devices is also emphasized.
Keywords: crime scene investigation, crimes of terrorist nature, remote- explosive-controlled devices, disclosure of crimes, methods and techniques of investigation, investigation issues.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Kumysheva M.K. Features of investigative actions in the process of investigating terrorist acts committed through explosions // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 29.
2. Motorny I. D. Theoretical and applied foundations of the use of means and methods of forensic explosive technology in the fight against terrorism: Monograph. – Moscow: Shumilova I. I., 1999.
3. Sechin A.I., Perminov V.A., Nazarenko O.B. et al. Theory of combustion and explosion: textbook / Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2020.
4. Shikanov V.I. Theoretical foundations of tactical operations in crime investigation. – Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Publishing House, 1983.
5. Shorin I. Yu. Forensic aspects of the fight against crimes committed using remote-controlled explosive devices: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Saratov, 2002.

DZYUBA Alexander Olegovich
postgraduate student of Criminology sub-faculty of the Faculty of Law of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article discusses the tactical features of the most important investigative actions in the investigation of credit fraud, namely: conducting an inspection of the scene of the incident, search and seizure. At the same time, the paper gives not only the characteristics of these investigative actions, but also describes the algorithm of the investigator’s actions in a specific situation. Taking into account the and specifics of the credit sphere complexity, the article shows the relationship of these investigative actions, highlights problematic issues in their production and suggests the most optimal ways to search for evidentiary information.
Keywords: inspection of the scene of the accident, search, seizure, fraud, investigative actions, lending sphere.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Balalaeva M.V. Fraud in the field of lending: some problematic issues of investigation (forensic aspect) // Legal science and practice: Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2015. – No. 29. – P. 65-67.
2. Grinyakin S. A. Main directions of combating fraud in banking // UEks. – 2017. – No. 99. – P. 47-49.
3. Egorov N. N., Ishchenko E. P. Guide to the production of investigative actions: educational and practical guide. – M.: Publishing house: Prospekt, 2017. – P. 87-92.
4. Forensics: textbook / Ed. doc. legal sciences, prof. I. M. Komarova. – M.: Yurlitinform, 2023. – P. 465-472.
5. Exarchopulo A. A. Forensics in schemes: textbook. manual for SPO. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. – P. 83-86.

KARPINSKIY Dmitriy Anatoljevich
adjunct of the Academy of the MIA of Russia, Deputy Head of the Department for drug trafficking control of the MIA of Russia in Sevastopol, lieutenant colonel of police
The article formulates the basic concepts of investigation methodology and methodological principles that determine the methodology of investigation of fraud in the field of paranormal and occult services. A private definition and concept describing the methodology of investigation of fraud associated with the provision of paranormal and occult services is proposed. The main components of the methodology and their influence on the success of the investigation are emphasized.
Keywords: forensic methodology, methodology of crime investigation, fraud, paranormal services, occult services, pre-investigation check, stages of investigation, investigation tactics.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Yakimov I. N. Forensics. Guide to criminal technology and tactics. M., 1925.
2. Vasiliev A. L. Problems of methods for investigating certain types of crimes // 1975. No. 4. P. 63
3. Averyanova T.V., Belkin R.S., Korukhov Yu.G., Rossinskaya E.R. Forensic science. Textbook for universities. Ed. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor R. S. Belkin. M: Publishing group NORMA-INFA.M, 1999. 630 pp.
4. Toporkov A. A. Forensic methods of crime investigation. M: Justice, 2023. 294 p.
5. Kustov A. M., Lapin V. O. Modern forensic practice and science (end of the 20th century – beginning of the 21st century), edited by. ed. Kustova A. M. M: Yurlitinform, 2021. 296 p.
6. Nugaeva E. D. Features of the investigation of fraud in the provision of occult services: dissertation of a candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.12 / Place of defense: Rost. legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Ufa, 2018. 269 p.
7. Salaev Z. R. Fraud associated with the provision of services of an occult and psychological nature: criminal law and criminological research: dissertation … candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.08 / Place of defense: Federal State Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation”. Moscow, 2022. 167 pp.

KRASNIKOV Vadim Nikolaevich
senior lecturer of Operational and investigative activities and special equipment sub-faculty of the Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
The paper touches upon certain aspects of the interaction of the operational units of the internal affairs department with public formations in the implementation of search work. The issue of using the assistance of public associations is considered. The tasks that need to be set for volunteers are determined. Conclusions are drawn about the need to develop this type of interaction in the implementation of search work.
Keywords: interaction, missing person, search work, volunteers.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Pupynin S.S., Parfenov A.V. Peculiarities of searching for missing persons // Law and Law. – 2021. – No. 4. – P. 156.
2. Gerasimenko E. E. Interaction of police department investigation units with organizations and citizens in the search for missing persons // Academic thought. – 2019. – No. 2 (7). – P. 151.
3. Krasnikov V.N., Zinkovsky V.V. On the interaction of operational units of internal affairs bodies with civil associations in the search for missing persons // Law and Law. – 2020. – No. 12. – P. 211.
4. Algorithm for interaction between territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional and district levels and volunteer organizations upon receipt of an application (report) about the unknown disappearance of a person, primarily a child. – M., 2015. – pp. 4-5.
5. Ogurtsov I.V. Problems of searching for missing persons and establishing the identity of unidentified corpses // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 129.

KHARITONOV Sergey Alexandrovich
Head of the duty department, of the DMIA of Russia in Penza, major of police
Effective and, most importantly, fast investigation and disclosure of crimes is impossible without the proper interaction of all participants of the investigation at the scene of the crime, using the latest technological developments in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This circumstance enables to investigate and disclose crimes effectively, including by “hot trails”. The introduction of modern computer equipment, information systems and technology in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, allows processing a huge amount of information in a small amount of time, and the quality of the information increases significantly, so the system can for a few minutes to process and take into account when making thousands of decisions of different indicators. Even now, the artificial intelligence can replace not just one employee, but sometimes a whole staff in the company.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, “hot trail”, modern technology, technological developments, crime detection.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Zhdanov A. A. Autonomous artificial intelligence. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. – 359 pp.
2. Artificial intelligence and universal thinking. – St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 2012. – 711 p.
3. Turing A. M. On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem // Proc. London Maths. Soc. – 1936. – Ser. 2
4. Malyarov E. A. Structural analysis of the operational-search activity “personal identification” // Altai Legal Bulletin. – 2020. – No. 3 (31). – pp. 136-140
5. Krylova E. Safe capital. What made it possible to reduce the crime rate in Moscow? // Bulletin “Arguments and Facts”. – 2018. – No. 50. – P. 5-6.

ARDASHEV Roman Georgievich
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Siberian Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The problems of the emergence of fraud in the field of “occult services” in modern Russia are considered. The analysis of the authors’ opinions about the “eternity” of magical consciousness in humans is given. It shows the actions of certain famous people who use the interest of a wide audience in the mysticism of the East for their own purposes. A brief psychological description of the apologists of mysticism is given.
Keywords: fraud, mysticism, pseudology, business on occultism.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Antonov I. O. Fraud investigation: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Kazan, 1999. – 23 p.
2. Kurinov B. A. Forensic and procedural aspects of fraud investigation: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – M., 2006. – 17 p.
3. Lesnyak V.I. Fraud: criminal legal and criminological aspects: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Ekaterinburg, 2000. – 21 p.
4. Nugaeva E. D. Features of the investigation of fraud in the provision of occult services: Dis. …cand. legal Sci. – Ufa, 2018. – pp. 71-92.
5. Ardashev R. G. The inconsistency of using psychics for solving and investigating crimes // Law and Law. – 2013. – No. 11. – P. 131-132.
6. Kitaev N. N., Ardashev R. G. On the dangers of using psychics in operational investigative activities and criminology (review of sources) // Russian Investigator. – 2015. – No. 8. – P. 3-5.
7. Kitaev N. N., Kitaeva V. N., Ardashev R. G. Jurisprudence and mysticism // Law and Law. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 147–149.
8. Ardashev R. G. Irrational criminology. On attempts at symbiosis of pseudoscience and jurisprudence // Law and Law. – 2019. – No. 12. – P. 141-143.
9. Shamurzaev T. T., Ardashev R. G., Disclosure of serial murders and astrological mantra: irrationalization of truth // Law and Law. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 177-179.
10. Ardashev R. G. Superstitions in law enforcement as an indicator of the irrationality of public consciousness // Law and Law. – 2020. – No. 11. – P. 173-175.
11. Ustinov S.G. Mystery studies as a cultural and historical phenomenon of modern Russia: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. Philosopher Sci. – Tyumen, 2006. – P. 3.
12. Ermolina Yu. V. Magic as a cultural and religious phenomenon: Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. Philosopher Sci. – Orel, 2009. – P. 8.
13. Levy-Bruhl L. Supernatural in primitive thinking. – M. 1999. – P. 23.
14. Underhill E. Mysticism. – Kyiv, 2000. – P. 165.
15. Buyanov M.I. Adventures of an ancient riddle (hysteria, history, superstition). – M., 1991. – P. 94-95.
16. Solovyov V. S. Modern priestess Isis. My acquaintance with H. P. Blavatsky and the “Theosophical Society”. – M., 1994. – P. 209-210.
17. Lvov V. Manufacturers of miracles. – L., 1974. – P. 184.
18. Buyanov M.I. From loneliness to communication or contactology. – M., 1998. – P. 36.
19. Shakhnovich M.I. Modern mysticism in the light of science. – M.-L. 1965. – P. 106.
20. Devil-Neel A. Mystics andmagicians of Tibet. – Rostov-on-Don, 1991. – 256 p.
21. Obraztsov P. A. AntiMuldashev. From whom did the Ufa ophthalmologist descend? – M., 2004. – 256 p.
22. Buyanov M.I. Mysticism, KGB and psychiatry. – M., 2007. – P. 82.
23. Brachev V. S. Masons and power in Russia. – M., 2003. – P. 564.
24. Andreev A.I. Occultist of the Soviet Union. – M., 2004. – P. 144-146.
25. Psychological encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Ed. R. Corsini and A. Auerbach. – St. Petersburg, 2003. – P. 500.
26. World studies. – 1923. – T. 12. – No. 2 (45). – P. 233.

VELIKANOVA Ludmila Petrovna
Ph.D. in medical sciences, professor of Narcology psychotherapy and law sub-faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia
PODOSINNIKOVA Evgenia Anatoljevna
Ph.D. in psychological sciences, associate professor of Narcology psychotherapy and law sub-faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia
PODOSINNIKOV Sergey Aleksandrovich
Ph.D. in psychological sciences, associate professor of Pedagogical education sub-faculty of the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University
TAYSAEVA Svetlana Borisovna
Ph.D. in psychological sciences, associate professor of Political analysis and socio-psychological processes sub-faculty of the G. V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article is devoted to the topic of internalization of destructive mental constructions into the picture of the world of society. In the work, the process of victimization of society is considered as the inclusion in everyday life of cognitive distortions, psychological manipulation of public consciousness, and the result is a violation of security. The authors conclude that, based on the mechanisms of internalization, information obtained through cognitive distortions is embedded in the picture of the world and there is a transition from the non-psychic to the mental. As a result, the new formed reality makes people defenseless and leads to the degradation of society.
Keywords: mental constructions, cognitive distortions, victimization of society, internalization.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Medushevsky A. N. Cognitive warfare: social control, consciousness control and an instrument of global domination. Part 1 // Questions of theoretical economics. – 2023. – No. 2. – P. 85-98.
2. Balanovsky V., Podyakonov V., Grekova I. Confrontation in cognitive warfare: the struggle for the human mind // Security Systems. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/06/2023).
3. Jaspers K. Nietzsche: an introduction to understanding his philosophizing: scientific publication / Karl Jaspers; translation from German by Yu. Medvedev, ed. M. Ermakova; entry Art. B.V. Markova. – St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2004. – 626 pp.

BOLOBAN Maxim Leonidovich
lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, captain of police
ULANOV Nikita Dmitrievich
lecturer of Fire training sub-faculty of the Voronezh Institute of the MIA of Russia, senior lieutenant of police
PETROVA Elena Sergeevna
lecturer of Professional training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, captain of police
AMIROVA Dilyara Kafilevna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Criminal law sub-faculty of the Kazan Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, major of police
This article examines the psychological characteristics of victims of fraud committed using the information and telecommunications network “Internet”, as well as the reasons for the high growth of crimes committed in the information sphere. The authors distinguish victims of cybercrime into separate categories, as well as propose measures to prevent IT crimes.
This article examines trends in the development of IT crime and offers recommendations for improving measures to prevent cyber attacks and protect potential victims.
The results of the study represent an important contribution to understanding the problem of IT crime from the point of view of psychology and criminology. The practical recommendations proposed in the article can be used in the work of law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity specialists and psychologists to assist victims of IT crimes and prevent future incidents.
Keywords: Internet fraud, victim status, cyber-victimology, cyber-victims, cybercrime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Zhmurov D.V. Cybervictimology as a new reality of the technotronic society (gender research) // Electronic scientific journal of the Baikal State University. – 2020. – T. 11. No. 1. – P. 37-42.
2. Bovt O. B. Cybervictimology: multidisciplinarity and development prospects // Grant research and scientific educational activities: goals, technologies, results. – 2017. – pp. 87-90.
3. Petrov S. A. Trust as a condition for committing fraud // Criminal law. – 2015. – No. 4. – P. 49-52.
4. Kabanov P. A. Minor victims of modern Russian crime: statistical and victimological measurement (2009-2015) // Victimology. – 2016. – No. 3 (9). – P. 7-23.
5. Khomenko A. N. On the issue of victimization of victims of cybercrime // Victimology. – 2021. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/07/2023).

ZAKAZNOVA Alevtina Nikolaevna
senior lecturer of Criminal law sub-faculty of the Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of social-demographic, criminal, psychological characteristics of the personality of servicemen who have committed violent crimes against military service, the identification of personality characteristics of a serviceman who has committed a violent crime against military service and their relationship with the criminal situation in the mechanism of committed crimes, and the development of a new typology of the personality of a violent criminal-serviceman.
Keywords: typology, personality, criminal, soldier, military service, violence, criminal situation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Antonyan Yu. M. Study of the personality of a criminal. M., 1982. pp. 49-53.
2. Gavrilov Yu. Step by step march to the prosecutor // Russian newspaper. 2009. September 30. P. 1-2.
3. Dagel P. S. The doctrine of the personality of a criminal in Soviet criminal law. Vladivostok, 1970. pp. 61-70.
4. Inshakov S. M. Military criminology (course of lectures). M.: Military University, 1998. P. 42.
5. Karpets I.I. Criminal law and ethics. M., 1985. P. 142.
6. Criminology / Rep. ed. V. K. Zvirbul, N. F. Kuznetsova, G. M. Minkovsky. M.: Legal. lit., 1979. pp. 111-117.
7. Criminology. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. P. 102; Criminology: Textbook / Ed. N. F. Kuznetsova, G. M. Minkovsky. M.: Publishing house BEK, 1998. P. 124; Criminology: Textbook / Ed. N. F. Kuznetsova, V. V. Luneva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: WoltersKluwer, 2004. P. 125.
8. Criminology: Textbook / Ed. B.V. Korobeinikov, N.F. Kuznetsova, G.M. Minkovsky. M.: Legal. lit., 1988. P. 87; Criminology. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. P. 95; Criminology: Textbook / Ed. N. F. Kuznetsova, G. M. Minkovsky. M.: Publishing house BEK, 1998. P. 117; Criminology: Textbook / Ed. N. F. Kuznetsova, V. V. Luneeva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: WoltersKluwer, 2004. P. 119.
9. Criminology: Textbook for law schools / Ed. ed. A. I. Dolgovoy. M: NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999. P. 281; Criminology: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. A. I. Dolgovoy. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M: NORM, 2003. P.336-337; Criminology: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. A. I. Dolgovoy. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M: Norma, 2005. P. 340.
10. Krupnov I.V. Social and psychological aspects of criminal aggression in the military collective. dis. …cand. legal Sci. 12.00.08. M., 2003.
11. Kurganov S.I. Fundamentals of criminology: Textbook. allowance. M.: Publishing House “NOTABENE”, 1998. P. 56.
12. Lichko A. E. Psychopathy and character accentuation in adolescents. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2021. 304 p.
13. The identity of the criminal and crime prevention. Ed. V. N. Kudryavtseva, H. N., Kondrashkova et al., M.: Legal. lit., 1975. P. 31.
14. Identity of the criminal. M.: Legal. lit., 1975. P. 31.
15. Luneev V.V. Criminology (Causes, prevention and methods of studying crimes in the Armed Forces of the USSR): Textbook / Ed. A. G. Gorny. M., 1986. P. 87.
16. Luneev V.V. Criminal behavior: motivation, forecasting, prevention. M., 1980. P. 61.
17. Morgulenko E. A. Reasons and measures to prevent violations of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel in the absence of subordination relations between them. dis. for the job application …cand. legal Sci. M., 2003. 308 p. P. 88.
18. General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. M., 1994. P. 78.
19. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian Language named after. V. V. Vinogradova. 4th ed., expanded. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. P. 774-775.
20. Petelin B. Ya. Personality orientation and motives for criminal behavior. M., 1973. P. 35; Burlakov V.N. Criminal personality and individual crime prevention. Author’s abstract. dis. … doc. legal Sci. St. Petersburg, 1998. pp. 7-13.
21. Stepanov S. A. Methods for investigating crimes against military service involving the use of physical violence. 12.00.12 – criminology; forensic activity; operational investigative activities. M., 2018. 251 p. pp. 68-69.
22. Khomyakov A.I. Crimes against the order of subordination and military statutory relations: criminal law and criminological research. dis. …cand. legal Sci. M., 2002. P. 67.
23. Eminov V. E., Antonyan Yu. M. The personality of a criminal and its formation // Current problems of Russian law. 2015. No. 1. P. 37.

NAZAROV Alexander Alexandrovich
Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes methodological approaches and indicates the results of the study of crimes related to fraudulent actions committed by military personnel when receiving payments. In addition, an analysis of the legislation of foreign countries in the field of fraud and fraud in receiving payments is provided.
Keywords: payment, soldier, social payment, insurance payment, pension, allowance, compensation, criminology, fraud, fraud in receiving payments.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Prozumentov L. M., Shesler A. V. Methods of criminological research // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Right. – 2020. – No. 37. – P. 108-109.
2. Inshakov S. M. Criminology: textbook. – M.: Jurisprudence, 2000. – 432 p. – P. 177.
3. Data from judicial statistics of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: October 23, 2022)
4. As M. N. Urda and S. V. Sheveleva point out, the Norwegian Criminal Code does not use the concept of “information manipulation”; as an alternative method of committing the act in question, he calls “the use of incorrect or incomplete information, modification of data, software or other unlawful influence on the result of automatic data processing,” which, in essence, constitutes manipulation of information. Sweden takes a similar approach when formulating the appropriate composition.
5. Urda M. N., Sheveleva S. V. Fraud in receiving payments under the laws of foreign countries in the context of countering scientific fraud in the performance of state assignments // Law and Politics. – 2017. – No. 5. – P. 19-21, 23.
6. Kudryavtsev V.N. and others. Course of Soviet criminology. – M., 1985. – P.43.
7. Data for those reviewed in the period 2010-2021. criminal cases against military personnel who have committed crimes under Art. Art. 159 and 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

RYASOV Alexander Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, professor of Operational investigative activities and special equipment sub-faculty of the Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
The paper considers the problems arising in the process of countering crimes committed in organized forms. Priority areas of activity of operational units in terms of countering crimes committed by organized criminal groups (communities) have been identified, as well as ways to improve them have been proposed. Special attention is paid to promising areas of prevention of organized crime.
Keywords: operational units, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, organized crime, ethnic organized criminal groups, drug trafficking, corruption.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Extended meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 04/23/2023).
2. Goncharova M. V., Nevsky S. A., Babaev M. M., Cherkasov R. V., Abliyazova E. B., Timoshina E. M., Koimshidi G. F., Bitsadze G. E. Complex analysis of the state of crime in the Russian Federation based on the results of 2022 and expected trends in its development. –Moscow: FGKU “VNII MIA of Russia”, 2023. – P. 11.

STRIZHENOV Alexey Vyacheslavovich
senior lecturer of Fire training sub-faculty of the Voronezh Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
GUSHCHIN Dmitriy Nikolaevich
senior lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
MANSUROVA Zilya Rakhimlanovna
Ph.D. in medical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and psychology in the activities of police officers sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
VALIEVA Albina Rifovna
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of Socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines sub-faculty of the Bashkir State Agrarian University
This article is a criminological study of juvenile delinquency. The article analyzes the statistics of juvenile delinquency, as well as factors influencing this phenomenon, such as: socio-demographic, socially significant physiological, socio-psychological, moral-psychological and legal properties, signs, attitudes, relationships, and value orientations that have an antisocial orientation and led to the commission of a crime. The authors pay special attention to the increase in the number of violent crimes among minors. In conclusion, the importance of joint efforts of society and the state in effective strategies for the prevention and rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents is emphasized.
Keywords: minors, juvenile delinquency, criminological characteristics, criminal personality, crime prevention.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Abovyan E. P., Ananyeva E. O. Criminological aspects of the personality of a minor offender // Gazette of the UIS. – 2023. – No. 4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.14.2023).
2. Zhadan V. N. On the criminological characteristics of the personality of juvenile offenders // Legal science. – 2019. – No. 8. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/14/2023).
3. Kosevich N. R. Social adaptation and social rehabilitation of minors and the activities of commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights: questions of theory and practice. – M., RAP, 2013. – 1056 pp.
4. Mayorov A.V. Juvenile crime: criminological analysis of its status in Russian society // Bulletin of Economics, Management and Law. – 2020. – No. 4 (53). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/14/2023).
5. Ryzhova O. A. Features of juvenile delinquency and preventive measures in modern conditions // Science. Society. State. – 2020. – No. 2 (30). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/14/2023).
6. Silantyev V.I. Personality features of juvenile criminals // Innovative science. – 2022. – No. 3-2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/14/2023).
7. Fedotova E. N. Features of the personality of a minor offender // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2019. – No. 6. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.14.2023).

STUPINA Svetlana Alexandrovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Forensic Science sub-faculty of the Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk
In the article, based on a comprehensive analysis of official statistical data, a brief study of the state and dynamics of group crime is conducted, its components are considered. Special attention is paid to the criteria for the formation of official statistical records of crimes committed in one form or another of complexity. The changes that have manifested themselves in modern conditions are determined: the negative trend of an increase in organized forms among group crime, the escalation of criminal communities, the expansion of the sphere of criminal specialization,the spread of armament among members of criminal groups, their inclusion in the sphere of crimes aimed at undermining national security.
Keywords: group crime, complexity, organized group, criminal community, state and dynamics of crime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Prozumentov L. M., Shesler A. V. Criminal legal means of counteracting group crime // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Right. – 2022. – No. 43. – P. 86-96.
2. Stupina S.A., Rudakova Group crime: current state and trends (on the example of E.N. Siberian Federal District) // Citizen and Law. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 30-35.
3. Stupina S. A. Some trends in crime in modern conditions // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 10 (173). – pp. 438-440.

TAILOVA Aisha Gabibovna
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of the North Caucasus Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
GASANOV Mukhtar Magomedovich
magister student of the 2nd course of the North Caucasian Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
ABAKAROVA Bika Gadzhishamhalovna
lecturer at the Law College of the North Caucasus Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), branch in Makhachkala
The article is dedicated to the problem of state-corporate crime in the USA. Various aspects of corporate crime, its relationship with state crime, including its impact on the economy and society are considered. The mechanisms of state-corporate crime and ways to combat its manifestations are described. The author emphasizes that effective counteraction to state-corporate crime requires an integrated approach and the participation of all layers of the world community.
Keywords: state crime, corporate crime, concept, danger, society, counteraction.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Dawn L. Rothe, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, 33431, USA. Email: rothed@fau.
3. American Association for Justice (2018). The worst corporate behavior in 2018. Retrieved March 17, 2019. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
4. Anthony T. “They Treated Me Like a Dog”: The Colonial Continuum of State Harm for Indigenous Children in Detention in the Northern Territory, Australia. State Crime Journal. – 2018. – No. 7. – pp. 251-277.
5. Aulette J., & Michalowski R. Fire in hamlet: A case study of state-corporate crime. In K. Tunnel (Ed.), Political crime in contemporary America (Pp. 171-206). – New York, NY: Garland, 1993.
6. Barak G. Crimes of the capitalist state. – Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.
7. Barak G. (Ed.). Routledge international handbook on the crimes of the powerful (pp. 515-525). – Oxford, England: Routledge, 2015.
8. Bernal C., Forero A., & Rivera I. State-corporate crime and social damage in the context of the Spanish crisis // State Crime Journal. – 2019. – No. 3. – pp. 220-236.
9. Busi-nessWire. – No. 4. – 2018. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
10. Cairoli, 2018. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://›2018/02/06/cairoli…2018-pre…
11. Winlow, Hall, Treadwell, & Briggs, 2015. – R. 19.
12. Winlow. – 2017. – R. 190 – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov10224280/.

TARASOVA Lyudmila Yakovlevna
Ph.D. in historical sciences, associate professor of Criminal law and criminology sub-faculty of the Barnaul Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
In the article, the author examines, in his opinion, the main reasons for the commission of murder by the mother of a newborn child. Neonaticide prevention measures have been proposed. The conclusions made by the author are based on an analysis of judicial practice materials, as well as the opinions of researchers on this issue.
Keywords: minor, mother of a newborn child, neonaticide, crime prevention, determinants of crime.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Drozhzha Yu. S. Prevention of murders of children. Author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – M., 2015.
2. Dubovik A. S. Establishing a psychotraumatic situation when a mother kills a newborn child // Bulletin of Science and Education. – 2019. – No. 16 (70).
3. Klevtsova E. V., Pugatsky M. V. Problems of preventing the murder of a newborn child by a mother // Main trends in the development of Russian legislation. – 2019.
4. Kutina V.P. Violent female crime and its prevention: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sci. – St. Petersburg, 2006.
5. Serdyuk L.V. Infanticide: issues of legal assessment // Russian justice. 2003. – No. 11.
6. Chestnova P.I., Volkov A.S. Reasons for the murder of a newborn child by a mother and problems of prevention // Law and society in the context of globalization: development prospects. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume Issue 9. Edited by V. V. Bekher, N. N. Laichenkova. – Saratov, 2021.
7. Stefan A.V. On the issue of studying the reasons contributing to the commission of murder by the mother of a newborn child // Criminology. – 2015.

SHERSTYANYKH Alexandra Sergeevna
Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Information and legal disciplines and special technique sub-faculty of the Siberian Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
Since the pandemic, digitalization has firmly entered the life of modern people, which, on the one hand, opens up broad prospects for the development of society, and on the other hand, has given rise to such a phenomenon of modern society as cybercrime. These are crimes that are committed with the help of modern information technologies and computer systems. The most common types of crimes are: theft of personal or confidential data, fraud, attacks on computer networks, disruption of computer systems and equipment under their control, cyber espionage and much more. The target of attacks by cybercriminals can be individual users, financial or commercial organizations, government agencies, etc. Cybercrime has far-reaching consequences for victims, the economy and society.
The article discusses the main types of cybercrime, as well as methods of counteraction and rules for technical self-defense of citizens from this type of crime.
Keywords: cybercrime, information space, personal data, security, prevention, computer technology.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. “IT region”: how to resist cyber fraudsters // BNK: information agency. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/15/2023).
2. Data Leakage & Breach Intelligence – official website. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 09/15/2023).
3. Digest of the telegram channel “information leaks” for July and August 2023. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
4. Daurov A.I. Factors influencing the state of the fight against cybercrime in the modern world // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2021. – T. 14. – No. 4. – P. 155-158. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.14.2023).
5. Russians were warned about a hacker mailing about mobilization // – news site. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/15/2023).
6. The evolution of cybercrime. Analysis, trends and forecasts 2022/2023: Group-IB’s annual flagship report on current trends in cybersecurity and forecasts for the evolution of the threat landscape. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/13/2023).

VODNEVA Kseniya Vladimirovna
adjunct of Criminal policy sub-faculty of the Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia, Vladivostok, captain of justice
The article defines the concept of crimes in the field of information technology, identifies the public danger of this group of crimes at the present stage and defines a list of socially dangerous criminally punishable acts that are covered by the concept of “crimes in the field of information technology”. The article also contains a list of measuresaimed at preventing crimes in the field of information technology. In particular, such groups of them are considered as measures of general social prevention, measures to improve the situation in society as a whole, indirectly influencing the state of crime, and measures for the special prevention of such crimes, i.e. measures whose main purpose is precisely to prevent crimes in the field of information technology. These measures relate to improving the work of institutions and organizations using information technology, educating citizens, etc.
Keywords: information technologies; crimes; crime prevention general social measures; special measures.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2021) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 25. – Art. 2954.
2. Vinogradov I. A., Marchevsky N. K. On the need to improve measures to prevent cybercrimes // Alley of Science. – 2018. – No. 10. – P. 748-753.
3. Didenko K.V., Bocharnikova L.N., Ustinova V.V. On the issue of preventing crimes in the field of information technology committed on the territory of the Russian Federation // Modern scientist. – 2020. – No. 5. – P. 301-305.
4. Kolchevsky I. B., Bitsadze G. E. Crimes in the field of information technology: concept, structure // Scientific portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2021. – No. 2. – P. 40-47.
5. Olenkova E. N. Prevention of crimes committed using information and communication technologies and in the field of computer information // Combating cybercrimes and crimes in the field of high technologies: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. – M., 2021. – pp. 235-239.
6. Sheybak O. I., Tanimov O. V. Main directions in the fight against cybercrime // Innovative approaches to solving scientific problems. – Ufa, 2020. – pp. 241-251.
7. Shumilin V.P. Methods of combating crimes in the field of information technology // Management of activities to ensure road safety: status, problems, ways of improvement. – 2021. – No. 1. – P. 456-462.
8. Esenbulatova E. Kh. Measures of preventive influence on crimes committed in the field of information technology // Criminal legislation of Russia: main problems of application and directions of improvement. – Makhachkala, 2019. – pp. 102-105.

IZYUMOV Igor Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor of Humanitarian sciences and technologies sub-faculty of the Tyumen Industrial University
The article analyzes legal relations in the field of anti-corruption and public relations aimed at the interaction of the state with civil society on the prevention of corruption, as well as law enforcement practice.
Keywords: corruption, prosecutor’s office, supervision, legal regulation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Zhuleva M. S., Izyumov I. V., Ignatov S. B., Shuler I. V. Legal problems of our time / Collective monograph. – Tyumen, 2019. – P. 40.
2. Izyumov I.V. Civil society as a subject of public control over compliance with legislation on combating corruption // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 4 (167). – pp. 440-441.
3. Izyumov I.V. Legal forms of combating corruption in the education system // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2020. – No. 5 (144). – pp. 381-382.
4. Khairullina N. G. Russian civil society: regional aspect // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2020. – No. 4 (143). – pp. 375-376.

IVANCHENKO Evgeniy Sergeevich
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, Head of Physical training sub-faculty of the East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia, Irkutsk
BOYKO Alexander Dmitrievich
lecturer of Physical training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
MENSCHIKOV Mikhail Petrovich
senior lecturer of Fire training sub-faculty of the Omsk Academy of the MIA of Russia
Physical training is a priority for the development of police officers. This is due to the fact that modern realities require executive authorities to be ready to overcome emerging difficulties and efficiency in solving professional tasks. These qualities cannot be developed by police officers, adhering exclusively to the legal and theoretical aspect in educationand training, since some of the necessary skills and abilities can be comprehended exclusively in combination with applied areas, in particular, with service-applied physical training.
The presented scientific article is devoted to the study of some problems of professionally applied physical training of employees of operational units. Due to the need for prompt solution of tasks, the adoption of non-standard actions, the complexity and specificity of the official duties performed, high qualification and professionalism requirements are imposed on employees of criminal investigation departments. However, due to a number of factors, purposeful, effective development and improvement of physical qualities, service and combat skills and abilities is difficult. Within the scope of the problem under study, the main factors hindering the normal development of both the general physical qualities of a police officer and service and combat skills and abilities were touched upon. Taking into account some scientific recommendations, textbooks and regulatory legal acts, ways of solving some practical problems related to the professional training of an employee of the criminal investigation department as a whole have been developed.
Keywords: professional training, physical training, physical qualities, combat fighting techniques, practical problems, criminal investigation, operational unit.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Stepanov G.I., Babin A.V., Zinnatov R.R. Current problems in the formation of professional skills in the implementation of combat fighting techniques among employees of departments of internal affairs bodies // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2021. – No. 2 (153). – pp. 373-374. – EDN PJYBBV.
2. Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-F3 “On the Police” // SPS “Consultant-Plus”.
3. Panova O. S., Beletsky A. A., Babin A. V., Shanko V. V. Organization of the process of independent physical training of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as an element of improving professional training // Global scientific potential. – 2022. – No. 11 (140). – pp. 180-184. – EDN YTWYCS
4. Dottuev T. I. Concept of training combat techniques for Russian police officers // Physical culture and health. – 2019. – No. 2 (70). – pp. 142-143.
5. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 1, 2017 No. 450 “On approval of the Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.

RODIONOVA Olga Renislavovna
senior lecturer of Professional disciplines sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
The presented study contains an analysis of the imperfections of legal relations in the field of application of forms and methods of public administration of the activities of internal affairs bodies and their officials, as well as issues of their elimination.
One of the imperfections of the methods and forms of management used by the internal affairs bodies is that the legislative regulation of the application of methods and forms of management is fragmented and does not establish a clear comprehensive understanding of the designated issue regarding the implementation of the functions assigned to them by the internal affairs bodies.
The resolution of the indicated imperfection is possible through the development of a unified methodological approach regarding the understanding of the essence of the methods and forms of management used in the internal affairs bodies, and its reflection in the provisions of the current legislation.
Keywords: public administration, executive authorities, forms of public administration, methods of public administration.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Anikin V. N. Directions for improving the legal regulation of management activities in internal affairs bodies // Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2021. – No. 2 (58). – pp. 57-66.
2. On the police: federal law text with amendments and additions as of December 29, 2022 No. 3-FZ [adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on February 7, 2011] // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2011. – No. 7. – Art. 900.

FEDINA Lyubov Mikhaylovna
Ph.D. in Law, lecturer of Special technical training sub-faculty of the North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, major of police
The article structures the process of formation and development of informatization and technologization of internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies in the post-Soviet period. Breaking this process into several stages, the author emphasizes the importance for the fight against crime and the protection of law and order in general, the enormous flows of information circulating in the territorial body of internal affairs, its generalization, storage in data banks. In addition, the efforts made at each stage to properly protect this information are separately emphasized. The author of the article emphasizes that each stage was accompanied by a certain level of information infrastructure development and performed its functions.
Keywords: information, infrastructure, data banks, information resources, electronic interaction, technologies.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 13, 2002 No. 562 “On approval of the Concept for the development of the information and computing system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2002-2006” (lost force) // Access from the reference legal system “Garant”. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/30/2023).
2. Information technologies in legal activities: a textbook for universities / P. U. Kuznetsov [etc.]; under the general editorship of P. U. Kuznetsov. — 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. – 325 p. – (Higher education). — ISBN 978-5-534-02598-9. — Text: electronic // Educational platform Urayt [website]. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/14/2023).
3. Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 2011 No. 8, art. 1151.

FILIMONOV Rodion Nikolaevich
Head of Physical training and sports sub-faculty of the Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
KANZAFAROV Marcel Albertovich
senior lecturer of Physical training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
ZAVIRYUKHA Alexander Mikhaylovich
senior lecturer of Fire training sub-faculty of the Omsk Academy of the MIA of Russia
Sports leisure plays an important role in the self-training of students. It helps to increase the level of physical abilities and general physical training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Participation in sports events, training and competitions of various sports helps to develop endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination and other physical qualities in students. They learn to work in a team, develop leadership skills, find new opportunities and boundaries for their abilities. It is important to note that sports leisure not only increases the level of physical abilities, but also develops important personal qualities such as discipline, determination, self-confidence, self-control and responsibility. In general, sports leisure is an important element of self-training for students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which has a positive impact on increasing their level of physical abilities and general physical fitness.
Keywords: sports leisure, independent physical training, professional training, physical fitness, sports discipline.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Babin A.V., A.B. Lukyanov Independent physical training in sports and leisure activities of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Current issues of improving fire, physical and tactical-special training of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, Ufa, June 16, 2022. – Ufa: Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2022. – P. 24-26. – EDN WCYFUG.
2. Panova O. S., Beletsky A. A., Babin A. V., Shanko V. V. Organization of the process of independent physical training of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as an element of improving professional training // Global scientific potential. – 2022. – No. 11 (140). – pp. 180-184. – EDN YTWYCS.
3. Panova O. S., Tashchiyan A. A., Demyanova L. M. [et al.] Substantiation of the importance of sports games in professional applied physical training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Scientific notes of the University. P. F. Lesgaft. – 2023. – No. 4 (218). – pp. 285-288. – DOI 10.34835/issn.2308-1961.2023.04.p285-289. – EDN NVJFNZ.
4. Babin A.V. Sports games as a necessary means for increasing the physical fitness of police officers // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2021. – No. 8 (159). – pp. 375-376. – EDN KSGLWQ.
5. Gabdrashitova K. I. Sports leisure as an element of self-training, influencing the increase in the level of physical abilities of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: Collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian competition, Volgograd, July 1 – 30, 2022 / Editorial Board: R. V. Kamnev, O. S. Panova, D. G. Ovechkin [and others]. Volume Issue 4. – Volgograd: Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2022. – P. 137-141. – EDN KRXGFG.

URUSOV Zamir Khasanovich
senior lecturer of Law enforcement organization sub-faculty of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
One of the main functions of the traffic police is control and supervision. To implement it and increase efficiency, it requires the introduction of new technologies that will help police officers improve the quality of their work. This article reveals the issues of control and supervision that contribute to improving the efficiency of public administration and will ensure proper regulation and monitoring of the situation, which play an important role in this process. In order to reduce the danger on the road and improve the efficiency of the traffic police, it is necessary to develop a promising conceptual organizational and legal framework that can help solve several important tasks at once.
Keywords: control, supervision, traffic rules, traffic accident.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Federal Law “On Road Safety” dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Abitaev E. A. Administrative responsibility of road users in Russia // Academic journalism. – 2019. – No. 8. – P. 35-39.
4. Gutaev A. M. On the issue of criminal legal assessment of persons driving vehicles while intoxicated // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2022. – T. 15. No. 5. – P. 195-199.
5. Gutaev A. M. Legal framework for preventing crimes in the field of road safety // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2021. – T. 14. No. 3. – P. 154-157.
6. Sorokina K. A. On the issue of the mechanism of control and supervisory activities in the field of road safety // Bulletin of the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. – 2021. – No. 1 (57). – pp. 129-136.

SAMIULINA Yana Valerjevna
Ph.D. in of Law, associate professor of Professional disciplines sub-faculty of the Samara Law Institute of the FPS of Russia
In the article, the author analyzes the approaches to understanding the “prosecutorial supervision of the administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies” that have developed in the legal doctrine.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the lack of legal consolidation of the concept under consideration, insufficient elaboration of the theoretical foundations of prosecutorial supervision over the administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies. In the scientific community today there is no uniform approach to those categories that are usually referred to as key: “prosecutorial supervision”, “administrative activities of internal affairs bodies”, and such a concept as “prosecutorial supervision over the administrative activities of internal affairs bodies” is completely absent. Theoretical problems always have a negative impact on practice, since the purpose of any definition (concept) is to reflect a particular phenomenon as clearly as possible.
As a result of the work carried out, in order to eliminate legal uncertainty, the author’s interpretation of such concepts as “administrative activityof internal affairs bodies”, “prosecutorial supervision over the administrative activities of internal affairs bodies” is proposed.
Keywords: prosecutorial supervision, internal affairs bodies, administrative activities, doctrinal approach.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bakhrakh D. N. Administrative law of Russia: textbook. – M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 528 p.
2. Konoplev V.V. Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of administrative activities of internal affairs bodies // Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Legal sciences. – 2015. – T. 1. – No. 4. – P. 164-170.
3. Vinokurov Yu. E., Vinokurov A. Yu. Prosecutor’s supervision: a textbook in 2 volumes. T. 1. General part / Ed. A. Yu. Vinokurova. – M.: Yurayt, 2018. – 165 p.
4. Millerova E. A. Prosecutor’s supervision: training manual. – Rostov n/a: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGUPS, 2017. – 57 p.

KHOLOPOVA Tatyana Viktorovna
adjunct of Management of activities of public order protection units at the command and staff sub-faculty of the Training Center Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia, Vladivostok, captain of justice
In modern conditions, crime prevention is the main strategic direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the fight against this socially negative phenomenon. The prevention of offenses by the police is the activity of services, divisions and employees of internal affairs bodies carried out within their competence, aimed at preventing crimes by identifying, eliminating or neutralizing the causes, conditions and circumstances that contribute to their commission, providing preventive impact on persons with illegal behavior. The prevention of crimes by the internal affairs of bodies is carried out with the aim of protecting the individual, society, and the state from criminal encroachments, countering criminogenic processes in society, and ensuring the containment and reduction of crime.
Keywords: crime prevention system, state policy in the field of internal affairs, announcement of an official warning, administrative punishment.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 03/02/2023).
2. Official website of the President of the Russian Federation. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 03/02/2023).
3. Speech by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin at an extended meeting of the colleague of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (February 17, 2022). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 03/02/2023).
4. Kapinus O. S. Improving measures to prevent the involvement of minors in illegal and destructive activities // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. – 2022. – No. 4. – pp. 59-64.
5. Podchernyaev A. N. Crime prevention as a priority activity of internal affairs bodies // Scientific Bulletin of the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. V. Lukyanov. – 2018. – No. 2 (75). – pp. 90-93.

SHTAREV Denis Olegovich
Deputy Head of Professional training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
KHAERTDINOV Vadim Fanisovich
Head of the cycle – lecturer of the PS and FP cycle of the Ufa School for training dog handlers of the MIA of Russia
OVCHINNIKOV Evgeniy Alexandrovich
lecturer of Personnel support and personnel management in the internal affairs bodies sub-faculty of the Center for Personnel, Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical Support of the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the MIA of the Russian Federation
In the article, the authors consider such a specific type of activity of operational units as special crime prevention. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that until now there are no fundamental works on this topic in the domestic scientific community. The authors also propose to look at the preventive role of the implementation of operational investigative activities as an integral system of organizing work not only to suppress the crimes committed, but also to prevent those being prepared through the elimination of the causes and conditions of their commission .
Keywords: operational investigative activities, crime pprevention, crime prevention, the purpose of crime prevention, crime control tasks, operational investigative measures, operational units.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Federal Law of August 12, 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational investigative activities” (as amended on December 29, 2022 No. 638-FZ) // Russian newspaper. – 1995. – August 18.
2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 17, 2006 No. 19 (as amended on September 29, 2022) “On the activities of internal affairs bodies to prevent crimes” // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
3. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated 06/13/1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on 08/04/2023) // SPS “ConsultantPlus” (date of access: 08/04/2023).

TARCHOKOV Beslan Alexeevich
Ph.D. in economical sciences, Head of Internal affairs in special conditions sub-faculty of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, colonel of police
The Internet is a convenient means of interaction with the rest of the world. In addition, cyberspace can be used not only as a means of communication or information exchange, but also to gain access to devices that have access to it. Of course, this requires special skills and programs, but extremists and terrorists are gradually mastering these specialties. The Internet provides the opportunity to combine text, graphics, audio and video, creating vibrant and attractive websites to attract audiences. On such platforms, users can upload films, posters, books, posts, exchange comments and find like-minded people. Multimedia propaganda is a powerful tool for waging psychological warfare. Most often, radical organizations create their own websites, blogs, forums, and use other Internet resources. They publish videos, photos and text materials containing extremist information.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, youth, propaganda, recruitment, radicalization.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Aripshev A.t.M. Extremism and terrorism in social networks: problems of detection and counteraction // Journal of Applied Research. – 2022. – T. 1. – No. 9. – P. 44-48.
2. Buraeva L. A. On current problems of countering youth extremism in the global network // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2021. – T. 14. – No. 5. – P. 29-33.
3. Korkmazov A.V. On factors activating the growth of extremism and terrorism in modern conditions // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2022. – T. 15. – No. 4. – P. 154-158.
4. Mazdogova Z. Z. Modern technologies for involving youth in extremist activities: problems and ways of counteraction // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2023. – T. 16. – No. 4. – P. 203-207.
5. Mukhtarov D. D. Distribution of extremist materials on the Internet: problems of detection // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2023. – T. 16. – No. 5. – P. 161-165.
6. Sobalirova Z. Kh. Social networks as an information resource for the spread of extremism // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 10 (173). – pp. 460-461.
7. Tarchokov B. A., Kurmanova M. K. Spread of extremist ideas in the global information space: new challenges and threats // Journal of Applied Research. – 2022. – T. 6. – No. 11. – P. 521-525.
8. Cherkesov A. Yu. Globalization as an environment conducive to the spread of information extremism and terrorism // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2021. – T. 14. – No. 4. – P. 49-52.

MAMONTOV Denis Yurjevich
senior lecturer of Operational investigative activities and special equipment sub-faculty of the Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
GORBATENKO Sergey Alexandrovich
Deputy Head of the CPE of the MIA of Russia for the Stavropol Territory
The work examines the problems that arise in the process of identifying and solving crimes of a terrorist and extremist nature. The priority areas of activity of operational units in terms of countering terrorist and extremist threats have been identified, and ways to improve them have been proposed. Particular attention is paid to the issues of countering terrorist and extremist threats that arose after the start of a special military operation in the light of the changing socio-political situation in the world.
Keywords: operational units, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, terrorism, extremism, refugees, migrants, armed attacks oneducational institutions.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. State of crime in the Russian Federation for January-December 2017: statistical report. – M.: FKU GIATs Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2017. – P. 7 @@ State of crime in the Russian Federation for January-December 2020: statistical report. – M.: FKU GIATs Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2017. – P. 5 @@ State of crime in the Russian Federation for January-December 2021: statistical report. – M.: FKU GIATs Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2017. – P. 6 @@ State of crime in the Russian Federation for January-December 2022: statistical report. – M.: FKU GIATs Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2017. – P. 7.
2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Kovarin D. A. Operational investigative identification of persons prone to committing crimes of a terrorist nature, as one of the elements of operational investigative counteraction // Verb of Justice. – 2018. – No. 2 (16). – pp. 75-76.
4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

SUKHORUKOV Vladimir Anatolievich
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, professor of Philosophy sub-faculty of the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia
LOGINOV Sergey Nikolaevich
senior lecturer of Physical and fire training sub-faculty of the Volgodonsk branch of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
The article examines the foundations of those socio-economic conditions that can influence deviant behavior among young people and the legal consequences of such behavior. Among the conditions, it is not so much the level of well-being of the population that stands out, but the level of group cohesion, as well as the bonds formed through networks of everyday urban mobility. As a result, it is expected to predict the types and level of legal violations in the urban environment.
Keywords: deviant behavior, criminal behavior, wealth level, neighborhood, urban space, cybercrime, daily urban mobility, criminal offenses, fraud.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Artamonova Ya. V., Barsukov S. S. Factors of deviant behavior of Russian youth: theoretical, methodological and social analysis // State and municipal management. Scientific notes. – 2021. – No. 3. – P. 206-211.
2. Krylova M. A. Origins and social foundations of deviant behavior in modern social practices // Telescope: journal of sociological and marketing research. – 2021. – No. 3. – P. 84-89.
3. Graif Corina, Lungeanu Alina, Yetter Alyssa M. 2017. “Neighborhood Isolation in Chicago: Violent Crime Effects on Structural Isolation and Homophily in Inter-Neighborhood Commuting Networks, 2002–2013.” Social Networks 51:40-59 (
4. Gould Roger. 2003. Collision of Wills: How Ambiguity about Social Rank Breeds Conflict. – Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Crossref.
5. Tabolin V.V. Legal theory of the modern Russian city: monograph. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. – 358 p.
6. Shalagin A. E., Shalagina A. K. Typology of adolescents and youth characterized by various forms of deviant behavior // Questions of pedagogy. – 2020. – No. 4-1. – pp. 289-293.
7. Malikova E. V. Deviant behavior of youth: classification, typology, problems // Current issues of social sciences: sociology, political science, philosophy, history. – 2015. – No. 5-6 (46). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
8. Chikaeva G.S., Vlasova V.N., Kovrov V.V. Deviant behavior of youth: social factors that determine it // State and municipal management. Scientific notes. – 2022. – No. 1. – P. 263-268. 2023).
9. Kuzina L. S. “Network drug marketing” as one of the factors of involving minors in drug trafficking // Bulletin VI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 285–290.
10. Voitov A.V., Rudnichenko A.V., Sarantsev A.A. Features of real estate fraud in the housing sector // Science and education: economy and economics; entrepreneurship; law and management. – 2021. – No. 5 (132). – pp. 121-123.

TARCHOKOV Beslan Alexeevich
Ph.D. in economical sciences, Head of Internal affairs in special conditions sub-faculty of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, colonel of police
The relevance of this study is due to the current state of terrorism and extremism, taking into account the prospects for their development, and is explained by the fact that digital and IT technologies are in a phase of rapid progress, as a result of which criminals are beginning to more actively use these achievements and launch more large-scale activities. Organizations conducting activities of an extremist-terrorist nature are developing in proportion to the growth of users of instant messengers and social networks, thanks to which criminals form autonomous cells, recruit activists, and raise funds to carry out acts aimed at harming individual citizens, structures and the entire state. An aggravating circumstance is that terrorists and extremists are beginning to massively influence minor citizens in an effort to increase the degree of their radicalization.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, users of instant messengers and social networks, radicalization, counteraction.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Aripshev A. M. Extremism and terrorism in social networks: problems of detection and counteraction // Journal of Applied Research. – 2022. – T. 1. – No. 9. – P. 44-48.
2. Kodzokova L. A., Karchaeva K. A. Phenomena of extremism and terrorism as current problems of our time // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 8 (171). – pp. 407-409.
3. Korkmazov A.V. On factors activating the growth of extremism and terrorism in modern conditions // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2022. – T. 15. – No. 4. – P. 154-158.
4. Manukyan A. R. Causes and forms of manifestation of the ideology of terrorism and extremism in the teenage and youth environment // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 8 (171). – pp. 410-411.
5. Mukhtarov D. D. Distribution of extremist materials on the Internet: problems of detection // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2023. – T. 16. – No. 5. – P. 161-165.
6. Sobalirova Z. Kh. Social networks as an information resource for the spread of extremism // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 10 (173). – pp. 460-461.
7. Tarchokov B. A., Kurmanova M. K. Spread of extremist ideas in the global information space: new challenges and threats // Journal of Applied Research. – 2022. – T. 6. – No. 11. – P. 521-525.

SHOGENOV Timur Mukhamedovich
Ph.D. in economical sciences, Deputy Head of Activities of DIA in special conditions sub-faculty of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
FEDORENKO Svyatoslav Petrovich
Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Theory of state and law sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
BURAEVA Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Ph.D. in physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher of the research direction of the North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Training (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
In the article, the authors conducted a study of topical issues related to the use of the Internet for destructive purposes, including for the dissemination of extremist ideas, in particular among young people, with the aim of online recruitment of young Russians into extremist organizations and their further involvement in criminal activities. The article analyzes the features of extremist manifestations on the Internet in modern conditions characterized by the intensification of the activities of national separatist organizations determined by the conduct of a special military operation. The legislative measures taken by State bodies aimed at combating crimes of an extremist nature are noted.
Keywords: youth extremism, extremist organizations, internet, cybercrime, online recruitment, social networks.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Interests of young people on the Internet. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/12/2023).
2. Internet and social networks at the beginning of 2023 – the main figures of Global Digital 2023. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/12/2023).
3. The number of cybercrimes in Russia has increased by a third. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date accessedleniya: 10.08.2023).
4. Migrants go to the Northern Military District zone to kill Russians: investigation into recruitment. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/12/2023).
5. Main directions, forms and methods of social work with youth on the prevention of extremism. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/12/2023).
6. Putin called young people the most vulnerable category for extremists. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08.08.2023 ).
7. Russia blames the West. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 08/12/2023 ).
8. The FSB of the Russian Federation detained three residents of the Voronezh region, recruited by the Right Sector. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 08/12/2023).

LATYPOVA Elvira Rashitovna
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, branch in Sterlitamak
BOGATYRYOVA Yuliya Olegovna
magister student of the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, branch in Sterlitamak
This article discusses the relationship between language and cultures of different nations in the process of learning foreign languages. The purpose of this work is to determine the role of a foreign language in the formation of tolerance. Today tolerance is fundamental in the dialogue of cultures. It is specially noted that the interaction of people with different views and values, traditions and worldviews is impossible without respect, mutual understanding and willingness to accept other views. Learning a foreign language is not only about learning linguistic component, but also the study of the culture. In a sociocultural context the study of different cultures helps us not only to broaden the view of the world, but also have a deeper understanding of our own culture. It helps people to be more tolerant and conscious. Attention is drawn to the importance that is emphasized by the values and principles of modern society. They are based on acceptance and respect in relation to other views and values, as well as putting on the first place the strategy of non-violence, the idea of tolerance for another culture and peculiarities of mentality, the idea of a dialogue of cultures and the search for understanding between people of different nations.
Keywords: international relations, culture, communication, national character, interpersonal and professional communication, specialist.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Guzikova M. O., Fofanova P. Yu. Fundamentals of the theory of intercultural communication: [textbook. allowance]; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation, Ural. federal univ. Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2015.
2. Elizarova G.V. Formation of intercultural competence of students in the process of teaching foreign language communication: Dis. …for a job application. scientist step. doc. ped. Sci. St. Petersburg, 2001.
3. Zinchenko V. G., Zusman V. G., Kirnoze Z. I. Intercultural communication: from a systems approach to the synergetic paradigm: a textbook. – 3rd ed., erased. Moscow: FLINTA, 2021.
4. Kostomarov V. G., Prokhorov Yu. E. Language and “language of culture” in intercultural communication. M.: Russian language, 1998.
5. Latypova E. R., Nikolaeva K. V. The role of a foreign language in the formation of a modern specialist // Scienceinnovations: collection of articles of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Petrozavodsk, October 04, 2020. Petrozavodsk: International Center for Scientific Partnership “New Science” (IP Ivanovskaya Irina Igorevna), 2020.
6. Ter-Minasova S. G. Language and intercultural communication (textbook). Moscow, 2000.
7. Furmanova V.P. Intercultural communication and cultural-linguistic pragmatics in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages (language university): dis. … doc. ped. Sci. M., 1994.
8. Yudenko O. N. Features of national self-awareness of preschoolers and its formation in conditions of specially organized activities: dis. …cand. psychol. Sci. Krasnoyarsk, 2000.
9. Majid A. Educating Ourselves into Coexistence // The Chronicle on Higher Education. April, 12. 2002.
10. Storti C. The Art of Crossing Cultures. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1989.

lecturer of Physical training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
YAKUSHEV Eduard Vadimovich
associate professor of Physical training sub-faculty of the East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia, Irkutsk
IVASHCHENKO Nadezhda Yurjevna
lecturer of Physical training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
Physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia plays an important role in the formation of physical fitness and professional training of law enforcement officers. The article analyzes the pedagogical foundations of physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, namely: features of physical training classes, methods, methods and techniques of physical activity education, improvement of acquired physical skills and abilities of cadets and trainees . Physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia plays a key role in the formation of physical qualities and abilities of law enforcement officers, which allows them to effectively perform official duties and ensure the safety of life and health of citizens.< br> Keywords: physical training, physical education, vocational training, physical activity, sports discipline.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Osipov D. V., Samsonova A. F., Nosov S. A. Physical training as an integral part of the educational process in higher educational institutions // Science-2020. 2020. No. 6 (42). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/08/2023).
2. Vityutnev E. E. Optimization of the process of professional-applied physical training of police officers in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Problems of modern pedagogical education. 2021. No. 71-1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/08/2023).
3. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 1, 2017 No. 450 “On approval of the Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
4. Babin A.V. Sports games as a necessary means for increasing the physical fitness of police officers // Eurasian Legal Journal. 2021. No. 8 (159). pp. 375-376. EDN KSGLWQ.
5. Babin A.V. Innovative methods of teaching the discipline “Physical training” in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: Collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian competition. Volgograd, July 01 – 30, 2022 / Editorial Board: R. V. Kamnev, O. S. Panova, D. G. Ovechkin [and others]. Volume Issue 4. Volgograd: Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2022. P. 11-17. EDN FTZBEC.

ZINCHENKO Nikita Viktorovich
lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia
VODOLATSKIY Konstantin Vladimirovich
lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
KUZNETSOV Andrey Vladimirovich
lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Volgodonsk branch of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The article discusses the legal basis of countering terrorism, the basic principles of countering terrorism, as well as issues related to actions in cases where you find yourself in a situation related to hostage taking in various conditions. The article describes the procedure in cases of hostage-taking with specific explanations of how to act in a given situation.
Keywords: terrorism, terrorist activity, terrorist act, hostage, hostage-taking, police, police officer, organization of a terrorist act, preparation of a terrorist act, rules of conduct, actions of police officers, counter -terrorism, prevention of terrorism.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Psychological support for special operations of internal affairs bodies to free hostages. Guidelines. – M.: MC at the State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1995. – 120 p.
2. Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism” dated March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ (as amended by Federal Laws dated July 27, 2006 No. 153-FZ, dated November 8, 2008 No. 203-FZ, dated December 22, 2008 No. 272-FZ, dated December 30, 2008 No. 321-FZ, dated July 27, 2010 No. 197-FZ, dated December 28, 2010 No. 404-FZ, dated May 3, 2011 No. 96-FZ, dated November 8, 2011 No. 309-FZ, dated July 23, 2013 No. 208-FZ, dated 02.11.2013 No. 302-F3, dated 05.05.2014 No. 130-FZ, dated 04.06.2014 No. 145-FZ, dated 28.06.2014 No. 179-FZ, dated 31.12.2014 No. 505-FZ, dated 07/03/2016 No. 227-FZ, dated 07/06/2016 No. 374-FZ, dated 04/18/2018 No. 82-FZ, dated 03/18/2020 No. 54-FZ, dated 12/08/2020 No. 429-FZ, dated 05/26/2021 No. 155 -FZ).

Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Foreign languages sub-faculty, Deputy Director of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
ANANJEV Oleg Gennadjevich
senior lecturer of Social psychology and social work sub-faculty of the Academy of the FPS of Russia
The article deals with the issues of practical training of students for future professional activities in state and municipal bodies. The authors analyze the organization of different types of practice, as well as the organization of practical training in the classroom. The paper reveals some advantages and disadvantages of the approach to the organization of this form of mastering educational programs, and also provides suggestions for improving it.
Keywords: law and education, higher education, educational programs, student, practical training, bachelor’s degree, specialty, state educational standard.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Appendix No. 1. Regulations on practical training of students / GARANT
– [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date accessed 08/23/2023).
2. Ananyeva E. O. Formation of an accessible system of legal information and provision of legal assistance to various categories of citizens of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the public research laboratory “Interaction of the penal system with the institutions of civil society: historical, legal and theoretical and methodological aspects.” 2018. No. 11. P. 54-61.
3. Ananyeva E. O., Kashintseva I. L. Organization of interaction of educational organizations with institutions and bodies of the penal system in the implementation of practice-oriented training // In the collection: Modern trends in the development of education: competencies, technologies, personnel. collection of materials of the scientific and methodological conference. 2019. pp. 10-14.

NOSOV Ivan Alexeevich
lecturer of Law, social studies and social management sub-faculty of the M. Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University
ZHABKIN Anton Sergeevich
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, senior lieutenant of police
KHAMITOV Ainur Rasimovich
senior lecturer of Special training sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, major of police
KHATUAEV Marat Otarovich
senior lecturer of Administrative activities of the department of internal affairs sub-faculty of the Voronezh Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
This article discusses the importance of developing the professional readiness of police officers for successful functioning in difficult and extreme situations. Modern society is facing a variety of challenges that require highly trained police officers and the ability to act effectively in various abnormal circumstances.
The authors analyze the current situation and come to the conclusion that the readiness of employees to act in special conditions involves not only physical skills, but also intellectual and psychological aspects.
The authors note that the development of police officers’ readiness to act in special conditions is a necessary component of their professional training.
Keywords: police officers, skills development, special conditions, readiness development, readiness components.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Amirova L. A., Nosova D. Kh., Khatuaev M. O. PsiHolological and pedagogical aspects of the development of police officers’ readiness for professional activities // Psychology and pedagogy of service activities. – 2023. – No. 1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/04/2023).
2. Ilyin D. A. The influence of professional experience on the dynamics of professionally important personality traits of employees of internal affairs bodies // Psychology and pedagogy of service activities. – 2020. – No. 4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/07/2022).
3. Starostin V. G., Khalilulin F. F. Features of the formation of professionally important qualities of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Scientific notes of the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2021. – No. 2 (12). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/07/2022).
4. Parshutin I. A., Klubnikina V. V. Psychological features of the development of professionally important qualities among police officers // Psychology and pedagogy of service activities. – 2020. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/07/2022).
5. Chunosov M. A. Components of professional readiness of employees of internal affairs bodies to perform official tasks in extreme situations // Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky. Legal sciences. – 2021. – No. 3-1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 04.09.2023 ).

NOSOVA Diana Khasanovna
lecturer of Pedagogy and psychology in the activities of police officers sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, major of police
VALIEVA Albina Rifovna
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of Socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines sub-faculty of the Bashkir State Agrarian University
ZHABKIN Anton Sergeevich
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, senior lieutenant of police
KHATUAEV Marat Otarovich
senior lecturer of Administrative activities of the department of internal affairs sub-faculty of the Voronezh Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
This article investigates the importance of developing professional communication skills for future employees of the police in modern society. In conditions of complex social dynamics and increased demands on law enforcement officers, effective communication becomes a key aspect of the successful performance of their official duties.
The authors analyze the existing methods and techniques of training future police officers in professional communication skills, including communication with citizens and colleagues. The article presents pedagogical approaches and strategies that contribute to the effective development of these skills.
In conclusion, the article emphasizes that effective professional communication of police officers is an integral part of their official activities, contributes to improving relations with society and increasing the level of public confidence in the internal affairs bodies. The study provides pedagogical recommendations and solutions to strengthen and improve this important aspect in the work of law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: police officers, skills development, communication, professional communication, training.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Gainullina A.V. Problems of development of communicative competence of police officers // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2020. – No. 1. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/05/2023).
2. Karachaev A. R., Shogenov Z. A. Communicative competence of a police officer in identifying and investigating crimes // Journal of Applied Research. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 112-115.
3. Korablev S. E. Psychotechnical structure of communicationsactive competence as a factor of social efficiency of employees of internal affairs bodies // Scientific portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2013. – No. 1. – P. 125-135.
4. Romanova L. L. Training as a tool for developing flexible skills among university students // Concept. – 2023. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/05/2023).
5. Chovdyrova G. S., Klimenko T. S. Methods of group development of communicative competence among cadets – future police officers // Psychopedagogy in law enforcement agencies. – 2015. – No. 1 (60). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/05/2023).

Psychology and Law
KOVALEV Timur Vitaljevich
senior lecturer of Tactical and special training sub-faculty of the Rostov Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, senior lieutenant of police
BURDINSKIY Igor Anatoljevich
Deputy Head of Fire training sub-faculty of the Voronezh Institute of the MIA of Russia, colonel of police
MANSUROVA Zilya Rakhimlanovna
Ph.D. in medical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and psychology in the activities of police officers sub-faculty of the Ufa Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
TUKUMBETOV Roy Alikovich
senior inspector of the Yelizovsky FKU CII of the FPS of Russia for the Kamchatka Territory, senior lieutenant of the internal service
The article examines the importance of moral and psychological training of police officers and its impact on the effectiveness of the service. The authors review the literature, analyze the psychological and ethical aspects of police work, present the results of the study and develop practical recommendations for improving moral and psychological training in the field of law enforcement. The authors indicate the need to search for new forms and methods of formation and development of moral and psychological readiness for professional activity among police officers in modern conditions.
Keywords: moral and psychological support; upbringing; educational work; moral and psychological training; internal affairs bodies.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Byalt V.S. Pedagogical significance of moral and psychological training of employees of internal affairs bodies // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2022. – No. 4-2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/19/2023).
2. Kurshev A. Kh., Lichutina M. G. Formation of moral and volitional stability among police officers: legal and pedagogical aspects // Journal of Applied Research. – 2021. – No. 4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.19.2023).
3. Struganov S.M., Tatarnikova A.I., Grushko V.M. Increasing the level of psychological stability of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Science-2020. – 2021. – No. 2 (47). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.19.2023).
4. Urazaeva G.I. Strategy for psychological training of police officers in the process of professional training // Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2012. – No. 8. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09.21.2023).
5. Tsilik V. A. Modern problems of moral and psychological training of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation // Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2015. – No. 2 (34). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/19/2023).

BREDIKHIN Anton Viktorovich
Ph.D. in historical sciences, researcher of the Center “Russia, China, the World” of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences
As part of the study, the author gives an example of Pakistan’s position towards the Muslim population of the XUAR and examines the positive relations between the two countries. The international reaction to China’s policy and its consequences are considered. The main conclusions of the scientific study are the confirmation of the fact of China’s strict control over the Muslim minority living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Keywords: China, Muslim population, Xinjiang, politics, control, persecution, religious freedom, Pakistan, international reaction, economic cooperation.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bredikhin A.V. Muslims among modern Cossacks // Minbar. Islamic Studies. – 2022. – No. 1 (15). – pp. 50-60.
2. Chinese Gambit: Where are you going, China?: Monograph [ed. A.V. Bredikhina]. – M.: ANO TSEMI, Archon, 2020. – 86 p.
3. Yadykina T. S. The long-term problem of Kashmir as the core of the main confrontation between India and Pakistan: its main periods and consequences // Archon. – 2020. – No. 3 (18). – pp. 96-103.

Ph.D. in sociological sciences, associate professor of Social work sub-faculty of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
KOVROV Vladimir Fedorovich
Ph.D. in sociological sciences, associate professor of Sociology and youth work sub-faculty of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
The article discusses the problems of integration and adaptation of children with disabilities, highlighting the main causes of disability among the child population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors substantiate the position that the integration and adaptation of children with disabilities in society is a complex and multifaceted task that requires joint efforts from the state, educational institutions, medical organizations and families. The article focuses on the fact that it is necessary not only to study the specifics of families raising a disabled child, but also to develop and offer qualified psychological assistance to parents and disabled children themselves. The identified problems of integration and adaptation of children with disabilities in society lead us to the understanding that a family raising a disabled child, being significant for his socialization and integration into society, itself needs qualified psychological assistance, the development of a market of accessible socio -psychological services, in strengthening inclusive processes to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities.
Keywords: children with disabilities, family, integration, socialization, adaptation, health.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Number of disabled children under the age of 18, by constituent entity of the Russian Federation (as of January 1): Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: date: 05/06/2021)
2. Theses for the speech of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Belarus L. Kh. Ivanova at an extended meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Belarus on the issue “On the results of the work of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2022 and tasks for 2023″ (February 28, 2023) // Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode (Date of access: 08/28/2023).
3. Rakhmatullina Z.B. Some issues of distance learning for children with disabilities // Social stratification in the digital era: on the 130th anniversary of the birth of Pitirim Sorokin: XIII International Scientific Conference “Sorokin Readings – 2019”: Collection of materials. – M.: MAKS Press, 2019. – 1662 p. (Electronic edition of complex distribution). e-ISBN 978-5-317-06137-1. pp. 1602-1604.
4. Rakhmatullina Z. B., Kovrov V. F. Problems of adaptation and increasing the accessibility of cultural heritage for people with disabilities // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2022. – No. 5 (168). – pp. 467-469.
5. Rakhmatullina Z. B. Digital education and upbringing // Information society: limits and risks – past, present, future: Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference Humanitarian Gubkin Readings (Moscow, April 3, 2020) Part 2. / Rep. ed.: O. M. Smirnova, Ed.: M. B. Balycheva, N. P. Ryabchun. – M: Publishing Center of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I. M. Gubkin, 2020. – (411 pp.) – P.173-179.

ILIKBAEVA Evgeniya Sergeevna
Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer of Criminal process and criminalistics sub-faculty of the Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, major of police
GRIGORUS Lyudmila Nikolaevna
senior lecturer of Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia, lieutenant colonel of police
This article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions of the development of the market mechanism in the Russian Federation from the immediate origin of the market to the modern understanding of the market economy. The market mechanism, in turn, implies such a mechanism of price formation and resource allocation, on which the interaction of market participants regarding the setting of prices, the volume of production and sale of goods is carried out. The article gives the main definitions of the selected concept, defines the historical and modern directions of its development, highlights the features, as well as prospects for further development of the market mechanism in the Russian Federation. The article also discusses the shortcomings of the market mechanism on the territory of the Russian Federation and notes that at present the market mechanism needs further development and stimulation.
Keywords: market, market mechanism, development of market mechanism, market economy, economic system.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Yaroshenko E. A., Astakhova K. S. The role and features of the formation of a financial mechanism in market conditions // Synergy Sciences. – 2019. – No. 32. – P. 46-52.
2. Osipov A. M. Market mechanisms – a social dead end of Russian education // Higher education in Russia. – 2019. – T. 28. – No. 5. – P. 63-72.
3. Krivoshapkina A. E. Market mechanism as the main economic system // Patterns and trends in the innovative development of society: Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts, Syzran, June 28, 2016 / Responsible editor: Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich. – Syzran: Limited Liability Company “OMEGA SCIENCE”, 2016. – pp. 98-100.
4. Suvorova K. D. Acquisition of enterprises as a mechanism for the functioning of a market economy // Skif. Questions of student science. – 2019. – No. 4 (32). – pp. 228-232.

KALIMULLINA Alika Radikovna
magister student of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
KANTOR Olga Gennadjevna
Ph.D. in physics and mathematics sciences, professor of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Enterprises of the fuel and energy complex need highly specialized equipment, which requires large capital investments. Therefore, procurement plays an important role in the activities of each company and is moving gradually from an operational function to a strategic one.
The article discusses the stages and features of the procurement activities of companies in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation, suggests ways to improve the efficiency of procurement management.
Keywords: fuel and energy complex, procurement activities, logistics, procurement model.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Kulakova Yu. N., Kulakov A. B. Formation of a strategy for managing industrial inventories of an enterprise based on analysis of the ABC-XYZ matrix // Financial analytics: problems and solutions. – 2014. – No. 20. – P. 23-35.
2. Commercial activities of an enterprise: strategy, organization, management: textbook. allowance / Ed. V.K. Kozlova, S.A. Uvarova. – St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 2013. – 357 pp.
3. Karanatova L. G., Kulev A. Yu. Innovative development of the contract system: transition to smart procurement // Management consulting. – 2020. – No. 2. – P. 22-31.

MUSINA Dilara Raisovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor of the Ufa Higher School of Economics and Management of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
MUSINA Aigul Elvirovna
student of the Institute of Law of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
The article substantiates the relevance of intensifying projects to create digital industry platforms. It is proposed to combine the resources of the state and business in a strategic alliance based on a public-private partnership agreement. The possibilities of Federal Law No. 224 on public-private partnership are revealed in relation to the objects of the agreement – information technology objects, as well as aspects that are not sufficiently developed in the current legal field and jeopardize the interests of private and public partners in the application of such agreements . These aspects include the transfer of ownership of the created digital industry platform as a whole upon expiration of the agreement, the rights to use the results of intellectual property, as well as the lack of development of criteria for selecting a private partner and assessing the effectiveness of the project at the stage of competitive procedures for selecting project participants.
Keywords: public-private partnership, digital industry platform, competition, rights, intellectual property.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Antonova M.V., Naumov S.A., Pomazanov P.M. Digital platform as a result of transformation of economic interaction between market participants // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. – 2023. – No. 1. – P. 60-68
2. Burgonov O.V., Golubetskaya N.P. Priority directions for the development of regional socio-economic systems under the influence of digital modernization of management // Collection of proceedings of the VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference with foreign participation. – 2022. – pp. 448-451
3. Gabov A.V. Digital platform as a new legal phenomenon // Perm Legal Almanac. – 2021. – No. 4.
4. Ganieva I. A., Bobrov N. E. Digital platforms in Russian agriculture: legal aspect of implementation // Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. – 2019. – No. 9.
5. Zhilina E. V., Dubinina E. V., Gilmutdinova R. A. Purchasing activities of consumer cooperation in the food security system of the region // Economics and management: scientific and practical journal. – 2023. – No. 1 (169). – pp. 62-66
6. Lovchikova E.I., Solodovnik A.I., Alpatov A.V. Development of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex based on public-private partnership: problems and prospects // Bulletin of Agrarian Science. – 2019. – No. 6 (81). – pp. 104-112
7. Musina D. R., Yangirov A. V., Nasyrova S. I. Digitalization of regions: assessment methods // Bulletin of USPTU. Science, education, economics. Series: Economics. – 2020. – No. 1 (31). – pp. 32-38.
8. Musina D. R., Yangirov A. V., Nasyrova S. I., Kharitonov S. V. Methodological basis for designing a regional industry digital platform // Economics and management: scientific and practical journal. – 2019. – No. 4 (148). – pp. 40-43.
9. National PPP Center. Main trends and statistics of the PPP market based on the results of 2022: analytical digest. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/04/2023)< br /> 10. Poduzova E. B. Subjects of digital legal relations: trends in law and business // Current problems of Russian law. – 2021. – T. 16. – No. 2. – P. 55–60.

RADCHENKO Elena Pavlovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, leading researcher of the Department for the Study of Problems of Management and Reform of the Penal System of the Center for the Study of Problems of Management and Organization of the Execution of Sentences in the Penal System of the Federal State Institution “Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service”
VDOVINA Alina Nafisovna
senior researcher of the Department for the study of the problems of employment of convicts and economic problems of the functioning of the Penitentiary System of the Center for the Study of Problems of Management and organization of the execution of Sentences in the Penal System of the Federal Penitentiary Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Despite the fact that the PPP institution as a phenomenon of modern economic life has emerged relatively recently, it has objective prerequisites, the study of which makes it possible to understand the patterns of the emergence and development of this model, including success factors, and use them to develop optimal public policy in this area. The article provides a comparative description of the practice of using PPP in the penitentiary sphere abroad, as a basis for analyzing the interim results of the development of PPP in Russia. When developing PPP in the penitentiary sphere of Russia, it would be useful to focus on the experience of leading developed countries that have already come a long way in this area.
Keywords: work, prison, correctional facility, prison rules, public-private partnership.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Radchenko E. P. International experience in the formation and functioning of the system of private prisons // News of the Irkutsk State Economic Academy. Baikal State University of Economics and Law. – 2013. – No. 2. – P. 26.
2. Briana, Chapouli. Life of prisoners // Combessie. – 2001. – 45 p.
3. Sedykh V. A., Radchenko E. P. Economic justification for the effectiveness of the development of public-private partnerships in the penitentiary system of some foreign countries // Criminal enforcement system: law, economics, management. – 2020. – No. 3. – P. 30-33.
4. Timofeeva E. A. Features of the functioning of the French penitentiary system at the present stage // Bulletin of the Vladimir Legal Institute. – 2016. – No. 4 (41).
5. Radchenko E. P. Public-private partnership in the penitentiary system of the French Republic // Scientific works of the Federal Public Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. – 2020. – pp. 269-273.

SKVORTSOVA Vera Alexandrovna
senior lecturer of Customs operations and customs control sub-faculty of the Russian Customs Academy
The article is devoted to the functioning and development of the institution of customs control after the release of goods in the EAEU and the Russian Federation. Issues related to the concept of customs control after release, forms and measures used during TKPVT are considered, and the persons subject to control are identified. The characteristics of the tasks assigned to customs control units after the release of goods are given, and the compensating function of state control of low-risk persons is determined. The approaches and mechanisms used in practice aimed at preventing the import of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation to non-existent persons (or to dummies) indicated in transport and commercial documents are summarized and ways of improvement are suggested.
Keywords: customs control after the release of goods, control during circulation, mobile groups, development strategy of the customs service.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (as amended on May 29, 2019, as amended on March 18, 2023) (Appendix No. 1 to the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www (accessed September 14, 2023).
2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2019 No. 515 (as amended on November 29, 2022) “On the system of marking goods by means of identification and traceability of the movement of goods” (together with the “Rules for marking goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification”, “Regulations on the state information system for monitoring the circulation of goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification.” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 09/14/2023).
3. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2020 No. 1388-r “Strategy for the development of the customs service of the Russian Federation until 2030.” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 09.14.2023)
4. Agreement on cooperation between the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Tax Service (Concluded in Moscow on January 21, 2010 No. 01-69/1, No. MM-27-2/1) (as amended on October 6, 2021). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/14/2023).
5. Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2020 No. 953 “On approval of standard provisions on customs control units after the release of customs goods.” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date 09.14.2023).

SHALAGINOVA Natalya Alexeevna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor of Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Russian State University of Justice, Rostov-on-Don
RYABOSHAPKA Asia Izmailovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Economic theory and international economic relations sub-faculty of the Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy, Rostov-on-Don
PALAMARCHUK Sergey Alexandrovich
senior lecturer of Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Russian State University of Justice, Rostov-on-Don
The article discusses the main problems associated with the study of the experienceof building tax systems in foreign countries. Their positive and negative experience allows us to rationally build an optimal tax system for Russia. The problem of determining the tax system is under investigation. The existing concepts and models of modern tax legislation and tax systems are presented and analyzed. Differences and similarities of tax systems are revealed on the example of different countries.
Keywords: tax system, tax legislation, principles of taxation, models of the tax system, value added tax, direct taxes, indirect taxes, customs duties.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020) // SPS “Consultant Plus”, 2023.
2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one) dated July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1998. No. 31. Art. 3824; Official Internet portal of legal information. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. People, power and profit. Progressive capitalism in an era of mass discontent. People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent / Translator Vyacheslav Ionov; scientific editor Nikolai Zlobin. – M.: Alpina Publisher, 2020.

SHILDT Liliya Abulaisovna
Ph.D. in economical sciences, associate professor of Corporate finance and accounting technologies sub-faculty of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
BIKEEVA Natalya Gennadievna
senior lecturer of Information technologies and intelligent systems sub-faculty of the Kazan State Energy University
BAYDUGANOVA Karina Valeryevna
bachelor in Financial Business Analytics at the of the oil and petrochemical industry of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the active process of digitalization significantly affects all aspects of the economy and public life, including education. The article presents the influence of the Russian reality on technological progress and the functions of technologies in the process of strengthening the world economy in the post-pandemic period. It describes how digitalization is becoming the main link of the fourth industrial revolution and a key factor in the development of knowledge in the economy. Also revealed are the trials during the crisis that organizations, industries and governments have passed, as well as the threats that have become a consequence of the development of innovative technologies.
Keywords: information, digitalization, artificial intelligence, information technologies, data, system, digital transformation, fourth industrial revolution.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ilyin V.V. Digital economy: practical implementation. M.: Intermediator, 2020. – P. 140.
2. Russia is ahead in the active implementation of artificial intelligence: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (11/15/2023).
3. Analysis of the artificial intelligence market in 2021: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (05.17.2023).
4. Digital economy: global trends and practices of Russian business: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (05/17/2023).
5. Review of the labor market in the IT sector at the beginning of 2021 in Russia and St. Petersburg: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (05/17/2023).
6. The largest players in the Russian market of AI solutions: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (05.17.2023).
7. Seven Tractica forecasts on technology development until 2025: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (05/17/2023).
8. Kasparov G.K. Man and Computer: A Look into the Future. Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2018. – P. 400.

GRETSKIY Gennadiy Viktorovitch
postgraduate student of the Faculty of Custom Administration and Security of the North-West Institute of Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
The article considers in a comparative vein two large economic and geopolitical communities – BRICS and ASEAN. Particular attention is paid to the key trends present there and the noticeable prospects for the formation of a new regional economic system. The author comes to the conclusion that BRICS not only has greater opportunities for its formation, but also sets an example for developing economies that adopt and adapt the experience of five major world powers. Specific targeted measures taken by ASEAN member countries to create and strengthen a new economic system are presented and accompanied by illustrative examples.
Keywords: regional economic system, international partnership, developing economy, new economic order
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bilyalov A.I. Trends in the development of economic cooperation within the BRICS // Forum of young scientists. – 2018. – No. 6/1 (22). – pp. 477-481.
2. Dang Mai An, ASEAN – within the framework of global integration // Eurasian Union of Scientists ESU. Series: Economic Sciences. – 2015. – No. 4 (13). – pp. 13-18.
3. Koch D. “Single Window” and regional cooperation – latest developments and recommendations on CAREC [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 09/05/2023)
4. ASEAN official website. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 09/05/2023)

SHIRYAEV Rodion Sergeevich
postgraduate student of the 1st course of the Patrice Lumumba Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
The article explores the concept of quasi-corporate organizational-legal associations of capital and their application in the modern economy. The basic types of quasi-corporations, their purposes, structure and functioning mechanisms are considered. The advantages and limitations of such associations are analyzed, as well as their role in various sectors of the economy. Results of research confirm the importance of quasi-corporate associations in increase of efficiency of use of resources and development of economy.
Keywords: quasi-corporation, quasi-corporate associations, organizational-legal forms, capital associations.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Order of Rosstandart “OK 028-2012. All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms” dated October 16, 2012 No. 505-st // Information index “National Standards”. 10/16/2012 as amended. and additional in ed. from 02/09/2023.
2. Tereshenko R.V. Quasi-corporations in Russian corporate law and their legislative implementation // “Scientific and practical electronic journal Alley of Science”. – 2022. – No. 6 (69).
3. Mukhametshina A. M., Shevtsova N. V. Consortia in modern economics // Current problems of aviation and astronautics. – 2014. – No. 10. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
4. Tsekhomsky N.V. Syndicated financing of investment projects: essence and features // News of St. Petersburg State Economic University. – 2023. – No. 1 (139). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
5. UMMC attracted a syndicated loan for 15 billion rubles // Kommersant. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
6. Murunova I. A., Taev A. G. Venture funds as a necessary structural element of the municipal financial environment of innovative entrepreneurship // NBI-technologies. – 2007. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
7. Krasilnikova E. O. Mechanisms for regulating and coordinating the interests of stakeholders in a company // Business education in the economy of knowledge. – 2019. – No. 2 (13). [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
8. Regulatory policy in Russia: main trends and architecture of the future / Golodnikova, Efremov, Sobol, Tsygankov, Shklyaruk, Ed. Komin M. O. – M.: Center for Strategic Research, 2018. – 192 p.

master of the financial markets and institutions of the Faculty of Economics of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Finance plays a key role in themodern economy, acting as a source of driving force determining the development of national and global economies. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the scientific presentation of the role of finance in the modern economy contributes to the understanding of the fundamental foundations of the functioning of modern economic systems: management of funds, assets and liabilities, distribution and mobilization of economic resources. The object of research is finance as an economic category. The subject of the study is the multiple states of finance that determine their importance in the functioning of economic systems. The purpose of this scientific article is to delve into the multidimensional aspects and the most important functions of finance in the context of the modern digital environment and the global economy. The results of the study confirm the objective fact that finance, as an economic category, continues to develop and adapt to changing conditions and needs of the economy, new technologies and innovations play an important role in this process, opening up new opportunities and causing changes in the financial system of individual countries and the world as a whole.
Keywords: finance, economy, digital environment, digital finance, exchange.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Zetzsche D. A., Arner D. W., Buckley R. P. Decentralized finance (defi) // Journal of Financial Regulation. – 2020. – T. 6. – P. 172-203. DOI 10.2139/ssrn.3539194.
2. Gusmanov I. U., Rakhmatullina Yu. A., Yunusova R. F. The state of the Russian credit and monetary system under the conditions of economic pressure from Western countries // Discussion. – 2023. – No. 2 (117). – pp. 120-132. – DOI 10.46320/2077-7639-2023-2-117-120-132. – EDN KZPRCD.
3. Feyen E. et al. Fintech and the digital transformation of financial services: implications for market structure and public policy // BIS Papers. – 2021.

SUN Jingyi
master of the Graduate School of Public Administration of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The digital legal space is the basis for building an effective digital economy. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that a comprehensive comparative analysis is able to provide objective similarities, differences, and reveal the problems of building digital legal spaces in China and Russia. The object of research is the digital economy; the subject of research is the legal space of the digital environment. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive comparison based on the principles of contrasting the legal experience and initiatives of China and Russia in building a digital legal space. The study examines relevant regulatory frameworks, policy measures and technological advances to illustrate the similarities and differences between legal mechanisms and legal initiatives. Based on scientific research and reliable sources from both countries, the article concludes that the development of the digital economy in China is significantly ahead of Russia.
Keywords: public administration, digital space, digital environment, law, legal space.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Mehdiev E. T., Plekhanova E. A. Development of electronic document management systems in the digital economy // Discussion. – 2023. – No. 1 (116). – P. 58-70. – DOI 10.46320/2077-7639-2023-1-116-58-70. – EDN UYIQNE.
2. Troshchinsky P.V. Digital economy and digitalization of modern China // Socio-economic results of the 13th five-year plan of the People’s Republic of China (2016-2020) and tasks of the 14th five-year plan (2021-2025): Articles of the annual scientific conference of the Center Economic and Social Research of China, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, April 21, 2021. – Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021. – P. 157-167. – EDN YFZRPH.
3. Rodionov D. G., Skhvediani A. E., Bondarev A. A. Digital economy: analysis of development in the Russian Federation // Trends in the development of economics and industry in the context of digitalization / Ed. A. V. Babkina. – St. Petersburg: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University”, 2017. – P. 68-93. – DOI 10.18720/IEP/2017.6/2. – EDN YPHNQJ.

ZHU Yichen
master of the Faculty of Public Administration “State and Municipal Administration” of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Digital technologygies are everywhere changing people’s daily lives, industrial relations, the structure of the economy and education, creating new requirements for communication processes, computing power, information systems and services. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that currently data is becoming a new asset, due to the growth of their alternative value, that is, the use of data for the device of modern economic reality and the implementation of new ideas, which implies the possession of full information on the development of the digital economy and technology. The object of research is the national economy of Russia; the subject of research is the digital economy as a new element of the development of the national economy. The purpose of the study is to reveal the content of the development of the digital economy and digital technologies in Russia on a scientific basis. The study identifies three levels of development of the digital economy: 1. by markets and sectors of the economy; 2. by digital platforms and technologies; 3. the level of the digital environment that provides conditions for the development of platforms and technologies, as well as effective interaction between the subjects of markets and sectors of the economy, which determines the directions of development, which are also presented in the article.
Keywords: fintech, network economy, optimization of services, building a new system, big data concept, new economic normativity.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Dudin M. N., Shkodinsky S. V., Prodchenko I. A. Economic and infrastructural instruments for ensuring state economic sovereignty in the digital economy: experience of the Russian Federation and the world // Issues of innovative economics. – 2022. – T. 12, No. 1. – P. 57-80. – DOI 10.18334/vinec.12.1.114254. – EDN ULOLLB.
2. Fayzullin F. S., Garipova F. M., Kashapova R. A. Formation of information culture of economic students // Discussion. – 2022. – No. 6 (115). – P. 6-16. – DOI 10.46320/2077-7639-2022-6-115-6-16. – EDN URUVMA.
3. Grabchak E. P., Loginov E. L., Chinaliev V. U., Epishkin I. I. Management of the development of complex scientific and technical complexes based on intelligent digital platforms (implementation of the competencies of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology in the digital economy ) / Institute of Economic Strategies. – Moscow: Institute of Economic Strategies, 2023. – 504 p. – ISBN 978-5-6047154-0-6. – EDN DJXGSM.

ABDEEV Artur Azatovich
master of Sharia sciences, doctoral student of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy, Republic of Tatarstan, Bolgar
The article presents a study of Shigabutdin Al-Marjani suffism – an ascetic-mystical trend in Islam based on the work “Muqadim Wafiyyat al-aslyaf wa tahiyyat al-ahlyaf” (“Preface to devotion to ancestors and greeting to descendants”) by the outstanding theologian Sh. Marjani (1818-1889). This essay is written in Arabic and is an interpretation of the work, in which the issues of history, religion, and science-making are disclosed in detail. It is distinguished by many features that distinguish it from other works on this topic.
After a deep study, it can be concluded that Sufism has been a popular and widespread phenomenon in the Muslim East for many centuries and al-Marjani was not indifferent to the Sufi current of Islam.
He recognized early Sufism, and at the same time he rejected Sufism.
Keywords: Marjani, ibn Khaldun, history, Wafiyyat al-aslyaf, suffism.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Adygamov R.K. Problems of Islamic law in the legacy of Shigabutdin Mardzhani // Minbar. Islamic Studies. – 2019. – No. 12(2). – pp. 499-510.
2. Akhunov A. Books of Mardzhani // Idel. – 2008. – No. 11. – P. 52-53.
3. Akhunov A. Shigabutdin Mardzhani. It’s not easy to be great // Idel. – 2008. – No. 6. – P. 26-30.
4. Gabdullin Z. Muqaddima Wafiyat al-aslaf wa tahiyat al-akhlaf: Sh. Marjani as a source on the history of Islam // From the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people. Kazan: Fan, 2003. – pp. 60-70.
5. Zaripov I. Islamic theologians and Tatar public figures about Sh. Mardzhani // Russia Islam University of Khabarches. Bulletin of the Russian Islamic University. 2005. – No. 1. – P. 161-171.
6. Marjani Sh. Wafiyat al-aslaf wa tahiyat al-akhlaf. Manuscript. Kazan Federal University. – T. 6. – 240 pp.
7. Marjani Sh. Muqaddima. – Kazan: Type. G.  M. Vyacheslav, 1883. – 411 p.
8. Miloslavsky G.V., Petrosyan Yu.A. Piotrovsky M.B. et al. Islam: Encyclopedic Dictionary. – Moscow: Science. Main editorial office of oriental literature, 1991. – 315 p.
9. Olina S. Marjani, man and thinker // Republic of Tatarstan. – 2018. – No. 137. – P. 5-12.
10. Syukiyainen L. R. Islamic law: interaction of legal and religious principles // Yearbook of libertarian-legal theory. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 97-106.
11. Khairullina A. “Tatar Herodotus” // Kazan. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 14-16.
12. Shagaviev D. A. The role of Shigabutdin Mardzhani in the development of Tatar theological thought of the 19th century: dis. …cand. ist. Sci. – Kazan, 2010. – 187 p.
13. Ibn Khaldun. Muqaddima. – Tunisia, 2014. – K. 737.
14. Trimingham J. S. Sufi orders in Islam. – M., 1989.
15. Bertels E. E. Selected works. Sufism and Sufi literature. – M., 1965. – P. 447.
16. Goldziher. J. Jhamaladin // Encyclopaedia of islam. Ist ed. – Vol. 4. – P. 681.
17. Free thought and atheism in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / Ed. A. D. Sukhova. – M., 1986. – P. 166-168

ABRAROVA Zinira Foatovna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor, Head of Social work sub-faculty of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
MAYATSKAYA Olga Borisovna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor of Political science and public relations sub-faculty of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
The issues of mass communication due to their close connection with the fundamental socio-philosophical problem of man and society are relevant for a long period of time. The large-scale permanent development of communication technologies does not cease to stimulate a reflective interest in this phenomenon.
Keywords: socio-philosophical analysis, communication technologies, consumers, mass media, PR events, public relations.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Bataeva E. V. Ethnomethodological analysis of online communications: crisis experiment in chats // Sociological Research. – 2011. – No. 12. – P. 94. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. / Laws and methods of communication. With consumers, With the world around, With ourselves. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Service of thematic explanatory dictionaries. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
4. Branding of representative offices in social networks / School of modern e-learning. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
5. Spector A. Types and formats of content in social networks: we continue to dive into social promotion. networks/Andrey Spektor’s blog. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

KONOPLEVA Anna Alexeevna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor, Deputy Head of Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines sub-faculty of the Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
KRIVORUCHKO Andrey Alexandrovich
cadet of the Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia
The article examines the phenomenon of patriotism through the prism of understanding the cultural code. It is established that the cultural code reflects the mentality of the people and is embodied on the levels of both material and spiritual culture. According to the authors, the cultural code underlies the patriotic feelings of the people and helps to understand the ways of its formation in relation to a particular people. An analysis of the historical factor made it possible to determine that Russian patriotism, in the broad sense of the word, is characterized by multinationality, tolerance, creative and popular characters, sovereignty and common responsibility for the fate of their homeland and their people. Based on the study of the dynamics of the development of patriotic feelings in Russia, as well as the features of their modern manifestation, conducted by VTsIOM, the features of patriotic beliefs of the inhabitants modern of Russia were formulated. The data presented in the article can become the basis for the implementation of patriotic education of the modern generation.
Keywords: patriotism, cultural code, national character, mentality, Russia.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Konopleva A. A. Challenges to the mental security of youth of the Republic of Crimea // Ensuring the mental security of youth in the context of real threats and potential challenges / edited by ButkevichS. A. – Simferopol: Polyprint, 2021. – P. 40-53.
2. Chudina-Schmidt N.V. Violation of the mechanisms of formation of persistent worldview principles as a condition for the formation of extreme sports // Ensuring the mental safety of youth in the conditions of real threats and potential challenges. – Simferopol, 2021. – pp. 54-61.
3. Patriotism is the source of heroism, military and labor feats of the people of Russia – M.: Boslen, 2008. – 304 pp.
4. Speech of Peter I on the eve of the Battle of Poltava. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/03/2023).
5. Patriotism: monitoring. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 09/03/2023).
6. VTsIOM told what Russians associate patriotism with. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 09/03/2023).
7. Smirnova M.I. Features of the language policy of the Russian Federation in Crimea // Development of statehood and law in the Republic of Crimea. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Under the general editorship of S. A. Butkevich. – 2016. – pp. 186-190.
8. Obrinskaya E.K. Mental security of the nation as a condition for ensuring the national security of the state // Ensuring public security and combating crime: tasks, problems and prospects. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. – 2017. – pp. 287-289.
9. Ethnopsychology. Textbook in diagrams: textbook. manual for university students / [author: V. L. Tsvetkov, A. V. Solovyova]. – M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2014. – 191 p.
10. Butkevich S. A. Prevention of threats to mental security (constructive and praxeological approaches) // Tauride studios. – 2021. – No. 27. – P. 10-17.

SEMKINA Evgeniya Nikolaevna
Ph.D. in political sciences, associate professor of Legal and humanitarian disciplines sub-faculty of the Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute
BOGATYREVA Olga Vasiljevna
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, associate professor of History sub-faculty of the K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management
ZAYTSEV Nikolay Nikolaevich
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of Humanitarian and social sciences sub-faculty of the General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev Novosibirsk Military Order of Zhukov Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
KONONOVA Svetlana Viktorovna
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, Dean of the Nevinnomyssk Medical Institute
The article examines the essence and current state of the level of patriotism in Russia in the context of the latest socio-political challenges, threats and socio-cultural transformations. A comparative analysis of approaches and ways of forming patriotism in the leading powers: the USA, China and Russia was used. The state of the problems of the manifestation and formation of patriotism in modern Russian society can be comprehended and ways of solving them can be worked out only through a comprehensive analysis of the geopolitical, civilizational, sociocultural and educational space. The article provides a comparative analysis of the approaches and ways of forming patriotism in the leading powers: the USA, China and Russia. The actualization of the problem of patriotic education of youth is due to the increasingly complex contradictions both within Russia and in the international arena. A series of political and socio-cultural transformations and events led, on the one hand, to an increase in patriotic sentiments among the youth and a surge in manifestations of national identity, on the other hand, the Crimean scenario from the beginning of 2014, demilitarization and denazification in 2022 contradicts both the expectations and moods of the part elites in the form in which they exist until the resolution of these events. At present, the education system is assigned one of the main roles in the formation and education of patriotic youth who love their country and respect traditional family values.
Keywords: Russian society, denazification, demilitarization, worldview, national identity, patriotism, patriotic education, education.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 – 2020” // Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 10/11/2022).
2. Patriotical education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2021 – 2024: Federal project of the national project “Education” // Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 10/11/2022).
3. Baklanov I. S., Baklanova O. A., Pokhilko A. D. Axiological guidelines and temporal references for the development of digital society // Bulletin of the Armavir State Pedagogical University. – 2021. – No. 4. – P. 136-144.
4. Baklanov I. S., Kolosova I. V. Dynamics of legal values in the context of globalization and digitalization // Economic and humanitarian studies of regions. – 2021. – No. 6. – P. 214-217.
5. Baklanova O. A., Dushina T. V. Sociality as a subject of sociocultural analysis // Sociodynamics. – 2017. – No. 6. – P. 52-58.
6. Belinsky V. G. Complete. collection cit., vols. I–XIII. – M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1953-1959.
7. Burlova Yu. A., Baklanova O. A. Social norm as a functional mechanism of sociality // Kant. – 2022. – No. 4 (45). – pp. 112-115.
8. Dobrolyubov N. A. Collection. op. in 9 volumes. – M.-L., Goslitizdat, 1961-1964.
9. Efremova T. F. New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative. – M.: Russian language. 2000.
10. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 4th ed., add. – M., 1999. – 944 pp.
11. Examples of national education: USA. The concept of patriotic education in Russia: historical memory and civic consciousness. – M.: Institute of National Strategy. – 2014. – P. 16-25.
12. Semkina E. N., Baklanov I. S., Baklanova O. A. Worldview uncertainty of youth as an essential characteristic of modern society // Scientific bulletin of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian-Technical Institute”. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 85-88.
13. Chernyshevsky N. G. Complete. collection op. in 15 volumes. – M., Goslitizdat, 1939-1953.

SUDAKOVA Nataliya Evgenjevna
Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences, Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, professor of UNESCO sub-faculty of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
PLINTSOVSKIY Andrey Sergeevich
postgraduate student of UNESCO sub-faculty of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
The article reveals the features of the deployment of socio-cultural inclusive initiatives in timely Russia. The purpose of the work is due to the need to identify the specifics of the implementation of inclusive socio-cultural initiatives that contribute to the successful socialization and creative self-realization of people with health deficits. The theoretical and methodological basis of inclusive research practices is presented. Russian socio-cultural practices of inclusive orientation are comprehended by means of philosophical and anthropological analysis. In the course of the study, it was revealed that modern strategies of socio-cultural development that implement inclusive ideas require overcoming formal models for evaluating their effectiveness. The economic feasibility of inclusive initiatives should be based on the real capabilities of each individual with health deficits. Socio-cultural development strategies require a systematic assessment of their effectiveness by the expert community and further updating.
Keywords: inclusion, disability, people with health deficits, Russia, creativity, sociocultural inclusive practices.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Belyaeva M. A. Sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people: from the policy of integration to inclusion // World of Science. Sociology, philology, cultural studies. – 2019. – No. 2. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 05/23/2023).
2. Vasyagina N. N. Man as a subject of sociocultural space // Pedagogical education in Russia. – 2013. – No. 4. – P.7-14.
3. Zolotukhina-Abolina E. V. Philosophical problems of creativity: an attempt at a review // Humanitarian of the South of Russia. − 2023. − T. 12. – No. 1 (59). − P. 75-87. DOI10.18522/2227-8656.2023.1.6EDNFUHXKK.
4. Petrovsky V. A. Personality in psychology: the paradigm of subjectivity: a textbook for university students. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.
5. Popova N. T., Shemanov A. Yu. Human corporeality, reproduction of his integrity, theater and disability // Man as an open integrity / Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – Novosibirsk: Limited Liability Company “Akademizdat”, 2022. – P. 213-236. – DOI 10.24412/cl-36976-2022-1-213-236. – EDN YPTKTC.
6. Rubinstein S. L. Man and the world // Problems of general psychology. – M.: Pedagogy, 1973. – 424 p.
7. Sociocultural projects in small towns of Russia. Digest. Inclusion. Moscow, 2021 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 05.24.2023)
8. Sudakova N. E. Inclusive education in Russia as a way of social integration of children with special educational needs // Science. – 2011. – No. 2 (2). – pp. 32-34. – EDN PAMVPV.
9. Sudakova N. E., Plintsovsky A. S. Inclusive festival movement in modern Russia from the perspective of the problem of disability: in the field of philosophical analysis // Society: philosophy, history, culture. – 2021. – No. 3 (83). – P. 18-22. – DOI 10.24158/fik.2021.3.2. – EDN IXVKSW.
10. Sudakova N. E. Inclusion in the system of universals of culture: the intrinsic value of another in the formation of participatory existence // Man. Society. Inclusion. – 2018. – No. 3 (35). – pp. 32-38. – EDN YWXTDV.
11. Sudakova N. E. Culture of inclusion as a new concept of the humanistic paradigm // Kazan Science. – 2011. – No. 9. – P. 148 –150.
12. Sudakova N. E. Ways to overcome the global sociocultural crisis: inclusive music education // Human capital. – 2011. – No. 11 (35). – pp. 180-182.
13. Sudakova N. E., Sapelnikov D. S., Popova M. V. Creativity in the context of cultural and philosophical understanding and pedagogical modeling of a person’s worldview. – Moscow: CT “Buki-Vedi”, 2016. – 184 p. – ISBN 978-5-9903240-3-9. – EDN YTELJR.
14. Sudakova N. E. The phenomenon of inclusion in the space of modern culture: dis. … doc. Philosopher Sci. – Moscow, 2019. – 440 pp.
15. Sudakova N. E. Phenomenology of socio-cultural interaction in inclusive music education // Modern technologies of musical education of children and youth in Moscow: Scientific and methodological manual / N. E. Sudakova et al. – Moscow: Russian State Social University , 2011. – 144 p. – P. 80-110. – ISBN 978-5-9903240-1-5. – EDN VOQKUG.
16. Sudakova N. E. Philosophy of inclusion: paths to the host society // Music in the information space of culture of the third millennium: problems, opinions, prospects: Collection of scientific works. – Issue VII. – Moscow: Russian State Social University, 2012. – P. 160-164. – EDN XFNZZU.
17. Sudakova N. E., Plintsovsky A. S. Philosophical reflection of the inclusive festival movement in the context of disability (based on the experience of the USA and EU countries) // Eurasian Legal Journal. – 2021. – No. 2 (153). – pp. 444-448. – DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2021-2-153-444-448. – EDN HAIBCS @@ Sudakova N. E. Philosophical reflection of inclusion as a phenomenon of modern culture: towards the Other // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. – 2016. – No. 11-1 (73). – pp. 152-154. – EDN WNDZKV.
18. Sudakova N. E. Philosophical reflection of inclusion as a phenomenon of modern culture: towards the Other // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. – 2016. – No. 11-1 (73). – pp. 152-154. – EDN WNDZKV.
19. Sudakova N. E. Man in the era of inclusion: the birth of complicit Being: monograph. – M.: Buki Vedi, 2018. – 216 p.
20. Yaroshenko N. N. Inclusive creative practices in the developing space of Russian culture // Bulletin of MGUKI. – 2022. – No. 5 (109). – pp. 133-141.
21. Sudakova N. E., Astafyeva O. N. Discourse of inclusion in the complexity era: In the BRICS space // Space and Culture, India. – 2020. – Vol. 7.No. 5. – P. 80-89. – DOI 10.20896/SACI.V7I5.694. – EDN PRSCGZ.
22. Sudakova N. E., Astafyeva O. N. Inclusion as a modern cultural universal: Reflection and conceptualization // Journal of Social Studies Education Research. – 2019. – Vol. 10.No. 3. – P. 212-235. – EDN UEVJNO.

STEPANENKO Alexey Sergeevich
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor, Head of Humanities and socio-economic sciences sub-faculty, Director of the East-Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Irkutsk
The concept of neural networks and artificial intelligence as a category of dualism in the philosophy of consciousness, despite the ongoing debate about the nature of consciousness and the potential consciousness of artificial intelligence, are not widely used in research practice, which determines the relevance of the study. The object of research is consciousness as a complex phenomenon of human activity, the subject of research is computer systems that imitate or repeat human consciousness in their activity. The purpose of the study is to use a systematic structure to consider the origins of dualism, its fundamental principles, various forms of dualism and its consequences for our understanding of human and machine consciousness. This study provides a critical assessment of dualism and an understanding of its significance in the field of philosophy of consciousness as a combination of two categories of neural networks and artificial intelligence.
Keywords: emergence, connectionism, consciousness, thinking, complex system, machine learning.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Knyazev V. N. Cartesian dualism and psychophysical parallelism // Fifth Cartesian readings “Cartesian dualism and the modern picture of the world”: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, Moscow – Zelenograd, November 15–16, 2018 / Under the general. ed. A. I. Pirogova, T. V. Rastimeshina. Volume 1. – Moscow – Zelenograd: National Research University “Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology”, 2018. – P. 111-117. – EDN YRFPOH.
2. Samsonov A.L. Formula of modern dualism // Ecology and life. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 3-10. – EDN MHXBBP.
3. Mainzer K. Exploring complexity: from artificial life and artificial intelligence to cyberphysical systems // Philosophy of science and technology. – 2015. – T. 20. No. 2. – P. 85-105. – EDN VCVPHN.
4. Kryukov V.I. Connectionism and dominance // Discussion about neurocomputers: Information material / USSR Academy of Sciences, Scientific Center for Biological Research, Scientific Research Computing Center. – Pushchino: Scientific Center for Biological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988. – P. 18-24. – EDN QARXPY.

ULANOV Alexey Alexandrovich
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor of Social and political communications sub-faculty of the Institute of Petroleum and Gas Business of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
SHARIPOVA Violanta Venerovna
magister student of Digital technologies in petroleum and gas field development and operation sub-faculty of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
The article examines the role of communicative space in society. An analysis of the structure and features of the communicative space was carried out.
Keywords: communication, communication space, signs, symbols, interaction.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Marx K. Economic manuscripts 1857-1859. // Marx K. Engels F. – T. 46. – Part 1. – P. 214.
2. Bourdieu P. Sociology of politics. – M., 1993. – P. 60.
3. Sztompka P. Sociology of social changes. – M., 1996. – P. 26.
4. Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality. – M., 1996. – P. 50.
5. Parsons T. The coordinate system of action and the general theory of action systems: culture, personality and the place of social systems // American sociological thought. – M., 1994. – P. 454.
6. Langer S. Philosophy in a new key. – M., 2000. – P. 34.

FARKHITDINOVA Olga Mikhaylovna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Ontology and theory of cognition sub-faculty of the Ural Humanitarian Institute of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
With the emergence of interest in non-subjective types of interaction in the typologies of humanitarian knowledge of the XXI century, such as “human – machine”, “human – virtual”, a new version of the concept of “humanitarian expertise” was updated . The foundation philosophies of the changes that have taken place within the spectrum of the humanities in new types of relations are such that through these types of interaction, we have discovered fundamentally different ways to find an answer to the philosophical problem of being and existence in conditions of existential risk. Changes in the ontological status of the essence of the formed relationships have occurred in such previously private areas for a person as faith and religion. The discovered levels of non-subjective types of interaction change ideas about the principles of organization of ontological categories used to describe and explain the presence of a person in the world. In such conditions, complex types of connections, technologies in their independent cognitive meaning are subject to comprehension, that is, everything that creates new versions of ontological projects of human presence in the world. As a result of such processes, the idea of the purpose of a person changes significantly, the ontological foundations, the “frontiers” of the meanings of the epoch and the associated ways of cognition and realization of being are being revised.
Keywords: humanitarian expertise, religious studies expertise, ontology of reciprocity, migration of concepts and conceptual structures.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Belchikov Ya. M., Birshtein M. M. Business games. – Riga. Avots, 1989. – 304 p.
2. Belyaeva E. V. “Ethics of responsibility” as a type of moral theory in comparison with “ethics of duty” and “ethics of the good” // Gazette of Applied Ethics. – 2022. Issue 59. – pp. 73-92.
3. Grebenshchikova E. G. Humanitarian expertise in the “risk society” // Personality. Culture. Society. – 2011. – Volume XIII. Vol. 2 (No. 63-64).
4. Jonas G. The principle of responsibility. – M.: Publishing house “Iris-Press”, 2004. – 480 p.
5. Lankin V. G., Selivanov S. A. Humanitarian expertise as a tool for forming the image of a prosperous future // Bulletin of Science of Siberia. – 2018. –No. 1 (28). – pp. 88-101.
6. Pickering E. New ontologies // Logos. – T. 2.7 No. 3. – 2017. – P.153-172.
7. Tishchenko P. D. Philosophical foundations of humanitarian expertise // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 198-205.
8. Digital trace as an object of forensic examination: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Moscow: RG-Press, 2023. – 272 p.
9. Shchedrovitsky G. P. Organizational-activity game as a new form of organization and method of development of collective mental activity // Selected works. Shchedrovitsky G. P. Ed. Comp. A. A. Piskoppel, L. P. Shchedrovitsky. – M., 1995. – P. 115-142.
10. Yudin B. G. From ethical expertise to humanitarian expertise // Humanitarian knowledge: development trends in the 21st century. In honor of the 70th anniversary of Igor Mikhailovich Ilyinsky / Coll. monograph; under general ed. Shaft. A. Lukova. – M.: Publishing House National. Institute of Business, 2006. – pp. 214-237.
11. Yudin, B. G., Lukov, Val. A. Humanitarian expertise. Towards the justification of the research project. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Humanitarian University, 2006.

BUTENKO Anna Konstantinovna
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor of Theory and history of law and state sub-faculty of the Barnaul Law Institute of the MIA of Russia
The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of the main problems of the study of historical consciousness, such as: the definition of the concept of “historical consciousness”, the time of its origin and genesis, the content and structure of historical consciousness, as well as the place of historical consciousness in the system of public consciousness. The author analyzes the works of domestic and foreign researchers on the subject of the content of “historical consciousness”. The authors’ approaches to the time of the origin of historical consciousness and its structure are systematized. At the same time, the author argues his position on each of the problematic issues of the study of historical consciousness.
Keywords: historical consciousness, genesis, concept, stages, mythology, Middle Ages, structure, epistemology, social consciousness, historiography, methodology.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Elchaninov V. A. Sociogenetics and problems of historical consciousness – Barnaul: Publishing house of Altai State University, 2007.
2. Kosolapov V.V. Methodology and logic of historical research. – Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1977.
3. Levada Yu. A. Historical consciousness and scientific method // Philosophical problems of historical science. – M.: Nauka, 1969. – P. 186
4. Liebig Yu. “Historical consciousness as a subject of philosophical research: Abstract of thesis. dis. …cand. Philosopher Sciences – M.: AON under the CPSU Central Committee, 1983.
5. Skepkina A.K. Epistemological aspects of the structuring of historical consciousness: Dis. … can. Philosopher Sci. – Barnaul, 2009.
6. Tolstykh V.I. Science and morality. – M., 1969.

ZANDELOV Vladislav Vladimirovich
competitor of Philosophy and social sciences sub-faculty of the Murmansk Arctic University
The article examines the principles of law equity in the framework of philosophy of law presented by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin. The author provides a systematic analysis of various aspects of the philosopher’s views on the nature of law equity. The legislative framework set forth by I.A. Ilyin represents a legal system that will not be limited to bureaucracy, but will be set to provide the necessary conditions for the successful development of the individual and the state. It is of importance to note that the Russian philosopher does not offer a ready-made “formula” of law equity, but outlines the directions in which society should develop in order to acquire it instead.
Keywords: law, justice, morality, legislation, state, evolution, revolution, violence.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Ilyin I. A. Our tasks. In search of justice II / Collected works: In 10 volumes – M.: Russian book, 1993. – T. 2. Book. 1. – 496 pp.
2. Ilyin I. A. Our tasks. The elimination of socialism / Collected works: In 10 volumes – M.: Russian book, 1993. – T. 2. Book. 1. – 496 pp.
3. Ilyin I. A. General doctrine of law and state / Collected works in 10 volumes – M.: Russian Book, 1994. – T. 4. – 624 pp.
4. Ilyin I. A. About the monarchy and the republic / Collected works in 10 volumes – M.: Russian Book, 1994. – T. 4. – 624 pp.
5. Ilyin I. A. On the essence of legal consciousness / Collected works in 10 volumes – M.: Russian Book, 1994. – T. 4. – 624 pp.
6. Ilyin I. A. Singing heart. Book of Quiet Contemplations / Collected Works in 10 volumes – M.: Russian Book, 1994. – Vol. 3. – 592 pp.
7. Ilyin I. A. The path of spiritual renewal / Collected works in 10 volumes – M.: Russian Book, 1993. – T. 1. – 400 pp.
8. Muromtsev S. A. Definition and basic division of law. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, 2004. – 204 p.
9. Novgorodtsev P.I. On the social ideal. – M.: Press, 1991. – 639 p.

KONSTANTINOV Alexey Yurjevich
postgraduate student of the V. P. Astafjev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
The article clarifies the concept of “Yoga”, which is viewed as a multi-faceted social phenomenon. Yoga is interpreted from the perspective of foucauldian methodology and viewed as practice of “taking care of oneself”, e.d. some special technology of subjectivation. The author researches the ways of Yoga`s transformation from local national esoteric tradition to global multicultural entity. The polyvalent and social contextually nature of Yoga are analyzed. The concept of Yoga as authentic self-identical entity is problematized. The main causes of Yoga-boon in the West are highlighted. Some special attention are drawn to transformation of Yoga`s traditional self-improvement discourse into technology of “taking care of oneself” pertinent to neoliberal discourse which is maximization of human capital. It is concluded that Yoga from the moment of the outset was creature of fabrication, social construct and in its modern version can reinforce the normative processes of subjectivation in neoliberal ethos.
Keywords: yoga, discourse, neoliberalism, history, biopolitics, Foucault.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Iyengar B.K.S. Yoga tree. – M.: MEDSI XXI, 1997. – P. 256.
2. Wen P. Foucault. His thought and personality / Translation from French. A.V. Shestakova. – St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2013. – P. 195.
3. Vivekananda S. Live in inner peace. Lecture given in Los Angeles, California, 1900. [Electronic resource]. – access mode: (access date: 09.18.2023).
4. Vivekananda S. Raja Yoga. Course of lectures / Translation from English. Y.K. Popova. – M.: Starklight, 2012. – P. 237.
5. Yoga / Transl. from Sanskrit by V. Rudogo, E. Ostrovskaya. – St. Petersburg: ABC-classics, 2002. – P. 576.
6. Yoga for the benefit of the world. [Electronic resource]. – access mode: (access date: 09/18/2023).
7. Mineev V.V. Pair work at seminars on philosophy: A textbook for university students. – Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. state ped. University named after V. P. Astafieva, 2013. – P. 132.
8. Mineev V.V. Formation of ideas about global evolutionism and synergetics in the process of studying the course “History and Philosophy of Science” // Vestnik KSPU im. V. P. Astafieva. – 2008. – Issue 2/3. – 13-20 sec.
9. Five new elements were included in the Representative List of the Cultural Intangible Heritage of Humanity [Electronic resource]. – access mode: (date of access: 09/18/2023).
10. Rusakova O. F., Khmelinin A. A. Neoliberal discourse: strategies and technologies for constructing a new subjectivity // Scientific yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2012. – Issue. 12. – P. 264.
11. Foucault M. History of sexuality – III: Self-care. – Kyiv: Spirit and Litera: Grunt; M.: Refl-book, 1998. – P. 288.
12. Foucault M. The Birth of Biopolitics. Course of lectures given at the College de France in 1978-1979 school year / Transl. from fr. A. V. Dyakov. – St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2010. – P. 448.
13. Carter M. New Poses for Macho Men // The Times (London). – May 22. – 2004.
14. Friesen N., Kenklies K. Continental pedagogy & curriculum // International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition), 2023. – P. 245-255.
15. Gusman A. Guess Who’s Coming to Yoga // Yoga Journal. – Sept/Oct. – 1994. – R. 8-47.
16. Jacobsen K. A. Theory and practice of Yoga: Essays in Honor of Gerald James Larson. – Brill Academic Publishers, 2005. – R. 478.
17. Joseph S. Alter. Yoga in modern India: The Body Between Philosophy and Science. – Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. – R. 309-310.
18. Liberman K. The Reflexivity of the Authenticity of Hatha Yoga in Mark Singleton and Jean Byrne (eds.), Yoga in the Modern World: Contemporary Perspectives (London and New York: Routledge, 2008), [hereafter YMW]. – 104 rub.
19. Mallinson J. Roots of Yoga, M. Michel Foucault on Attica: An Interview. – Telos. – 1974. – P. 61-154.
20. Michelis E. A History of Modern Yoga: Patañjali and Western Esotericism. – Bloomsbury, London and New York, 2005. – RUR 302
21. Remski M. Practice and All is Coming: abuse, Cult Dynamics and Healing in Yoga and beyond. Rangiora, New Zealand: Embodied Wisdom Publishing Ltd. 2019 – 366 rub. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: and-beyond-full-online
22. Sidnell J. Ethical practice and techniques of the self at a yoga school in southern India // Anthropology Today. – 2017. – No. 33 (4). – R. 13-17. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
23. Vîşcu L-I., Cădariu I-E., Watkins C.E. Competency Based Training for Clinical Supervisors. Academic Press, 2023. – RUR 395
24. White D. G. Yoga in Practice. – Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012. – RUR 416
25. Yoga Journal Releases 2012 Yoga in America Market Study // YJ EDITORS. – Dec 5. – 2012.

STEPANENKO Alexey Sergeevich
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, associate professor, Head of Humanities and socio-economic sciences sub-faculty, Director of the East-Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Irkutsk
Artificial intelligence is a consequence of the technical and technological development of society, and its development as a given of the modern world becomes inevitable and necessary, which raises important questions about the nature of knowledge, information and the consequences of using artificial intelligence for the legal space. The object of research is cognitive activity as a phenomenon of human activity, the subject of research is the form of existence and systematization of the result of cognition. The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical analysis of knowledge and information generated by artificial intelligence as new categories in the philosophy of law. This article examines the unique characteristics of knowledge and information generated by artificial intelligence, their impact on legal decision-making and philosophical implications for the field of law. The theoretical analysis touches on issues such as transparency of artificial intelligence, accountability, legal justification and problems of integrating knowledge obtained with the help of artificial intelligence into the existing legal framework.
Keywords: law, decision-making, law enforcement, legal realizability, legal personality.
Bibliographic list of articles
1. Minh D. et al. Explainable artificial intelligence: a comprehensive review // Artificial Intelligence Review. – 2022. – P. 1-66. – DOI 10.1007/s10462-021-10088-y.
2. Adadi A., Berrada M. Peeking inside the black-box: a survey on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) // IEEE access. – 2018. – T. 6. – P. 52138-52160. – DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2870052/
3. Shidlovsky A.V., Zadorin M.Yu. Natural law and artificial intelligence: on the way to the “digital Cambrian explosion” // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series: Jurisprudence. – 2021. – No. 3. – P. 39-53. – DOI 10.18384/2310-6794-2021-3-39-53. – EDN EGNYMU.

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